[Gluster-users] [ovirt-users] Gluster problems, cluster performance issues
Sahina Bose
2018-05-29 05:50:49 UTC
[Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]

On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> Hello:
> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues lately. I
> also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to apply updates
> (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1 repos were
> taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade to 4.2.
> According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do a yum
> update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded the hosted
> engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for some reason
> one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
> Brick
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-
> 7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-
> f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-
> b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-
> d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-
> 6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-
> 0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-
> e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-
> b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
> Status: Connected
> Number of entries: 8
> Brick
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-
> 7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-
> f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-
> 0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-
> b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-
> d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-
> e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-
> b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-
> 6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
> Status: Connected
> Number of entries: 8
> Brick
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-
> 0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-
> e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-
> b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-
> 6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-
> f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-
> 7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-
> b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-
> d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
> Status: Connected
> Number of entries: 8
> ---------
> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth monitoring
> shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly commanding a full
> heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the same files that
> need healing.
> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see sometimes
> different information, but always some number of "heal failed" entries. It
> shows 0 for split brain.
> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to nodes 1 and 2
> still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm afraid to upgrade
> and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't need to create a
> split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on most of my
> VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote desktop can
> take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily take 10
> minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for
> 22s! [mongod:14766]
> (the process and PID are often different)
> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial thought was
> upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I cannot move
> forward with that until my gluster is healed...
> Thanks!
> --Jim
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list -- ***@ovirt.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to users-***@ovirt.org
> Privacy Statement: https://www.ovirt.org/site/privacy-policy/
> oVirt Code of Conduct: https://www.ovirt.org/community/about/community-
> guidelines/
> List Archives: https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/***@ovirt.org/
Sahina Bose
2018-05-29 18:53:41 UTC
Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If so, could
you attach the logs?
Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach output of volume

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting random errors
> from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused due to
> storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing well.
> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production services are
> now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly (when they run),
> and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I was seeing CPU
> peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few minutes at a
> time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was logged into that
> were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my origional post). Is
> all this storage related?
> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and only one had
> the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same time and
> same way.
> --Jim
> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com> wrote:
>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues lately. I
>>> also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to apply updates
>>> (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1 repos were
>>> taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade to 4.2.
>>> According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do a yum
>>> update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded the hosted
>>> engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for some reason
>>> one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>> Brick
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>> Status: Connected
>>> Number of entries: 8
>>> Brick
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>> Status: Connected
>>> Number of entries: 8
>>> Brick
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>> Status: Connected
>>> Number of entries: 8
>>> ---------
>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth monitoring
>>> shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly commanding a full
>>> heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the same files that
>>> need healing.
>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see sometimes
>>> different information, but always some number of "heal failed" entries. It
>>> shows 0 for split brain.
>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to nodes 1 and 2
>>> still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm afraid to upgrade
>>> and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't need to create a
>>> split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on most of my
>>> VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote desktop can
>>> take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily take 10
>>> minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck
>>> for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial thought was
>>> upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I cannot move
>>> forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>> Thanks!
>>> --Jim
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Users mailing list -- ***@ovirt.org
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to users-***@ovirt.org
>>> Privacy Statement: https://www.ovirt.org/site/privacy-policy/
>>> oVirt Code of Conduct: https://www.ovirt.org/communit
>>> y/about/community-guidelines/
>>> List Archives: https://lists.ovirt.org/archiv
>>> es/list/***@ovirt.org/message/3LEV6ZQ3JV2XLAL7NYBTXOYMYUOTIRQF/
Alex K
2018-05-29 20:27:09 UTC
I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points where your
gluster volumes reside.

On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 3905945472
> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 3905945584
> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 3905943424
> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 3905943536
> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 3905945472
> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 3905945584
> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded to 4.2):
>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl:
>> ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: database
>> connection failed (No such file or directory)
>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl:
>> ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: database
>> connection failed (No such file or directory)
>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl:
>> ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: database
>> connection failed (No such file or directory)
>> (appears a lot).
>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings about the
>> backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica 3). The
>> glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its my
>> understanding that it should continue to work with the other two machines
>> while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes (touching an
>> empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be much faster.
>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know what ones
>> you want, or from which machine(s).
>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>> Thanks!
>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If so,
>>> could you attach the logs?
>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach output of
>>> volume profiling?
>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting random
>>>> errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused due to
>>>> storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing well.
>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production services
>>>> are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly (when they
>>>> run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I was seeing
>>>> CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few minutes at a
>>>> time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was logged into that
>>>> were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my origional post). Is
>>>> all this storage related?
>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and only one
>>>> had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same time and
>>>> same way.
>>>> --Jim
>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues lately.
>>>>>> I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to apply
>>>>>> updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1 repos
>>>>>> were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade to
>>>>>> 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do a
>>>>>> yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>>>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>>>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded the hosted
>>>>>> engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for some reason
>>>>>> one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see sometimes
>>>>>> different information, but always some number of "heal failed" entries. It
>>>>>> shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to nodes 1
>>>>>> and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm afraid to
>>>>>> upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't need to
>>>>>> create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on most of
>>>>>> my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote desktop
>>>>>> can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily take 10
>>>>>> minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck
>>>>>> for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial thought
>>>>>> was upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I cannot
>>>>>> move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> --Jim
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Krutika Dhananjay
2018-05-30 04:17:48 UTC
Adding Ravi to look into the heal issue.

As for the fsync hang and subsequent IO errors, it seems a lot like
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1497156 and Paolo Bonzini from
qemu had pointed out that this would be fixed by the following commit:

commit e72c9a2a67a6400c8ef3d01d4c461dbbbfa0e1f0
Author: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
Date: Wed Jun 21 16:35:46 2017 +0200

scsi: virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling

virtio_scsi tries to do exception handling after the default 30 seconds
timeout expires. However, it's better to let the host control the
timeout, otherwise with a heavy I/O load it is likely that an abort will
also timeout. This leads to fatal errors like filesystems going

Disable the 'sd' timeout and allow the host to do exception handling,
following the precedent of the storvsc driver.

Hannes has a proposal to introduce timeouts in virtio, but this provides
an immediate solution for stable kernels too.

[mkp: fixed typo]

Reported-by: Douglas Miller <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Cc: "James E.J. Bottomley" <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Cc: "Martin K. Petersen" <***@oracle.com>
Cc: Hannes Reinecke <***@suse.de>
Cc: linux-***@vger.kernel.org
Cc: ***@vger.kernel.org
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <***@oracle.com>

Adding Paolo/Kevin to comment.

As for the poor gluster performance, could you disable cluster.eager-lock
and see if that makes any difference:

# gluster volume set <VOL> cluster.eager-lock off

Do also capture the volume profile again if you still see performance
issues after disabling eager-lock.


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10679.527144] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
> 0x00000080
> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
> [10679.527161] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10679.527218] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [10679.527225] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10679.527254] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10679.527260] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [10679.527268] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10679.527271] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [10679.527275] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10679.527279] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
> 0x00000080
> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
> [10679.529966] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10679.530003] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [10679.530008] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10679.530038] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10679.530042] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [10679.530046] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10679.530050] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
> [10679.530054] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10679.530058] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13 D ffff9720a83f0000 0 15486 1
> 0x00000080
> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
> [10679.533747] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10679.533799] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [10679.533806] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10679.533846] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10679.533852] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [10679.533858] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10679.533863] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
> [10679.533868] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10679.533873] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10919.516663] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
> 0x00000080
> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
> [10919.516690] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10919.516696] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [10919.516703] [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
> [10919.516768] [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ? _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460 [xfs]
> [10919.516774] [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
> [10919.516782] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10919.516821] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
> [10919.516859] [<ffffffffc05eafa9>] xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0 [xfs]
> [10919.516902] [<ffffffffc061b279>] ? xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
> [xfs]
> [10919.516940] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
> [10919.516977] [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160 [xfs]
> [10919.517022] [<ffffffffc061b279>] xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
> [xfs]
> [10919.517057] [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
> [10919.517091] [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0 [xfs]
> [10919.517126] [<ffffffffc05c9fee>] xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0
> [xfs]
> [10919.517160] [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>] xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170 [xfs]
> [10919.517194] [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10919.517233] [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
> [10919.517271] [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
> [10919.517278] [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
> [10919.517283] [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
> [10919.517288] [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
> [10919.517296] [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ? selinux_file_free_security+
> 0x23/0x30
> [10919.517304] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10919.517309] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10919.517313] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10919.517318] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10919.517323] [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
> [10919.517328] [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
> [10919.517333] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10919.517339] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9 D ffff971fa0fa1fa0 0 15482 1
> 0x00000080
> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
> [11159.498995] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
> [11159.498999] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11159.499003] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [11159.499056] [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0 [xfs]
> [11159.499082] [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0 [xfs]
> [11159.499090] [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
> [11159.499093] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
> [11159.499097] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [11159.499101] [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
> [11159.499104] [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
> [11159.499107] [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
> [11159.499113] [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
> [11159.499118] [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
> [11159.499121] [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
> [11159.499125] [<ffffffffb9394e85>] grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x55/0xc0
> [11159.499130] [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
> [11159.499135] [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
> [11159.499140] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
> [11159.499144] [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
> [11159.499149] [<ffffffffb9485621>] iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1/0xe0
> [11159.499153] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
> [11159.499182] [<ffffffffc05f025d>] xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0
> [xfs]
> [11159.499213] [<ffffffffc05f057d>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0 [xfs]
> [11159.499217] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
> [11159.499222] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
> [11159.499225] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
> [11159.499230] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11159.499234] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11159.499238] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff9720a8660fd0 0 1134 2
> 0x00000000
> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
> [11279.491682] [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
> [11279.491688] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.491744] [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
> [11279.491750] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.491783] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [11279.491817] [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
> [11279.491849] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
> [xfs]
> [11279.491880] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [11279.491913] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
> [xfs]
> [11279.491919] [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
> [11279.491926] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [11279.491932] [<ffffffffb9920677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
> [11279.491936] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70 0 14934 1
> 0x00000080
> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
> [11279.494979] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
> [dm_mod]
> [11279.494983] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.494987] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [11279.494997] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0 [dm_mod]
> [11279.495001] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [11279.495005] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
> [11279.495010] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.495016] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
> [11279.495049] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
> [xfs]
> [11279.495079] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.495086] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [11279.495090] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.495094] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [11279.495098] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.495102] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
> 0x00000080
> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
> [11279.498134] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
> [dm_mod]
> [11279.498138] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.498142] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [11279.498152] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0 [dm_mod]
> [11279.498156] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [11279.498160] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
> [11279.498165] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.498169] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
> [11279.498202] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
> [xfs]
> [11279.498231] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.498238] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [11279.498242] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.498246] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
> [11279.498250] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.498254] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1 D ffff97208b6daf70 0 14950 1
> 0x00000080
> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
> [11279.501353] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.501390] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [11279.501396] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.501428] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.501432] [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
> [11279.501461] [<ffffffffc05f0545>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0 [xfs]
> [11279.501466] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
> [11279.501471] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
> [11279.501475] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
> [11279.501479] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.501483] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.501489] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4 D ffff972499f2bf40 0 14953 1
> 0x00000080
> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
> [11279.504640] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.504676] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [11279.504681] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.504710] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.504714] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [11279.504718] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.504722] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [11279.504725] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.504730] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150), lowering
> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
> --------------------
> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
> irrespective of gluster volume. At the time this happened, I was also
> ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry commands. I had just
> run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what version was actually
> installed), and that command took almost 2 minutes to return! Normally it
> takes less than 2 seconds. That is all pure local SSD IO, too....
> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software causes
> these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software, even if its
> mis-handled exceptions. Is this correct?
> --Jim
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes that lives
>> on the SSDs and is fully operational with no down/problem disks:
>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Cumulative Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 1024b+
>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>> 1059
>> No. of Writes: 0 1113
>> 302
>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>> 8192b+
>> No. of Reads: 852 88608
>> 53526
>> No. of Writes: 522 812340
>> 76257
>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>> 65536b+
>> No. of Reads: 54351 241901
>> 15024
>> No. of Writes: 21636 8656
>> 8976
>> Block Size: 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 524156
>> No. of Writes: 296071
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4189
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1257
>> 0.00 46.19 us 12.00 us 187.00 us 69
>> 0.00 147.00 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 86
>> 0.00 223.46 us 24.00 us 1166.00 us 149
>> 0.00 565.34 us 76.00 us 3639.00 us 88
>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>> LK
>> 0.00 98.84 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1198
>> 0.00 91.59 us 26.00 us 10371.00 us 3853
>> 0.00 494.14 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1171
>> 0.00 299.42 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 2044
>> 0.00 1965.31 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 321
>> 0.01 113.40 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 8134
>> 0.01 755.38 us 57.00 us 607603.00 us 3196
>> 0.05 2690.09 us 58.00 us 2704761.00 us 3206
>> 0.10 119978.25 us 97.00 us 9406684.00 us 154
>> 0.18 101.73 us 28.00 us 700477.00 us 313379
>> 0.23 1059.84 us 25.00 us 2716124.00 us 38255
>> 0.47 1024.11 us 54.00 us 6197164.00 us 81455
>> 1.72 2984.00 us 15.00 us 37098954.00 us 103020
>> 5.92 44315.32 us 51.00 us 24731536.00 us 23957
>> 13.27 2399.78 us 25.00 us 22089540.00 us 991005
>> 37.00 5980.43 us 52.00 us 22099889.00 us 1108976
>> 41.04 5452.75 us 13.00 us 22102452.00 us 1349053
>> Duration: 10026 seconds
>> Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
>> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
>> Interval 1 Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 1024b+
>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>> 1059
>> No. of Writes: 0 838
>> 185
>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>> 8192b+
>> No. of Reads: 852 85856
>> 51575
>> No. of Writes: 382 705802
>> 57812
>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>> 65536b+
>> No. of Reads: 52673 232093
>> 14984
>> No. of Writes: 13499 4908
>> 4242
>> Block Size: 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 460040
>> No. of Writes: 6411
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>> 0.00 53.38 us 26.00 us 111.00 us 16
>> 0.00 145.14 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 71
>> 0.00 190.96 us 114.00 us 298.00 us 71
>> 0.00 213.38 us 24.00 us 1145.00 us 90
>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>> LK
>> 0.00 101.76 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1093
>> 0.01 93.60 us 27.00 us 10371.00 us 3090
>> 0.02 537.47 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1038
>> 0.03 297.44 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 1990
>> 0.03 2357.28 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 253
>> 0.04 385.93 us 58.00 us 47593.00 us 2091
>> 0.04 114.86 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 7715
>> 0.06 444.59 us 57.00 us 333240.00 us 3053
>> 0.42 316.24 us 25.00 us 290728.00 us 29823
>> 0.73 257.92 us 54.00 us 344812.00 us 63296
>> 1.37 98.30 us 28.00 us 67621.00 us 313172
>> 1.58 2124.69 us 51.00 us 849200.00 us 16717
>> 5.73 162.46 us 52.00 us 748492.00 us 794079
>> 7.19 2065.17 us 16.00 us 37098954.00 us 78381
>> 36.44 886.32 us 25.00 us 2216436.00 us 925421
>> 46.30 1178.04 us 13.00 us 1700704.00 us 884635
>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>> Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
>> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
>> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Cumulative Stats:
>> Block Size: 1b+
>> No. of Reads: 0
>> No. of Writes: 3264419
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 90
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 9462
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4254
>> 0.00 50.52 us 13.00 us 190.00 us 71
>> 0.00 186.97 us 87.00 us 713.00 us 86
>> 0.00 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>> LK
>> 0.00 220.98 us 129.00 us 513.00 us 86
>> 0.01 259.30 us 26.00 us 2632.00 us 137
>> 0.02 322.76 us 145.00 us 2125.00 us 321
>> 0.03 109.55 us 2.00 us 1258.00 us 1193
>> 0.05 70.21 us 21.00 us 431.00 us 3196
>> 0.05 169.26 us 21.00 us 2315.00 us 1545
>> 0.12 176.85 us 63.00 us 2844.00 us 3206
>> 0.61 303.49 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9633
>> 2.44 305.66 us 28.00 us 3716.00 us 38230
>> 4.52 266.22 us 55.00 us 53424.00 us 81455
>> 6.96 1397.99 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 23889
>> 16.48 84.74 us 25.00 us 6917.00 us 932592
>> 30.16 106.90 us 13.00 us 3920189.00 us 1353046
>> 38.55 1794.52 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 103039
>> Duration: 66562 seconds
>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
>> Interval 1 Stats:
>> Block Size: 1b+
>> No. of Reads: 0
>> No. of Writes: 794080
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>> 0.00 70.31 us 26.00 us 125.00 us 16
>> 0.00 193.10 us 103.00 us 713.00 us 71
>> 0.01 227.32 us 133.00 us 513.00 us 71
>> 0.01 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>> LK
>> 0.01 259.83 us 35.00 us 1138.00 us 89
>> 0.03 318.26 us 145.00 us 2047.00 us 253
>> 0.04 112.67 us 3.00 us 1258.00 us 1093
>> 0.06 167.98 us 23.00 us 1951.00 us 1014
>> 0.08 70.97 us 22.00 us 431.00 us 3053
>> 0.13 183.78 us 66.00 us 2844.00 us 2091
>> 1.01 303.82 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9610
>> 3.27 316.59 us 30.00 us 3716.00 us 29820
>> 5.83 265.79 us 59.00 us 53424.00 us 63296
>> 7.95 1373.89 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 16717
>> 23.17 851.99 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 78555
>> 24.04 87.44 us 27.00 us 6917.00 us 794081
>> 34.36 111.91 us 14.00 us 984871.00 us 886790
>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>> Data Written: 794080 bytes
>> -----------------------
>> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs and has one
>> failed disk:
>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
>> Brick:
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Cumulative Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 1024b+
>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>> 16
>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>> 71
>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>> 8192b+
>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>> 2049
>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>> 35727
>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>> 65536b+
>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>> 1088
>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>> 1285
>> Block Size: 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 771999
>> No. of Writes: 29584
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>> LK
>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>> 0.07 85.74 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>> 5.94 2331.74 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>> 7.31 8311.75 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>> 12.49 7735.19 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>> 17.70 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>> 24.55 2546.43 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>> 31.56 49699.15 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>> Interval 0 Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 1024b+
>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>> 16
>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>> 71
>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>> 8192b+
>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>> 2049
>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>> 35727
>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>> 65536b+
>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>> 1088
>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>> 1285
>> Block Size: 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 771999
>> No. of Writes: 29584
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>> LK
>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>> 0.07 85.73 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>> 5.94 2334.57 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>> 7.31 8311.49 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>> 12.49 7735.32 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>> 17.71 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>> 24.56 2546.42 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>> 31.54 49651.63 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you for your response.
>>> I have 4 gluster volumes. 3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. replica bricks
>>> are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on ovirt3. The 4th volume is replica
>>> 3, with a brick on all three ovirt machines.
>>> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a Seagate SSHD
>>> (same in all three machines). On ovirt3, the SSHD has reported hard IO
>>> failures, and that brick is offline. However, the other two replicas are
>>> fully operational (although they still show contents in the heal info
>>> command that won't go away, but that may be the case until I replace the
>>> failed disk).
>>> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are showing horrible
>>> performance issues. At this point, as the bad disk has been completely
>>> offlined, I would expect gluster to perform at normal speed, but that is
>>> definitely not the case.
>>> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come in waves:
>>> things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a while, then suddenly, its
>>> as if all disk IO on all volumes (including non-gluster local OS disk
>>> volumes for the hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
>>> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and host not
>>> responding notices as well as the applications having major issues.
>>> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my essential core VMs
>>> (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still am experiencing the same issues.
>>> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was brought offline
>>> that performance should return to normal?
>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K <***@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points where your
>>>> gluster volumes reside.
>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
>>>>> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
>>>>> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>> 3905943424
>>>>> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>> 3905943536
>>>>> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded to 4.2):
>>>>>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>> (appears a lot).
>>>>>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings about the
>>>>>> backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica 3). The
>>>>>> glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its my
>>>>>> understanding that it should continue to work with the other two machines
>>>>>> while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes (touching an
>>>>>> empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be much faster.
>>>>>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know what
>>>>>> ones you want, or from which machine(s).
>>>>>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If so,
>>>>>>> could you attach the logs?
>>>>>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach output of
>>>>>>> volume profiling?
>>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting random
>>>>>>>> errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused due to
>>>>>>>> storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing well.
>>>>>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production
>>>>>>>> services are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>>>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly (when
>>>>>>>> they run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I was
>>>>>>>> seeing CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few
>>>>>>>> minutes at a time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was
>>>>>>>> logged into that were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my
>>>>>>>> origional post). Is all this storage related?
>>>>>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and only
>>>>>>>> one had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same time
>>>>>>>> and same way.
>>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues
>>>>>>>>>> lately. I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to
>>>>>>>>>> apply updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1
>>>>>>>>>> repos were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade
>>>>>>>>>> to 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do
>>>>>>>>>> a yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>>>>>>>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded the
>>>>>>>>>> hosted engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for some
>>>>>>>>>> reason one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see
>>>>>>>>>> sometimes different information, but always some number of "heal failed"
>>>>>>>>>> entries. It shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to nodes
>>>>>>>>>> 1 and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm afraid to
>>>>>>>>>> upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't need to
>>>>>>>>>> create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on
>>>>>>>>>> most of my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote
>>>>>>>>>> desktop can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily
>>>>>>>>>> take 10 minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0
>>>>>>>>>> stuck for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial
>>>>>>>>>> thought was upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I
>>>>>>>>>> cannot move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
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Ravishankar N
2018-05-30 04:43:55 UTC
@Jim Kusznir

For the heal issue, can you provide the getfattr output of one of the 8
files in question from all 3 bricks?
Example: `getfattr -d -m . -e hex
Also provide the stat output of the same file from all 3 bricks.


On 05/30/2018 09:47 AM, Krutika Dhananjay wrote:
> Adding Ravi to look into the heal issue.
> As for the fsync hang and subsequent IO errors, it seems a lot like
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1497156 and Paolo Bonzini
> from qemu had pointed out that this would be fixed by the following
> commit:
> commit e72c9a2a67a6400c8ef3d01d4c461dbbbfa0e1f0
> Author: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com <mailto:***@redhat.com>>
> Date: Wed Jun 21 16:35:46 2017 +0200
> scsi: virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling
> virtio_scsi tries to do exception handling after the default 30 seconds
> timeout expires. However, it's better to let the host control the
> timeout, otherwise with a heavy I/O load it is likely that an abort will
> also timeout. This leads to fatal errors like filesystems going
> offline.
> Disable the 'sd' timeout and allow the host to do exception handling,
> following the precedent of the storvsc driver.
> Hannes has a proposal to introduce timeouts in virtio, but this provides
> an immediate solution for stable kernels too.
> [mkp: fixed typo]
> Reported-by: Douglas Miller <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com <mailto:***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>>
> Cc: "James E.J. Bottomley" <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com <mailto:***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>>
> Cc: "Martin K. Petersen" <***@oracle.com <mailto:***@oracle.com>>
> Cc: Hannes Reinecke <***@suse.de <mailto:***@suse.de>>
> Cc:linux-***@vger.kernel.org <mailto:linux-***@vger.kernel.org>
> Cc:***@vger.kernel.org <mailto:***@vger.kernel.org>
> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com <mailto:***@redhat.com>>
> Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <***@oracle.com <mailto:***@oracle.com>>
> Adding Paolo/Kevin to comment.
> As for the poor gluster performance, could you disable
> cluster.eager-lock and see if that makes any difference:
> # gluster volume set <VOL> cluster.eager-lock off
> Do also capture the volume profile again if you still see performance
> issues after disabling eager-lock.
> -Krutika
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com
> <mailto:***@palousetech.com>> wrote:
> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10679.527144] glusterclogro   D ffff97209832bf40    0 14933     
> 1 0x00000080
> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
> [10679.527161]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10679.527218]  [<ffffffffc060e388>]
> _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [10679.527225]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10679.527254]  [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10679.527260]  [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [10679.527268]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10679.527271]  [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [10679.527275]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10679.527279]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10    0 14941     
> 1 0x00000080
> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
> [10679.529966]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10679.530003]  [<ffffffffc060e388>]
> _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [10679.530008]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10679.530038]  [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10679.530042]  [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [10679.530046]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10679.530050]  [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
> [10679.530054]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10679.530058]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13  D ffff9720a83f0000    0 15486     
> 1 0x00000080
> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
> [10679.533747]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10679.533799]  [<ffffffffc060e388>]
> _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [10679.533806]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10679.533846]  [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10679.533852]  [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [10679.533858]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10679.533863]  [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
> [10679.533868]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10679.533873]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [10919.516663] glusterclogro   D ffff97209832bf40    0 14933     
> 1 0x00000080
> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
> [10919.516690]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [10919.516696]  [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [10919.516703]  [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
> [10919.516768]  [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ?
> _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460 [xfs]
> [10919.516774]  [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
> [10919.516782]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [10919.516821]  [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
> [10919.516859]  [<ffffffffc05eafa9>]
> xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0 [xfs]
> [10919.516902]  [<ffffffffc061b279>] ?
> xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400 [xfs]
> [10919.516940]  [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
> [10919.516977]  [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160 [xfs]
> [10919.517022]  [<ffffffffc061b279>]
> xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400 [xfs]
> [10919.517057]  [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
> [10919.517091]  [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0 [xfs]
> [10919.517126]  [<ffffffffc05c9fee>]
> xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0 [xfs]
> [10919.517160]  [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>]
> xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170 [xfs]
> [10919.517194]  [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [10919.517233]  [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
> [10919.517271]  [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
> [10919.517278]  [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
> [10919.517283]  [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
> [10919.517288]  [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
> [10919.517296]  [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ?
> selinux_file_free_security+0x23/0x30
> [10919.517304]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10919.517309]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10919.517313]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [10919.517318]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [10919.517323]  [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
> [10919.517328]  [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
> [10919.517333]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [10919.517339]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9   D ffff971fa0fa1fa0    0 15482     
> 1 0x00000080
> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
> [11159.498995]  [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
> [11159.498999]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11159.499003]  [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [11159.499056]  [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ?
> xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0 [xfs]
> [11159.499082]  [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ?
> xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0 [xfs]
> [11159.499090]  [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
> [11159.499093]  [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
> [11159.499097]  [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [11159.499101]  [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
> [11159.499104]  [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
> [11159.499107]  [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
> [11159.499113]  [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
> [11159.499118]  [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
> [11159.499121]  [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
> [11159.499125]  [<ffffffffb9394e85>]
> grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x55/0xc0
> [11159.499130]  [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
> [11159.499135]  [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
> [11159.499140]  [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
> [11159.499144]  [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
> [11159.499149]  [<ffffffffb9485621>]
> iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1/0xe0
> [11159.499153]  [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
> [11159.499182]  [<ffffffffc05f025d>]
> xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0 [xfs]
> [11159.499213]  [<ffffffffc05f057d>]
> xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0 [xfs]
> [11159.499217]  [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
> [11159.499222]  [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
> [11159.499225]  [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
> [11159.499230]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11159.499234]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11159.499238]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than
> 120 seconds.
> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10   D ffff9720a8660fd0    0  1134     
> 2 0x00000000
> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
> [11279.491682]  [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
> [11279.491688]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.491744]  [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
> [11279.491750]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.491783]  [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [11279.491817]  [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
> [11279.491849]  [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ?
> xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90 [xfs]
> [11279.491880]  [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [11279.491913]  [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ?
> xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90 [xfs]
> [11279.491919]  [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
> [11279.491926]  [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [11279.491932]  [<ffffffffb9920677>]
> ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
> [11279.491936]  [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70    0 14934     
> 1 0x00000080
> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
> [11279.494979]  [<ffffffffc0309839>] ?
> __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520 [dm_mod]
> [11279.494983]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.494987]  [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [11279.494997]  [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
> [dm_mod]
> [11279.495001]  [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [11279.495005]  [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
> [11279.495010]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.495016]  [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
> [11279.495049]  [<ffffffffc06064b9>]
> xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20 [xfs]
> [11279.495079]  [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.495086]  [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [11279.495090]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.495094]  [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [11279.495098]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.495102]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10    0 14941     
> 1 0x00000080
> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
> [11279.498134]  [<ffffffffc0309839>] ?
> __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520 [dm_mod]
> [11279.498138]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.498142]  [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [11279.498152]  [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
> [dm_mod]
> [11279.498156]  [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [11279.498160]  [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
> [11279.498165]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.498169]  [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
> [11279.498202]  [<ffffffffc06064b9>]
> xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20 [xfs]
> [11279.498231]  [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.498238]  [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [11279.498242]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.498246]  [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
> [11279.498250]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.498254]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1   D ffff97208b6daf70    0 14950     
> 1 0x00000080
> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
> [11279.501353]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.501390]  [<ffffffffc060e388>]
> _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [11279.501396]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.501428]  [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.501432]  [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
> [11279.501461]  [<ffffffffc05f0545>]
> xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0 [xfs]
> [11279.501466]  [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
> [11279.501471]  [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
> [11279.501475]  [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
> [11279.501479]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.501483]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.501489]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more
> than 120 seconds.
> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4   D ffff972499f2bf40    0 14953     
> 1 0x00000080
> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
> [11279.504640]  [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [11279.504676]  [<ffffffffc060e388>]
> _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [11279.504681]  [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [11279.504710]  [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [11279.504714]  [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [11279.504718]  [<ffffffffb992076f>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [11279.504722]  [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [11279.504725]  [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [11279.504730]  [<ffffffffb992077b>] ?
> system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150),
> lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
> --------------------
> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
> irrespective of gluster volume.  At the time this happened, I was
> also ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry
> commands.  I had just run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what
> version was actually installed), and that command took almost 2
> minutes to return!  Normally it takes less than 2 seconds.  That
> is all pure local SSD IO, too....
> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software
> causes these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software,
> even if its mis-handled exceptions.  Is this correct?
> --Jim
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com
> <mailto:***@palousetech.com>> wrote:
> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes
> that lives on the SSDs and is fully operational with no
> down/problem disks:
> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
> ----------------------------------------------
> Cumulative Stats:
>    Block Size:                256b+            512b+         
>       1024b+
>  No. of Reads:                  983             2696         
>         1059
> No. of Writes:                    0             1113         
>          302
>    Block Size:               2048b+           4096b+         
>       8192b+
>  No. of Reads:                  852            88608         
>        53526
> No. of Writes:                  522           812340         
>        76257
>    Block Size:              16384b+          32768b+         
>      65536b+
>  No. of Reads:                54351           241901         
>        15024
> No. of Writes:                21636             8656         
>         8976
>    Block Size:             131072b+
>  No. of Reads:               524156
> No. of Writes:               296071
>  %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency  Max-Latency   No. of
> calls         Fop
>  ---------   -----------   -----------  ----------- 
>  ------------        ----
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>  4189     RELEASE
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>       0.00      46.19 us      12.00 us  187.00 us           
>  69       FLUSH
>       0.00     147.00 us      78.00 us  367.00 us           
>       0.00     223.46 us      24.00 us 1166.00 us           
> 149     READDIR
>       0.00     565.34 us      76.00 us 3639.00 us           
>       0.00     263.28 us      20.00 us  28385.00 us           
> 228          LK
>       0.00      98.84 us       2.00 us  880.00 us         
>  1198     OPENDIR
>       0.00      91.59 us      26.00 us  10371.00 us         
>  3853      STATFS
>       0.00     494.14 us      17.00 us 193439.00 us         
>  1171    GETXATTR
>       0.00     299.42 us      35.00 us 9799.00 us         
>  2044    READDIRP
>       0.00    1965.31 us     110.00 us 382258.00 us           
> 321     XATTROP
>       0.01     113.40 us      24.00 us  61061.00 us         
>  8134        STAT
>       0.01     755.38 us      57.00 us 607603.00 us         
>  3196     DISCARD
>       0.05    2690.09 us      58.00 us 2704761.00 us         
>  3206        OPEN
>       0.10  119978.25 us      97.00 us 9406684.00 us         
>   154     SETATTR
>       0.18     101.73 us      28.00 us 700477.00 us       
>  313379       FSTAT
>       0.23    1059.84 us      25.00 us 2716124.00 us         
> 38255      LOOKUP
>       0.47    1024.11 us      54.00 us 6197164.00 us         
> 81455    FXATTROP
>       1.72    2984.00 us      15.00 us 37098954.00 us       
>  103020    FINODELK
>       5.92   44315.32 us      51.00 us 24731536.00 us         
> 23957       FSYNC
>      13.27    2399.78 us      25.00 us 22089540.00 us       
>  991005        READ
>      37.00    5980.43 us      52.00 us 22099889.00 us       
> 1108976       WRITE
>      41.04    5452.75 us      13.00 us 22102452.00 us       
> 1349053     INODELK
>     Duration: 10026 seconds
>    Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
> Interval 1 Stats:
>    Block Size:                256b+            512b+         
>       1024b+
>  No. of Reads:                  983             2696         
>         1059
> No. of Writes:                    0              838         
>          185
>    Block Size:               2048b+           4096b+         
>       8192b+
>  No. of Reads:                  852            85856         
>        51575
> No. of Writes:                  382           705802         
>        57812
>    Block Size:              16384b+          32768b+         
>      65536b+
>  No. of Reads:                52673           232093         
>        14984
> No. of Writes:                13499             4908         
>         4242
>    Block Size:             131072b+
>  No. of Reads:               460040
> No. of Writes:                 6411
>  %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency  Max-Latency   No. of
> calls         Fop
>  ---------   -----------   -----------  ----------- 
>  ------------        ----
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>  2093     RELEASE
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>       0.00      53.38 us      26.00 us  111.00 us           
>  16       FLUSH
>       0.00     145.14 us      78.00 us  367.00 us           
>       0.00     190.96 us     114.00 us  298.00 us           
>  71     SETATTR
>       0.00     213.38 us      24.00 us 1145.00 us           
>  90     READDIR
>       0.00     263.28 us      20.00 us  28385.00 us           
> 228          LK
>       0.00     101.76 us       2.00 us  880.00 us         
>  1093     OPENDIR
>       0.01      93.60 us      27.00 us  10371.00 us         
>  3090      STATFS
>       0.02     537.47 us      17.00 us 193439.00 us         
>  1038    GETXATTR
>       0.03     297.44 us      35.00 us 9799.00 us         
>  1990    READDIRP
>       0.03    2357.28 us     110.00 us 382258.00 us           
> 253     XATTROP
>       0.04     385.93 us      58.00 us  47593.00 us         
>  2091        OPEN
>       0.04     114.86 us      24.00 us  61061.00 us         
>  7715        STAT
>       0.06     444.59 us      57.00 us 333240.00 us         
>  3053     DISCARD
>       0.42     316.24 us      25.00 us 290728.00 us         
> 29823      LOOKUP
>       0.73     257.92 us      54.00 us 344812.00 us         
> 63296    FXATTROP
>       1.37      98.30 us      28.00 us  67621.00 us       
>  313172       FSTAT
>       1.58    2124.69 us      51.00 us 849200.00 us         
> 16717       FSYNC
>       5.73     162.46 us      52.00 us 748492.00 us       
>  794079       WRITE
>       7.19    2065.17 us      16.00 us 37098954.00 us         
> 78381    FINODELK
>      36.44     886.32 us      25.00 us 2216436.00 us       
>  925421        READ
>      46.30    1178.04 us      13.00 us 1700704.00 us       
>  884635     INODELK
>     Duration: 7485 seconds
>    Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
> ----------------------------------------------
> Cumulative Stats:
>    Block Size:                  1b+
>  No. of Reads:                    0
> No. of Writes:              3264419
>  %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency  Max-Latency   No. of
> calls         Fop
>  ---------   -----------   -----------  ----------- 
>  ------------        ----
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us           
>  90      FORGET
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>  9462     RELEASE
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>       0.00      50.52 us      13.00 us  190.00 us           
>  71       FLUSH
>       0.00     186.97 us      87.00 us  713.00 us           
>       0.00      79.32 us      33.00 us  189.00 us           
> 228          LK
>       0.00     220.98 us     129.00 us  513.00 us           
>  86     SETATTR
>       0.01     259.30 us      26.00 us 2632.00 us           
> 137     READDIR
>       0.02     322.76 us     145.00 us 2125.00 us           
> 321     XATTROP
>       0.03     109.55 us       2.00 us 1258.00 us         
>  1193     OPENDIR
>       0.05      70.21 us      21.00 us  431.00 us         
>  3196     DISCARD
>       0.05     169.26 us      21.00 us 2315.00 us         
>  1545    GETXATTR
>       0.12     176.85 us      63.00 us 2844.00 us         
>  3206        OPEN
>       0.61     303.49 us      90.00 us 3085.00 us         
>  9633       FSTAT
>       2.44     305.66 us      28.00 us 3716.00 us         
> 38230      LOOKUP
>       4.52     266.22 us      55.00 us  53424.00 us         
> 81455    FXATTROP
>       6.96    1397.99 us      51.00 us  64822.00 us         
> 23889       FSYNC
>      16.48      84.74 us      25.00 us 6917.00 us       
>  932592       WRITE
>      30.16     106.90 us      13.00 us 3920189.00 us       
> 1353046     INODELK
>      38.55    1794.52 us      14.00 us 16210553.00 us       
>  103039    FINODELK
>     Duration: 66562 seconds
>    Data Read: 0 bytes
> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
> Interval 1 Stats:
>    Block Size:                  1b+
>  No. of Reads:                    0
> No. of Writes:               794080
>  %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency  Max-Latency   No. of
> calls         Fop
>  ---------   -----------   -----------  ----------- 
>  ------------        ----
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>  2093     RELEASE
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>       0.00      70.31 us      26.00 us  125.00 us           
>  16       FLUSH
>       0.00     193.10 us     103.00 us  713.00 us           
>       0.01     227.32 us     133.00 us  513.00 us           
>  71     SETATTR
>       0.01      79.32 us      33.00 us  189.00 us           
> 228          LK
>       0.01     259.83 us      35.00 us 1138.00 us           
>  89     READDIR
>       0.03     318.26 us     145.00 us 2047.00 us           
> 253     XATTROP
>       0.04     112.67 us       3.00 us 1258.00 us         
>  1093     OPENDIR
>       0.06     167.98 us      23.00 us 1951.00 us         
>  1014    GETXATTR
>       0.08      70.97 us      22.00 us  431.00 us         
>  3053     DISCARD
>       0.13     183.78 us      66.00 us 2844.00 us         
>  2091        OPEN
>       1.01     303.82 us      90.00 us 3085.00 us         
>  9610       FSTAT
>       3.27     316.59 us      30.00 us 3716.00 us         
> 29820      LOOKUP
>       5.83     265.79 us      59.00 us  53424.00 us         
> 63296    FXATTROP
>       7.95    1373.89 us      51.00 us  64822.00 us         
> 16717       FSYNC
>      23.17     851.99 us      14.00 us 16210553.00 us         
> 78555    FINODELK
>      24.04      87.44 us      27.00 us 6917.00 us       
>  794081       WRITE
>      34.36     111.91 us      14.00 us 984871.00 us       
>  886790     INODELK
>     Duration: 7485 seconds
>    Data Read: 0 bytes
> Data Written: 794080 bytes
> -----------------------
> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs
> and has one failed disk:
> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
> Brick:
> --------------------------------------------
> Cumulative Stats:
>    Block Size:                256b+            512b+         
>       1024b+
>  No. of Reads:                 1702               86         
>           16
> No. of Writes:                    0              767         
>           71
>    Block Size:               2048b+           4096b+         
>       8192b+
>  No. of Reads:                   19            51841         
>         2049
> No. of Writes:                   76            60668         
>        35727
>    Block Size:              16384b+          32768b+         
>      65536b+
>  No. of Reads:                 1744              639         
>         1088
> No. of Writes:                 8524             2410         
>         1285
>    Block Size:             131072b+
>  No. of Reads:               771999
> No. of Writes:                29584
>  %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency  Max-Latency   No. of
> calls         Fop
>  ---------   -----------   -----------  ----------- 
>  ------------        ----
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>  2902     RELEASE
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>       0.00     197.00 us     197.00 us  197.00 us             
>       0.00      70.24 us      16.00 us  758.00 us           
>  51       FLUSH
>       0.00     143.93 us      82.00 us  305.00 us           
>       0.00     178.63 us     105.00 us  712.00 us           
>  60     SETATTR
>       0.00      67.30 us      19.00 us  572.00 us           
> 555          LK
>       0.00     322.80 us      23.00 us 4673.00 us           
> 138     READDIR
>       0.00     336.56 us     106.00 us  11994.00 us           
> 237     XATTROP
>       0.00      84.70 us      28.00 us 1071.00 us         
>  3469      STATFS
>       0.01     387.75 us       2.00 us 146017.00 us         
>  1467     OPENDIR
>       0.01     148.59 us      21.00 us  64374.00 us         
>  4454        STAT
>       0.02     783.02 us      16.00 us  93502.00 us         
>  1902    GETXATTR
>       0.03    1516.10 us      17.00 us 210690.00 us         
>  1364     ENTRYLK
>       0.03    2555.47 us     300.00 us 674454.00 us         
>  1064    READDIRP
>       0.07      85.74 us      19.00 us  68340.00 us         
> 62849       FSTAT
>       0.07    1978.12 us      59.00 us 202596.00 us         
>  2729        OPEN
>       0.22     708.57 us      15.00 us 394799.00 us         
> 25447      LOOKUP
>       5.94    2331.74 us      15.00 us 1099530.00 us       
>  207534    FINODELK
>       7.31    8311.75 us      58.00 us 1800216.00 us         
> 71668    FXATTROP
>      12.49    7735.19 us      51.00 us 3595513.00 us       
>  131642       WRITE
>      17.70     957.08 us      16.00 us 13700466.00 us       
> 1508160     INODELK
>      24.55    2546.43 us      26.00 us 5077347.00 us       
>  786060        READ
>      31.56   49699.15 us      47.00 us 3746331.00 us         
> 51777       FSYNC
>     Duration: 10101 seconds
>    Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
> Interval 0 Stats:
>    Block Size:                256b+            512b+         
>       1024b+
>  No. of Reads:                 1702               86         
>           16
> No. of Writes:                    0              767         
>           71
>    Block Size:               2048b+           4096b+         
>       8192b+
>  No. of Reads:                   19            51841         
>         2049
> No. of Writes:                   76            60668         
>        35727
>    Block Size:              16384b+          32768b+         
>      65536b+
>  No. of Reads:                 1744              639         
>         1088
> No. of Writes:                 8524             2410         
>         1285
>    Block Size:             131072b+
>  No. of Reads:               771999
> No. of Writes:                29584
>  %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency  Max-Latency   No. of
> calls         Fop
>  ---------   -----------   -----------  ----------- 
>  ------------        ----
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>  2902     RELEASE
>       0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us    0.00 us         
>       0.00     197.00 us     197.00 us  197.00 us             
>       0.00      70.24 us      16.00 us  758.00 us           
>  51       FLUSH
>       0.00     143.93 us      82.00 us  305.00 us           
>       0.00     178.63 us     105.00 us  712.00 us           
>  60     SETATTR
>       0.00      67.30 us      19.00 us  572.00 us           
> 555          LK
>       0.00     322.80 us      23.00 us 4673.00 us           
> 138     READDIR
>       0.00     336.56 us     106.00 us  11994.00 us           
> 237     XATTROP
>       0.00      84.70 us      28.00 us 1071.00 us         
>  3469      STATFS
>       0.01     387.75 us       2.00 us 146017.00 us         
>  1467     OPENDIR
>       0.01     148.59 us      21.00 us  64374.00 us         
>  4454        STAT
>       0.02     783.02 us      16.00 us  93502.00 us         
>  1902    GETXATTR
>       0.03    1516.10 us      17.00 us 210690.00 us         
>  1364     ENTRYLK
>       0.03    2555.47 us     300.00 us 674454.00 us         
>  1064    READDIRP
>       0.07      85.73 us      19.00 us  68340.00 us         
> 62849       FSTAT
>       0.07    1978.12 us      59.00 us 202596.00 us         
>  2729        OPEN
>       0.22     708.57 us      15.00 us 394799.00 us         
> 25447      LOOKUP
>       5.94    2334.57 us      15.00 us 1099530.00 us       
>  207534    FINODELK
>       7.31    8311.49 us      58.00 us 1800216.00 us         
> 71668    FXATTROP
>      12.49    7735.32 us      51.00 us 3595513.00 us       
>  131642       WRITE
>      17.71     957.08 us      16.00 us 13700466.00 us       
> 1508160     INODELK
>      24.56    2546.42 us      26.00 us 5077347.00 us       
>  786060        READ
>      31.54   49651.63 us      47.00 us 3746331.00 us         
> 51777       FSYNC
>     Duration: 10101 seconds
>    Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir
> <***@palousetech.com <mailto:***@palousetech.com>> wrote:
> Thank you for your response.
> I have 4 gluster volumes.  3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. 
> replica bricks are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on
> ovirt3.  The 4th volume is replica 3, with a brick on all
> three ovirt machines.
> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a
> Seagate SSHD (same in all three machines).  On ovirt3, the
> SSHD has reported hard IO failures, and that brick is
> offline.  However, the other two replicas are fully
> operational (although they still show contents in the heal
> info command that won't go away, but that may be the case
> until I replace the failed disk).
> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are
> showing horrible performance issues.  At this point, as
> the bad disk has been completely offlined, I would expect
> gluster to perform at normal speed, but that is definitely
> not the case.
> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come
> in waves: things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a
> while, then suddenly, its as if all disk IO on all volumes
> (including non-gluster local OS disk volumes for the
> hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and
> host not responding notices as well as the applications
> having major issues.
> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my
> essential core VMs (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still
> am experiencing the same issues.
> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was
> brought offline that performance should return to normal?
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K
> <***@gmail.com <mailto:***@gmail.com>>
> wrote:
> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount
> points where your gluster volumes reside.
> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir
> <***@palousetech.com <mailto:***@palousetech.com>> wrote:
> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks
> suppressed
> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 0
> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 3905945472
> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 3905945584
> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 2048
> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 3905943424
> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 3905943536
> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 0
> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 3905945472
> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 3905945584
> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> dm-2, sector 2048
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir
> <***@palousetech.com <mailto:***@palousetech.com>>
> wrote:
> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine,
> the one upgraded to 4.2):
> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl:
> ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
> database connection failed (No such file or
> directory)
> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl:
> ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
> database connection failed (No such file or
> directory)
> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl:
> ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
> database connection failed (No such file or
> directory)
> (appears a lot).
> I also found on the ssh session of that, some
> sysv warnings about the backing disk for one
> of the gluster volumes (straight replica 3).
> The glusterfs process for that disk on that
> machine went offline. Its my understanding
> that it should continue to work with the other
> two machines while I attempt to replace that
> disk, right? Attempted writes (touching an
> empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it
> later will be much faster.
> Gluster generates a bunch of different log
> files, I don't know what ones you want, or
> from which machine(s).
> How do I do "volume profiling"?
> Thanks!
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose
> <***@redhat.com <mailto:***@redhat.com>>
> wrote:
> Do you see errors reported in the mount
> logs for the volume? If so, could you
> attach the logs?
> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can
> you also attach output of volume profiling?
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim
> Kusznir <***@palousetech.com
> <mailto:***@palousetech.com>> wrote:
> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this
> morning.  I'm getting random errors
> from VMs, right now, about a third of
> my VMs have been paused due to storage
> issues, and most of the remaining VMs
> are not performing well.
> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY
> mode, as my production services are
> now impacted, and I'm getting calls
> coming in with problems...
> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are
> running VERY slowly (when they run),
> and they are steadily getting worse. 
> I don't know why.  I was seeing CPU
> peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in
> perfect sync, for a few minutes at a
> time (while the VM became unresponsive
> and any VMs I was logged into that
> were linux were giving me the CPU
> stuck messages in my origional post). 
> Is all this storage related?
> I also have two different gluster
> volumes for VM storage, and only one
> had the issues, but now VMs in both
> are being affected at the same time
> and same way.
> --Jim
> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM,
> Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com
> <mailto:***@redhat.com>> wrote:
> [Adding gluster-users to look at
> the heal issue]
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM,
> Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com
> <mailto:***@palousetech.com>> wrote:
> Hello:
> I've been having some cluster
> and gluster performance issues
> lately.  I also found that my
> cluster was out of date, and
> was trying to apply updates
> (hoping to fix some of these),
> and discovered the ovirt 4.1
> repos were taken completely
> offline.  So, I was forced to
> begin an upgrade to 4.2.
> According to docs I
> found/read, I needed only add
> the new repo, do a yum update,
> reboot, and be good on my
> hosts (did the yum update, the
> engine-setup on my hosted
> engine). Things seemed to work
> relatively well, except for a
> gluster sync issue that showed up.
> My cluster is a 3 node
> hyperconverged cluster.  I
> upgraded the hosted engine
> first, then engine 3. When
> engine 3 came back up, for
> some reason one of my gluster
> volumes would not sync. Here's
> sample output:
> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster
> volume heal data-hdd info
> Brick
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
> Status: Connected
> Number of entries: 8
> Brick
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
> Status: Connected
> Number of entries: 8
> Brick
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-42a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-446b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-44f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
> Status: Connected
> Number of entries: 8
> ---------
> Its been in this state for a
> couple days now, and bandwidth
> monitoring shows no
> appreciable data moving. I've
> tried repeatedly commanding a
> full heal from all three
> clusters in the node.  Its
> always the same files that
> need healing.
> When running gluster volume
> heal data-hdd statistics, I
> see sometimes different
> information, but always some
> number of "heal failed"
> entries.  It shows 0 for split
> brain.
> I'm not quite sure what to
> do.  I suspect it may be due
> to nodes 1 and 2 still being
> on the older ovirt/gluster
> release, but I'm afraid to
> upgrade and reboot them until
> I have a good gluster sync
> (don't need to create a split
> brain issue).  How do I
> proceed with this?
> Second issue: I've been
> experiencing VERY POOR
> performance on most of my
> VMs.  To the tune that logging
> into a windows 10 vm via
> remote desktop can take 5
> minutes, launching quickbooks
> inside said vm can easily take
> 10 minutes.  On some linux
> VMs, I get random messages
> like this:
> Message from ***@unifi at
> May 28 20:39:23 ...
>  kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI
> watchdog: BUG: soft lockup -
> CPU#0 stuck for 22s!
> [mongod:14766]
> (the process and PID are often
> different)
> I'm not quite sure what to do
> about this either.  My initial
> thought was upgrad everything
> to current and see if its
> still there, but I cannot move
> forward with that until my
> gluster is healed...
> Thanks!
> --Jim
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Krutika Dhananjay
2018-05-30 09:44:42 UTC
The profile seems to suggest very high latencies on the brick at
ovirt2.* shows decent numbers. Is everything OK with the brick on ovirt1?
Are the bricks of engine volume on both these servers identical in terms of
their config?


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> Hi:
> Thank you. I was finally able to get my cluster minimally functional
> again (its 2am local here; had to be up by 6am). I set the
> cluster.eager-lock off, but I'm still seeing performance issues. Here's
> the engine volume:
> Brick: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> ------------------------------------------------
> Cumulative Stats:
> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
> 4096b+
> No. of Reads: 702 24
> 772
> No. of Writes: 0 939
> 4802
> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
> 32768b+
> No. of Reads: 0 51
> 49
> No. of Writes: 4211 858
> 291
> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
> No. of Reads: 49 5232
> No. of Writes: 333 588
> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
> Fop
> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
> ----
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
> 0.88 3765.77 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
> 15.06 19624.04 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
> 21.63 59817.26 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
> 23.19 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
> 38.10 125578.64 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
> Duration: 6957 seconds
> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
> Interval 0 Stats:
> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
> 4096b+
> No. of Reads: 702 24
> 772
> No. of Writes: 0 939
> 4802
> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
> 32768b+
> No. of Reads: 0 51
> 49
> No. of Writes: 4211 858
> 291
> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
> No. of Reads: 49 5232
> No. of Writes: 333 588
> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
> Fop
> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
> ----
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
> 0.91 3859.75 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
> 15.05 19622.80 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
> 21.62 59809.04 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
> 23.18 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
> 38.09 125562.74 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
> Duration: 6957 seconds
> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> ------------------------------------------------
> Cumulative Stats:
> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
> 1024b+
> No. of Reads: 704 167
> 216
> No. of Writes: 0 939
> 0
> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
> 8192b+
> No. of Reads: 424 34918
> 9866
> No. of Writes: 0 4802
> 4211
> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
> 65536b+
> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
> 3880
> No. of Writes: 858 291
> 333
> Block Size: 131072b+
> No. of Reads: 13718
> No. of Writes: 596
> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
> Fop
> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
> ----
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
> 1.89 109.48 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
> 46.61 2063.11 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
> Duration: 6958 seconds
> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
> Interval 0 Stats:
> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
> 1024b+
> No. of Reads: 704 167
> 216
> No. of Writes: 0 939
> 0
> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
> 8192b+
> No. of Reads: 424 34918
> 9866
> No. of Writes: 0 4802
> 4211
> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
> 65536b+
> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
> 3880
> No. of Writes: 858 291
> 333
> Block Size: 131072b+
> No. of Reads: 13718
> No. of Writes: 596
> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
> Fop
> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
> ----
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
> 1.89 109.51 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
> 46.62 2063.91 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
> Duration: 6958 seconds
> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
> gluster> volume info engine
> Volume Name: engine
> Type: Replicate
> Volume ID: 87ad86b9-d88b-457e-ba21-5d3173c612de
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine (arbiter)
> Options Reconfigured:
> diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
> diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
> performance.strict-o-direct: on
> nfs.disable: on
> user.cifs: off
> network.ping-timeout: 30
> cluster.shd-max-threads: 6
> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
> features.shard: on
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
> cluster.quorum-type: auto
> network.remote-dio: off
> cluster.eager-lock: off
> performance.stat-prefetch: off
> performance.io-cache: off
> performance.read-ahead: off
> performance.quick-read: off
> performance.readdir-ahead: on
> geo-replication.indexing: on
> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
> changelog.changelog: on
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Adding Ravi to look into the heal issue.
>> As for the fsync hang and subsequent IO errors, it seems a lot like
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1497156 and Paolo Bonzini
>> from qemu had pointed out that this would be fixed by the following commit:
>> commit e72c9a2a67a6400c8ef3d01d4c461dbbbfa0e1f0
>> Author: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>> Date: Wed Jun 21 16:35:46 2017 +0200
>> scsi: virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling
>> virtio_scsi tries to do exception handling after the default 30 seconds
>> timeout expires. However, it's better to let the host control the
>> timeout, otherwise with a heavy I/O load it is likely that an abort will
>> also timeout. This leads to fatal errors like filesystems going
>> offline.
>> Disable the 'sd' timeout and allow the host to do exception handling,
>> following the precedent of the storvsc driver.
>> Hannes has a proposal to introduce timeouts in virtio, but this provides
>> an immediate solution for stable kernels too.
>> [mkp: fixed typo]
>> Reported-by: Douglas Miller <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>> Cc: "James E.J. Bottomley" <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>> Cc: "Martin K. Petersen" <***@oracle.com>
>> Cc: Hannes Reinecke <***@suse.de>
>> Cc: linux-***@vger.kernel.org
>> Cc: ***@vger.kernel.org
>> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>> Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <***@oracle.com>
>> Adding Paolo/Kevin to comment.
>> As for the poor gluster performance, could you disable cluster.eager-lock
>> and see if that makes any difference:
>> # gluster volume set <VOL> cluster.eager-lock off
>> Do also capture the volume profile again if you still see performance
>> issues after disabling eager-lock.
>> -Krutika
>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
>>> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [10679.527144] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
>>> [10679.527161] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [10679.527218] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>>> [10679.527225] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [10679.527254] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [10679.527260] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [10679.527268] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10679.527271] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>> [10679.527275] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [10679.527279] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>> 120 seconds.
>>> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
>>> [10679.529966] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [10679.530003] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>>> [10679.530008] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [10679.530038] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [10679.530042] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [10679.530046] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10679.530050] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>> [10679.530054] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [10679.530058] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13 D ffff9720a83f0000 0 15486 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
>>> [10679.533747] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [10679.533799] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>>> [10679.533806] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [10679.533846] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [10679.533852] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [10679.533858] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10679.533863] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>> [10679.533868] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [10679.533873] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [10919.516663] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
>>> [10919.516690] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [10919.516696] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>> [10919.516703] [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
>>> [10919.516768] [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ? _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460 [xfs]
>>> [10919.516774] [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>>> [10919.516782] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [10919.516821] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>> [10919.516859] [<ffffffffc05eafa9>] xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0 [xfs]
>>> [10919.516902] [<ffffffffc061b279>] ? xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>> [xfs]
>>> [10919.516940] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>> [10919.516977] [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160 [xfs]
>>> [10919.517022] [<ffffffffc061b279>] xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>> [xfs]
>>> [10919.517057] [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
>>> [10919.517091] [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0 [xfs]
>>> [10919.517126] [<ffffffffc05c9fee>] xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0
>>> [xfs]
>>> [10919.517160] [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>] xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170
>>> [xfs]
>>> [10919.517194] [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [10919.517233] [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
>>> [10919.517271] [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
>>> [10919.517278] [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
>>> [10919.517283] [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
>>> [10919.517288] [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
>>> [10919.517296] [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ? selinux_file_free_security+0x2
>>> 3/0x30
>>> [10919.517304] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10919.517309] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10919.517313] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10919.517318] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [10919.517323] [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
>>> [10919.517328] [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
>>> [10919.517333] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [10919.517339] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9 D ffff971fa0fa1fa0 0 15482 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
>>> [11159.498995] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>> [11159.498999] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [11159.499003] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>> [11159.499056] [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0
>>> [xfs]
>>> [11159.499082] [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0
>>> [xfs]
>>> [11159.499090] [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
>>> [11159.499093] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>> [11159.499097] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>> [11159.499101] [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
>>> [11159.499104] [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
>>> [11159.499107] [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
>>> [11159.499113] [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
>>> [11159.499118] [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
>>> [11159.499121] [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
>>> [11159.499125] [<ffffffffb9394e85>] grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x
>>> 55/0xc0
>>> [11159.499130] [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
>>> [11159.499135] [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
>>> [11159.499140] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>> [11159.499144] [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
>>> [11159.499149] [<ffffffffb9485621>] iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1/0xe0
>>> [11159.499153] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>> [11159.499182] [<ffffffffc05f025d>] xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0
>>> [xfs]
>>> [11159.499213] [<ffffffffc05f057d>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0 [xfs]
>>> [11159.499217] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>> [11159.499222] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>> [11159.499225] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>> [11159.499230] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11159.499234] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [11159.499238] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff9720a8660fd0 0 1134 2
>>> 0x00000000
>>> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
>>> [11279.491682] [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>>> [11279.491688] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [11279.491744] [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.491750] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [11279.491783] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.491817] [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>> [11279.491849] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>> [xfs]
>>> [11279.491880] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.491913] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>> [xfs]
>>> [11279.491919] [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>> [11279.491926] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [11279.491932] [<ffffffffb9920677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>> 1/0x21
>>> [11279.491936] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more than
>>> 120 seconds.
>>> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70 0 14934 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
>>> [11279.494979] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [11279.494983] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [11279.494987] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>> [11279.494997] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [11279.495001] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>> [11279.495005] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>> [11279.495010] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [11279.495016] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>> [11279.495049] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>> [xfs]
>>> [11279.495079] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.495086] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [11279.495090] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.495094] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>> [11279.495098] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [11279.495102] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>> 120 seconds.
>>> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
>>> [11279.498134] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [11279.498138] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [11279.498142] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>> [11279.498152] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [11279.498156] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>> [11279.498160] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>> [11279.498165] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [11279.498169] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>> [11279.498202] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>> [xfs]
>>> [11279.498231] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.498238] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [11279.498242] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.498246] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>> [11279.498250] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [11279.498254] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1 D ffff97208b6daf70 0 14950 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
>>> [11279.501353] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [11279.501390] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>>> [11279.501396] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [11279.501428] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.501432] [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
>>> [11279.501461] [<ffffffffc05f0545>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.501466] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>> [11279.501471] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>> [11279.501475] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>> [11279.501479] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.501483] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [11279.501489] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4 D ffff972499f2bf40 0 14953 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
>>> [11279.504640] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [11279.504676] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>>> [11279.504681] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [11279.504710] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [11279.504714] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [11279.504718] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [11279.504722] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>> [11279.504725] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [11279.504730] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150), lowering
>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
>>> --------------------
>>> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
>>> irrespective of gluster volume. At the time this happened, I was also
>>> ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry commands. I had just
>>> run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what version was actually
>>> installed), and that command took almost 2 minutes to return! Normally it
>>> takes less than 2 seconds. That is all pure local SSD IO, too....
>>> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software causes
>>> these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software, even if its
>>> mis-handled exceptions. Is this correct?
>>> --Jim
>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes that
>>>> lives on the SSDs and is fully operational with no down/problem disks:
>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 1024b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>> 1059
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 1113
>>>> 302
>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>> 8192b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 852 88608
>>>> 53526
>>>> No. of Writes: 522 812340
>>>> 76257
>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>> 65536b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 54351 241901
>>>> 15024
>>>> No. of Writes: 21636 8656
>>>> 8976
>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 524156
>>>> No. of Writes: 296071
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4189
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1257
>>>> 0.00 46.19 us 12.00 us 187.00 us 69
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.00 147.00 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 86
>>>> 0.00 223.46 us 24.00 us 1166.00 us 149
>>>> 0.00 565.34 us 76.00 us 3639.00 us 88
>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>> LK
>>>> 0.00 98.84 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1198
>>>> 0.00 91.59 us 26.00 us 10371.00 us 3853
>>>> 0.00 494.14 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1171
>>>> 0.00 299.42 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 2044
>>>> 0.00 1965.31 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 321
>>>> 0.01 113.40 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 8134
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.01 755.38 us 57.00 us 607603.00 us 3196
>>>> 0.05 2690.09 us 58.00 us 2704761.00 us 3206
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.10 119978.25 us 97.00 us 9406684.00 us 154
>>>> 0.18 101.73 us 28.00 us 700477.00 us 313379
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 0.23 1059.84 us 25.00 us 2716124.00 us 38255
>>>> 0.47 1024.11 us 54.00 us 6197164.00 us 81455
>>>> 1.72 2984.00 us 15.00 us 37098954.00 us 103020
>>>> 5.92 44315.32 us 51.00 us 24731536.00 us 23957
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 13.27 2399.78 us 25.00 us 22089540.00 us 991005
>>>> READ
>>>> 37.00 5980.43 us 52.00 us 22099889.00 us 1108976
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 41.04 5452.75 us 13.00 us 22102452.00 us 1349053
>>>> Duration: 10026 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 1024b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>> 1059
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 838
>>>> 185
>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>> 8192b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 852 85856
>>>> 51575
>>>> No. of Writes: 382 705802
>>>> 57812
>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>> 65536b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 52673 232093
>>>> 14984
>>>> No. of Writes: 13499 4908
>>>> 4242
>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 460040
>>>> No. of Writes: 6411
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>> 0.00 53.38 us 26.00 us 111.00 us 16
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.00 145.14 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 71
>>>> 0.00 190.96 us 114.00 us 298.00 us 71
>>>> 0.00 213.38 us 24.00 us 1145.00 us 90
>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>> LK
>>>> 0.00 101.76 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1093
>>>> 0.01 93.60 us 27.00 us 10371.00 us 3090
>>>> 0.02 537.47 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1038
>>>> 0.03 297.44 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 1990
>>>> 0.03 2357.28 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 253
>>>> 0.04 385.93 us 58.00 us 47593.00 us 2091
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.04 114.86 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 7715
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.06 444.59 us 57.00 us 333240.00 us 3053
>>>> 0.42 316.24 us 25.00 us 290728.00 us 29823
>>>> 0.73 257.92 us 54.00 us 344812.00 us 63296
>>>> 1.37 98.30 us 28.00 us 67621.00 us 313172
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 1.58 2124.69 us 51.00 us 849200.00 us 16717
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 5.73 162.46 us 52.00 us 748492.00 us 794079
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 7.19 2065.17 us 16.00 us 37098954.00 us 78381
>>>> 36.44 886.32 us 25.00 us 2216436.00 us 925421
>>>> READ
>>>> 46.30 1178.04 us 13.00 us 1700704.00 us 884635
>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
>>>> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>> No. of Writes: 3264419
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 90
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 9462
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4254
>>>> 0.00 50.52 us 13.00 us 190.00 us 71
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.00 186.97 us 87.00 us 713.00 us 86
>>>> 0.00 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>> LK
>>>> 0.00 220.98 us 129.00 us 513.00 us 86
>>>> 0.01 259.30 us 26.00 us 2632.00 us 137
>>>> 0.02 322.76 us 145.00 us 2125.00 us 321
>>>> 0.03 109.55 us 2.00 us 1258.00 us 1193
>>>> 0.05 70.21 us 21.00 us 431.00 us 3196
>>>> 0.05 169.26 us 21.00 us 2315.00 us 1545
>>>> 0.12 176.85 us 63.00 us 2844.00 us 3206
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.61 303.49 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9633
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 2.44 305.66 us 28.00 us 3716.00 us 38230
>>>> 4.52 266.22 us 55.00 us 53424.00 us 81455
>>>> 6.96 1397.99 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 23889
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 16.48 84.74 us 25.00 us 6917.00 us 932592
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 30.16 106.90 us 13.00 us 3920189.00 us 1353046
>>>> 38.55 1794.52 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 103039
>>>> Duration: 66562 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>> No. of Writes: 794080
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>> 0.00 70.31 us 26.00 us 125.00 us 16
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.00 193.10 us 103.00 us 713.00 us 71
>>>> 0.01 227.32 us 133.00 us 513.00 us 71
>>>> 0.01 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>> LK
>>>> 0.01 259.83 us 35.00 us 1138.00 us 89
>>>> 0.03 318.26 us 145.00 us 2047.00 us 253
>>>> 0.04 112.67 us 3.00 us 1258.00 us 1093
>>>> 0.06 167.98 us 23.00 us 1951.00 us 1014
>>>> 0.08 70.97 us 22.00 us 431.00 us 3053
>>>> 0.13 183.78 us 66.00 us 2844.00 us 2091
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 1.01 303.82 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9610
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 3.27 316.59 us 30.00 us 3716.00 us 29820
>>>> 5.83 265.79 us 59.00 us 53424.00 us 63296
>>>> 7.95 1373.89 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 16717
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 23.17 851.99 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 78555
>>>> 24.04 87.44 us 27.00 us 6917.00 us 794081
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 34.36 111.91 us 14.00 us 984871.00 us 886790
>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 794080 bytes
>>>> -----------------------
>>>> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs and has
>>>> one failed disk:
>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
>>>> Brick:
>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 1024b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>> 16
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>> 71
>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>> 8192b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>> 2049
>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>> 35727
>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>> 65536b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>> 1088
>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>> 1285
>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>> LK
>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>> 0.07 85.74 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>> 5.94 2331.74 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>> 7.31 8311.75 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>> 12.49 7735.19 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 17.70 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>> 24.55 2546.43 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>> READ
>>>> 31.56 49699.15 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 1024b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>> 16
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>> 71
>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>> 8192b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>> 2049
>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>> 35727
>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>> 65536b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>> 1088
>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>> 1285
>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>> LK
>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>> 0.07 85.73 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>> 5.94 2334.57 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>> 7.31 8311.49 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>> 12.49 7735.32 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 17.71 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>> 24.56 2546.42 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>> READ
>>>> 31.54 49651.63 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>> I have 4 gluster volumes. 3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. replica
>>>>> bricks are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on ovirt3. The 4th volume is
>>>>> replica 3, with a brick on all three ovirt machines.
>>>>> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a Seagate SSHD
>>>>> (same in all three machines). On ovirt3, the SSHD has reported hard IO
>>>>> failures, and that brick is offline. However, the other two replicas are
>>>>> fully operational (although they still show contents in the heal info
>>>>> command that won't go away, but that may be the case until I replace the
>>>>> failed disk).
>>>>> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are showing
>>>>> horrible performance issues. At this point, as the bad disk has been
>>>>> completely offlined, I would expect gluster to perform at normal speed, but
>>>>> that is definitely not the case.
>>>>> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come in waves:
>>>>> things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a while, then suddenly, its
>>>>> as if all disk IO on all volumes (including non-gluster local OS disk
>>>>> volumes for the hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
>>>>> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and host not
>>>>> responding notices as well as the applications having major issues.
>>>>> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my essential core
>>>>> VMs (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still am experiencing the same issues.
>>>>> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was brought
>>>>> offline that performance should return to normal?
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K <***@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points where
>>>>>> your gluster volumes reside.
>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
>>>>>>> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
>>>>>>> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>> 3905943424
>>>>>>> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>> 3905943536
>>>>>>> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded to
>>>>>>>> 4.2):
>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>> (appears a lot).
>>>>>>>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings about
>>>>>>>> the backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica 3). The
>>>>>>>> glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its my
>>>>>>>> understanding that it should continue to work with the other two machines
>>>>>>>> while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes (touching an
>>>>>>>> empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be much faster.
>>>>>>>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know what
>>>>>>>> ones you want, or from which machine(s).
>>>>>>>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If
>>>>>>>>> so, could you attach the logs?
>>>>>>>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach output
>>>>>>>>> of volume profiling?
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting
>>>>>>>>>> random errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused
>>>>>>>>>> due to storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing
>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production
>>>>>>>>>> services are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>>>>>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly (when
>>>>>>>>>> they run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I was
>>>>>>>>>> seeing CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few
>>>>>>>>>> minutes at a time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was
>>>>>>>>>> logged into that were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my
>>>>>>>>>> origional post). Is all this storage related?
>>>>>>>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and
>>>>>>>>>> only one had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same
>>>>>>>>>> time and same way.
>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues
>>>>>>>>>>>> lately. I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>> apply updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1
>>>>>>>>>>>> repos were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade
>>>>>>>>>>>> to 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do
>>>>>>>>>>>> a yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>>>>>>>>>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>>>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded the
>>>>>>>>>>>> hosted engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for some
>>>>>>>>>>>> reason one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>>>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>>>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>>>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see
>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes different information, but always some number of "heal failed"
>>>>>>>>>>>> entries. It shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to
>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes 1 and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>> afraid to upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't
>>>>>>>>>>>> need to create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on
>>>>>>>>>>>> most of my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote
>>>>>>>>>>>> desktop can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily
>>>>>>>>>>>> take 10 minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0
>>>>>>>>>>>> stuck for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>>>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial
>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
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Jim Kusznir
2018-05-30 16:36:42 UTC
Hi all again:

I'm now subscribed to gluster-users as well, so I should get any replies
from that side too.

At this point, I am seeing acceptable (although slower than I expect)
performance much of the time, with periodic massive spikes in latency
(occasionally so bad as to cause ovirt to detect a engine bad health
status). Often, if I check the logs just then, I'll see those call traces
in xfs_log_worker or other gluster processes, as well as hung task timeout

As to the profile suggesting ovirt1 had poorer performance than ovirt2, I
don't have an explanation. gluster volume info engine on both hosts are
identical. The computers and drives are identical (Dell R610 with PERC 6/i
controller configured to pass through the drive). ovirt1 and ovirt2's
partiion scheme/map do vary somewhat, but I figured that wouldn't be a big
deal and gluster just uses the least common denominator. Is that accurate?

In case it was missed, here are the dmesg errors being thrown by gluster
(as far as I can tell). They definately started after I upgraded from
gluster 3.8 to 3.12:

[ 6604.536156] perf: interrupt took too long (9593 > 9565), lowering
kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 20000
[ 8280.188734] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
[ 8280.188787] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables
this message.
[ 8280.188837] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
[ 8280.188843] Call Trace:
[ 8280.188857] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
[ 8280.188864] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
[ 8280.188932] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
[ 8280.188939] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
[ 8280.188972] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
[ 8280.189003] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
[ 8280.189035] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
[ 8280.189067] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
[ 8280.189100] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
[ 8280.189105] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
[ 8280.189109] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
[ 8280.189117] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
[ 8280.189121] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
[ 8280.189161] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
[ 8280.189207] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables
this message.
[ 8280.189256] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
[ 8280.189260] Call Trace:
[ 8280.189265] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
[ 8280.189300] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
[ 8280.189305] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
[ 8280.189333] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
[ 8280.189340] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
[ 8280.189345] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
[ 8280.189348] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
[ 8280.189352] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
[ 8280.189356] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
[ 8280.189360] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
[ 8280.189404] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables
this message.
[ 8280.189453] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
[ 8280.189457] Call Trace:
[ 8280.189476] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
[ 8280.189480] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
[ 8280.189484] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
[ 8280.189494] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0 [dm_mod]
[ 8280.189498] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
[ 8280.189502] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
[ 8280.189507] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
[ 8280.189513] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
[ 8280.189546] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20 [xfs]
[ 8280.189588] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
[ 8280.189593] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
[ 8280.189597] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
[ 8280.189600] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
[ 8280.189604] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
[ 8280.189608] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
[ 8400.186024] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
[ 8400.186077] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables
this message.
[ 8400.186127] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
[ 8400.186133] Call Trace:
[ 8400.186146] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
[ 8400.186153] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
[ 8400.186221] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
[ 8400.186227] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
[ 8400.186260] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
[ 8400.186292] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
[ 8400.186324] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
[ 8400.186356] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
[ 8400.186388] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
[ 8400.186394] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
[ 8400.186398] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
[ 8400.186405] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
[ 8400.186409] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
[ 8400.186450] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
[ 8400.186496] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables
this message.
[ 8400.186545] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
[ 8400.186549] Call Trace:
[ 8400.186554] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
[ 8400.186589] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
[ 8400.186593] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
[ 8400.186622] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
[ 8400.186629] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
[ 8400.186634] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
[ 8400.186637] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
[ 8400.186641] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
[ 8400.186645] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
[ 8400.186649] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
[ 8400.186693] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables
this message.
[ 8400.186741] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
[ 8400.186746] Call Trace:
[ 8400.186764] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
[ 8400.186768] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
[ 8400.186772] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
[ 8400.186782] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0 [dm_mod]
[ 8400.186786] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
[ 8400.186790] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
[ 8400.186795] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
[ 8400.186800] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
[ 8400.186833] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20 [xfs]
[ 8400.186862] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
[ 8400.186879] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
[ 8400.186884] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
[ 8400.186887] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
[ 8400.186891] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
[ 8400.186895] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
[ 8400.186912] INFO: task kworker/3:4:3191 blocked for more than 120
[ 8400.186957] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables
this message.
[ 8400.187006] kworker/3:4 D ffff931faf598fd0 0 3191 2
[ 8400.187041] Workqueue: xfs-sync/dm-10 xfs_log_worker [xfs]
[ 8400.187043] Call Trace:
[ 8400.187050] [<ffffffff9614e45f>] ? delayacct_end+0x8f/0xb0
[ 8400.187055] [<ffffffff960dbbc8>] ? update_group_power+0x28/0x280
[ 8400.187059] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
[ 8400.187062] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
[ 8400.187066] [<ffffffff9671432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
[ 8400.187071] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
[ 8400.187075] [<ffffffff960b418d>] flush_work+0xfd/0x190
[ 8400.187079] [<ffffffff960b06e0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
[ 8400.187110] [<ffffffffc04a1d8a>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
[ 8400.187142] [<ffffffffc049fcf5>] _xfs_log_force+0x85/0x2c0 [xfs]
[ 8400.187174] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] ? xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
[ 8400.187206] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
[ 8400.187237] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
[ 8400.187241] [<ffffffff960b312f>] process_one_work+0x17f/0x440
[ 8400.187245] [<ffffffff960b3df6>] worker_thread+0x126/0x3c0
[ 8400.187249] [<ffffffff960b3cd0>] ? manage_workers.isra.24+0x2a0/0x2a0
[ 8400.187253] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
[ 8400.187257] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
[ 8400.187261] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
[ 8400.187265] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
[13493.643624] perf: interrupt took too long (12026 > 11991), lowering
kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 16000

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:44 AM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com>

> The profile seems to suggest very high latencies on the brick at
> ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> ovirt2.* shows decent numbers. Is everything OK with the brick on ovirt1?
> Are the bricks of engine volume on both these servers identical in terms
> of their config?
> -Krutika
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Thank you. I was finally able to get my cluster minimally functional
>> again (its 2am local here; had to be up by 6am). I set the
>> cluster.eager-lock off, but I'm still seeing performance issues. Here's
>> the engine volume:
>> Brick: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> Cumulative Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 4096b+
>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>> 772
>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>> 4802
>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>> 32768b+
>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>> 49
>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>> 291
>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>> 0.88 3765.77 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>> 15.06 19624.04 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>> 21.63 59817.26 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>> 23.19 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>> 38.10 125578.64 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>> Interval 0 Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 4096b+
>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>> 772
>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>> 4802
>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>> 32768b+
>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>> 49
>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>> 291
>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>> 0.91 3859.75 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>> 15.05 19622.80 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>> 21.62 59809.04 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>> 23.18 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>> 38.09 125562.74 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> Cumulative Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 1024b+
>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>> 216
>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>> 0
>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>> 8192b+
>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>> 9866
>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>> 4211
>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>> 65536b+
>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>> 3880
>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>> 333
>> Block Size: 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 13718
>> No. of Writes: 596
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>> 1.89 109.48 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>> 46.61 2063.11 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>> Interval 0 Stats:
>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>> 1024b+
>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>> 216
>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>> 0
>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>> 8192b+
>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>> 9866
>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>> 4211
>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>> 65536b+
>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>> 3880
>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>> 333
>> Block Size: 131072b+
>> No. of Reads: 13718
>> No. of Writes: 596
>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>> Fop
>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>> ----
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>> 1.89 109.51 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>> 46.62 2063.91 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>> gluster> volume info engine
>> Volume Name: engine
>> Type: Replicate
>> Volume ID: 87ad86b9-d88b-457e-ba21-5d3173c612de
>> Status: Started
>> Snapshot Count: 0
>> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
>> Transport-type: tcp
>> Bricks:
>> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine (arbiter)
>> Options Reconfigured:
>> diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
>> diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
>> performance.strict-o-direct: on
>> nfs.disable: on
>> user.cifs: off
>> network.ping-timeout: 30
>> cluster.shd-max-threads: 6
>> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
>> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
>> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
>> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
>> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
>> features.shard: on
>> storage.owner-gid: 36
>> storage.owner-uid: 36
>> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
>> cluster.quorum-type: auto
>> network.remote-dio: off
>> cluster.eager-lock: off
>> performance.stat-prefetch: off
>> performance.io-cache: off
>> performance.read-ahead: off
>> performance.quick-read: off
>> performance.readdir-ahead: on
>> geo-replication.indexing: on
>> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
>> changelog.changelog: on
>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Adding Ravi to look into the heal issue.
>>> As for the fsync hang and subsequent IO errors, it seems a lot like
>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1497156 and Paolo Bonzini
>>> from qemu had pointed out that this would be fixed by the following commit:
>>> commit e72c9a2a67a6400c8ef3d01d4c461dbbbfa0e1f0
>>> Author: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>> Date: Wed Jun 21 16:35:46 2017 +0200
>>> scsi: virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling
>>> virtio_scsi tries to do exception handling after the default 30 seconds
>>> timeout expires. However, it's better to let the host control the
>>> timeout, otherwise with a heavy I/O load it is likely that an abort will
>>> also timeout. This leads to fatal errors like filesystems going
>>> offline.
>>> Disable the 'sd' timeout and allow the host to do exception handling,
>>> following the precedent of the storvsc driver.
>>> Hannes has a proposal to introduce timeouts in virtio, but this provides
>>> an immediate solution for stable kernels too.
>>> [mkp: fixed typo]
>>> Reported-by: Douglas Miller <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> Cc: "James E.J. Bottomley" <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>> Cc: "Martin K. Petersen" <***@oracle.com>
>>> Cc: Hannes Reinecke <***@suse.de>
>>> Cc: linux-***@vger.kernel.org
>>> Cc: ***@vger.kernel.org
>>> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>> Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <***@oracle.com>
>>> Adding Paolo/Kevin to comment.
>>> As for the poor gluster performance, could you disable
>>> cluster.eager-lock and see if that makes any difference:
>>> # gluster volume set <VOL> cluster.eager-lock off
>>> Do also capture the volume profile again if you still see performance
>>> issues after disabling eager-lock.
>>> -Krutika
>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
>>>> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than 120
>>>> seconds.
>>>> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [10679.527144] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
>>>> [10679.527161] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [10679.527218] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10679.527225] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [10679.527254] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [10679.527260] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>> [10679.527268] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10679.527271] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>> [10679.527275] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [10679.527279] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
>>>> [10679.529966] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [10679.530003] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10679.530008] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [10679.530038] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [10679.530042] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>> [10679.530046] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10679.530050] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>> [10679.530054] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [10679.530058] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more than
>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13 D ffff9720a83f0000 0 15486 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
>>>> [10679.533747] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [10679.533799] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10679.533806] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [10679.533846] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [10679.533852] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>> [10679.533858] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10679.533863] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>> [10679.533868] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [10679.533873] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than 120
>>>> seconds.
>>>> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [10919.516663] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
>>>> [10919.516690] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [10919.516696] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>> [10919.516703] [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
>>>> [10919.516768] [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ? _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10919.516774] [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>>>> [10919.516782] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [10919.516821] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.516859] [<ffffffffc05eafa9>] xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10919.516902] [<ffffffffc061b279>] ? xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10919.516940] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.516977] [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517022] [<ffffffffc061b279>] xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517057] [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517091] [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517126] [<ffffffffc05c9fee>] xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517160] [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>] xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517194] [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517233] [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517271] [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
>>>> [10919.517278] [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
>>>> [10919.517283] [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
>>>> [10919.517288] [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
>>>> [10919.517296] [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ? selinux_file_free_security+0x2
>>>> 3/0x30
>>>> [10919.517304] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10919.517309] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10919.517313] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10919.517318] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [10919.517323] [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
>>>> [10919.517328] [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
>>>> [10919.517333] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [10919.517339] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more than 120
>>>> seconds.
>>>> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9 D ffff971fa0fa1fa0 0 15482 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
>>>> [11159.498995] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>> [11159.498999] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [11159.499003] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>> [11159.499056] [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11159.499082] [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11159.499090] [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
>>>> [11159.499093] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>> [11159.499097] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>> [11159.499101] [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
>>>> [11159.499104] [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
>>>> [11159.499107] [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
>>>> [11159.499113] [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
>>>> [11159.499118] [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
>>>> [11159.499121] [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
>>>> [11159.499125] [<ffffffffb9394e85>] grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x
>>>> 55/0xc0
>>>> [11159.499130] [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
>>>> [11159.499135] [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
>>>> [11159.499140] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>> [11159.499144] [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
>>>> [11159.499149] [<ffffffffb9485621>] iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1
>>>> /0xe0
>>>> [11159.499153] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>> [11159.499182] [<ffffffffc05f025d>] xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11159.499213] [<ffffffffc05f057d>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11159.499217] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>> [11159.499222] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>> [11159.499225] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>> [11159.499230] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11159.499234] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [11159.499238] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than 120
>>>> seconds.
>>>> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff9720a8660fd0 0 1134 2
>>>> 0x00000000
>>>> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
>>>> [11279.491682] [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>>>> [11279.491688] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [11279.491744] [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.491750] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [11279.491783] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.491817] [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.491849] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11279.491880] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.491913] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11279.491919] [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>>> [11279.491926] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>> [11279.491932] [<ffffffffb9920677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>>> 1/0x21
>>>> [11279.491936] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more than
>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70 0 14934 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
>>>> [11279.494979] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>> [11279.494983] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [11279.494987] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>> [11279.494997] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>> [11279.495001] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>> [11279.495005] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>>> [11279.495010] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [11279.495016] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>> [11279.495049] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11279.495079] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.495086] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>> [11279.495090] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.495094] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>> [11279.495098] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [11279.495102] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
>>>> [11279.498134] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>> [11279.498138] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [11279.498142] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>> [11279.498152] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>> [11279.498156] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>> [11279.498160] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>>> [11279.498165] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [11279.498169] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>> [11279.498202] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11279.498231] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.498238] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>> [11279.498242] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.498246] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>> [11279.498250] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [11279.498254] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more than 120
>>>> seconds.
>>>> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1 D ffff97208b6daf70 0 14950 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
>>>> [11279.501353] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [11279.501390] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11279.501396] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [11279.501428] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.501432] [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
>>>> [11279.501461] [<ffffffffc05f0545>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11279.501466] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>> [11279.501471] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>> [11279.501475] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>> [11279.501479] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.501483] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [11279.501489] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more than 120
>>>> seconds.
>>>> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>> disables this message.
>>>> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4 D ffff972499f2bf40 0 14953 1
>>>> 0x00000080
>>>> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
>>>> [11279.504640] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>> [11279.504676] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>> [xfs]
>>>> [11279.504681] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>> [11279.504710] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>> [11279.504714] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>> [11279.504718] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [11279.504722] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>> [11279.504725] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>> [11279.504730] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>> 0x160
>>>> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150), lowering
>>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
>>>> --------------------
>>>> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
>>>> irrespective of gluster volume. At the time this happened, I was also
>>>> ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry commands. I had just
>>>> run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what version was actually
>>>> installed), and that command took almost 2 minutes to return! Normally it
>>>> takes less than 2 seconds. That is all pure local SSD IO, too....
>>>> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software causes
>>>> these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software, even if its
>>>> mis-handled exceptions. Is this correct?
>>>> --Jim
>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes that
>>>>> lives on the SSDs and is fully operational with no down/problem disks:
>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
>>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>> 1059
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 1113
>>>>> 302
>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 88608
>>>>> 53526
>>>>> No. of Writes: 522 812340
>>>>> 76257
>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 54351 241901
>>>>> 15024
>>>>> No. of Writes: 21636 8656
>>>>> 8976
>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 524156
>>>>> No. of Writes: 296071
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4189
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1257
>>>>> 0.00 46.19 us 12.00 us 187.00 us 69
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.00 147.00 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 86
>>>>> 0.00 223.46 us 24.00 us 1166.00 us 149
>>>>> 0.00 565.34 us 76.00 us 3639.00 us 88
>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>> LK
>>>>> 0.00 98.84 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1198
>>>>> 0.00 91.59 us 26.00 us 10371.00 us 3853
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.00 494.14 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1171
>>>>> 0.00 299.42 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 2044
>>>>> 0.00 1965.31 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 321
>>>>> 0.01 113.40 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 8134
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.01 755.38 us 57.00 us 607603.00 us 3196
>>>>> 0.05 2690.09 us 58.00 us 2704761.00 us 3206
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.10 119978.25 us 97.00 us 9406684.00 us 154
>>>>> 0.18 101.73 us 28.00 us 700477.00 us 313379
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 0.23 1059.84 us 25.00 us 2716124.00 us 38255
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 0.47 1024.11 us 54.00 us 6197164.00 us 81455
>>>>> 1.72 2984.00 us 15.00 us 37098954.00 us 103020
>>>>> 5.92 44315.32 us 51.00 us 24731536.00 us 23957
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 13.27 2399.78 us 25.00 us 22089540.00 us 991005
>>>>> READ
>>>>> 37.00 5980.43 us 52.00 us 22099889.00 us 1108976
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 41.04 5452.75 us 13.00 us 22102452.00 us 1349053
>>>>> Duration: 10026 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>> 1059
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 838
>>>>> 185
>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 85856
>>>>> 51575
>>>>> No. of Writes: 382 705802
>>>>> 57812
>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 52673 232093
>>>>> 14984
>>>>> No. of Writes: 13499 4908
>>>>> 4242
>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 460040
>>>>> No. of Writes: 6411
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>> 0.00 53.38 us 26.00 us 111.00 us 16
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.00 145.14 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 71
>>>>> 0.00 190.96 us 114.00 us 298.00 us 71
>>>>> 0.00 213.38 us 24.00 us 1145.00 us 90
>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>> LK
>>>>> 0.00 101.76 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1093
>>>>> 0.01 93.60 us 27.00 us 10371.00 us 3090
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.02 537.47 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1038
>>>>> 0.03 297.44 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 1990
>>>>> 0.03 2357.28 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 253
>>>>> 0.04 385.93 us 58.00 us 47593.00 us 2091
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.04 114.86 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 7715
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.06 444.59 us 57.00 us 333240.00 us 3053
>>>>> 0.42 316.24 us 25.00 us 290728.00 us 29823
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 0.73 257.92 us 54.00 us 344812.00 us 63296
>>>>> 1.37 98.30 us 28.00 us 67621.00 us 313172
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 1.58 2124.69 us 51.00 us 849200.00 us 16717
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 5.73 162.46 us 52.00 us 748492.00 us 794079
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 7.19 2065.17 us 16.00 us 37098954.00 us 78381
>>>>> 36.44 886.32 us 25.00 us 2216436.00 us 925421
>>>>> READ
>>>>> 46.30 1178.04 us 13.00 us 1700704.00 us 884635
>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
>>>>> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>> No. of Writes: 3264419
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 90
>>>>> FORGET
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 9462
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4254
>>>>> 0.00 50.52 us 13.00 us 190.00 us 71
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.00 186.97 us 87.00 us 713.00 us 86
>>>>> 0.00 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>> LK
>>>>> 0.00 220.98 us 129.00 us 513.00 us 86
>>>>> 0.01 259.30 us 26.00 us 2632.00 us 137
>>>>> 0.02 322.76 us 145.00 us 2125.00 us 321
>>>>> 0.03 109.55 us 2.00 us 1258.00 us 1193
>>>>> 0.05 70.21 us 21.00 us 431.00 us 3196
>>>>> 0.05 169.26 us 21.00 us 2315.00 us 1545
>>>>> 0.12 176.85 us 63.00 us 2844.00 us 3206
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.61 303.49 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9633
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 2.44 305.66 us 28.00 us 3716.00 us 38230
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 4.52 266.22 us 55.00 us 53424.00 us 81455
>>>>> 6.96 1397.99 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 23889
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 16.48 84.74 us 25.00 us 6917.00 us 932592
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 30.16 106.90 us 13.00 us 3920189.00 us 1353046
>>>>> 38.55 1794.52 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 103039
>>>>> Duration: 66562 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>> No. of Writes: 794080
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>> 0.00 70.31 us 26.00 us 125.00 us 16
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.00 193.10 us 103.00 us 713.00 us 71
>>>>> 0.01 227.32 us 133.00 us 513.00 us 71
>>>>> 0.01 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>> LK
>>>>> 0.01 259.83 us 35.00 us 1138.00 us 89
>>>>> 0.03 318.26 us 145.00 us 2047.00 us 253
>>>>> 0.04 112.67 us 3.00 us 1258.00 us 1093
>>>>> 0.06 167.98 us 23.00 us 1951.00 us 1014
>>>>> 0.08 70.97 us 22.00 us 431.00 us 3053
>>>>> 0.13 183.78 us 66.00 us 2844.00 us 2091
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 1.01 303.82 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9610
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 3.27 316.59 us 30.00 us 3716.00 us 29820
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 5.83 265.79 us 59.00 us 53424.00 us 63296
>>>>> 7.95 1373.89 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 16717
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 23.17 851.99 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 78555
>>>>> 24.04 87.44 us 27.00 us 6917.00 us 794081
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 34.36 111.91 us 14.00 us 984871.00 us 886790
>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 794080 bytes
>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs and has
>>>>> one failed disk:
>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
>>>>> Brick:
>>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>> 16
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>> 71
>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>> 2049
>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>> 35727
>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>> 1088
>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>> 1285
>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>> LK
>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>> 0.07 85.74 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 5.94 2331.74 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>> 7.31 8311.75 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>> 12.49 7735.19 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 17.70 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>>> 24.55 2546.43 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>> READ
>>>>> 31.56 49699.15 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>> 16
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>> 71
>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>> 2049
>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>> 35727
>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>> 1088
>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>> 1285
>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>> LK
>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>> 0.07 85.73 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 5.94 2334.57 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>> 7.31 8311.49 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>> 12.49 7735.32 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 17.71 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>>> 24.56 2546.42 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>> READ
>>>>> 31.54 49651.63 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>>> I have 4 gluster volumes. 3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. replica
>>>>>> bricks are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on ovirt3. The 4th volume is
>>>>>> replica 3, with a brick on all three ovirt machines.
>>>>>> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a Seagate SSHD
>>>>>> (same in all three machines). On ovirt3, the SSHD has reported hard IO
>>>>>> failures, and that brick is offline. However, the other two replicas are
>>>>>> fully operational (although they still show contents in the heal info
>>>>>> command that won't go away, but that may be the case until I replace the
>>>>>> failed disk).
>>>>>> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are showing
>>>>>> horrible performance issues. At this point, as the bad disk has been
>>>>>> completely offlined, I would expect gluster to perform at normal speed, but
>>>>>> that is definitely not the case.
>>>>>> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come in waves:
>>>>>> things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a while, then suddenly, its
>>>>>> as if all disk IO on all volumes (including non-gluster local OS disk
>>>>>> volumes for the hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
>>>>>> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and host not
>>>>>> responding notices as well as the applications having major issues.
>>>>>> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my essential core
>>>>>> VMs (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still am experiencing the same issues.
>>>>>> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was brought
>>>>>> offline that performance should return to normal?
>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K <***@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points where
>>>>>>> your gluster volumes reside.
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
>>>>>>>> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
>>>>>>>> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>>> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>> 3905943424
>>>>>>>> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>> 3905943536
>>>>>>>> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded to
>>>>>>>>> 4.2):
>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>> (appears a lot).
>>>>>>>>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings about
>>>>>>>>> the backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica 3). The
>>>>>>>>> glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its my
>>>>>>>>> understanding that it should continue to work with the other two machines
>>>>>>>>> while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes (touching an
>>>>>>>>> empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be much faster.
>>>>>>>>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know
>>>>>>>>> what ones you want, or from which machine(s).
>>>>>>>>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If
>>>>>>>>>> so, could you attach the logs?
>>>>>>>>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach output
>>>>>>>>>> of volume profiling?
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting
>>>>>>>>>>> random errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused
>>>>>>>>>>> due to storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing
>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production
>>>>>>>>>>> services are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>>>>>>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly (when
>>>>>>>>>>> they run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I was
>>>>>>>>>>> seeing CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few
>>>>>>>>>>> minutes at a time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was
>>>>>>>>>>> logged into that were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my
>>>>>>>>>>> origional post). Is all this storage related?
>>>>>>>>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and
>>>>>>>>>>> only one had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same
>>>>>>>>>>> time and same way.
>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lately. I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> repos were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hosted engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes different information, but always some number of "heal failed"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> entries. It shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes 1 and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> afraid to upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> most of my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> desktop can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily
>>>>>>>>>>>>> take 10 minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
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Jim Kusznir
2018-05-30 21:46:50 UTC
I've been back at it, and still am unable to get more than one of my
physical nodes to come online in ovirt, nor am I able to get more than the
two gluster volumes (storage domains) to show online within ovirt.

In Storage -> Volumes, they all show offline (many with one brick down,
which is correct: I have one server off)
However, in Storage -> domains, they all show down (although somehow, I got
machines from the data domain to start), and there's no obvious way I've
seen to tell them to bring it online. It claims none of the servers can
see that volume, but I've quadruple-checked that the volumes are mounted on
the engines and are fully functional there. I have some more VMs I need to
get back up and running. How do I fix this?

ovirt1, for unknown reasons, will not work. Attempts to bring it online
fail, and I haven't figured out what log file to look in yet for more

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:36 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> Hi all again:
> I'm now subscribed to gluster-users as well, so I should get any replies
> from that side too.
> At this point, I am seeing acceptable (although slower than I expect)
> performance much of the time, with periodic massive spikes in latency
> (occasionally so bad as to cause ovirt to detect a engine bad health
> status). Often, if I check the logs just then, I'll see those call traces
> in xfs_log_worker or other gluster processes, as well as hung task timeout
> messages.
> As to the profile suggesting ovirt1 had poorer performance than ovirt2, I
> don't have an explanation. gluster volume info engine on both hosts are
> identical. The computers and drives are identical (Dell R610 with PERC 6/i
> controller configured to pass through the drive). ovirt1 and ovirt2's
> partiion scheme/map do vary somewhat, but I figured that wouldn't be a big
> deal and gluster just uses the least common denominator. Is that accurate?
> In case it was missed, here are the dmesg errors being thrown by gluster
> (as far as I can tell). They definately started after I upgraded from
> gluster 3.8 to 3.12:
> [ 6604.536156] perf: interrupt took too long (9593 > 9565), lowering
> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 20000
> [ 8280.188734] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [ 8280.188787] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [ 8280.188837] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
> 0x00000000
> [ 8280.188843] Call Trace:
> [ 8280.188857] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
> [ 8280.188864] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [ 8280.188932] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
> [ 8280.188939] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [ 8280.188972] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [ 8280.189003] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
> [ 8280.189035] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
> [xfs]
> [ 8280.189067] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [ 8280.189100] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
> [xfs]
> [ 8280.189105] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
> [ 8280.189109] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [ 8280.189117] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
> [ 8280.189121] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [ 8280.189161] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [ 8280.189207] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [ 8280.189256] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
> 0x00000080
> [ 8280.189260] Call Trace:
> [ 8280.189265] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [ 8280.189300] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [ 8280.189305] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [ 8280.189333] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [ 8280.189340] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [ 8280.189345] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [ 8280.189348] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [ 8280.189352] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [ 8280.189356] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [ 8280.189360] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [ 8280.189404] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [ 8280.189453] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
> 0x00000080
> [ 8280.189457] Call Trace:
> [ 8280.189476] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
> [dm_mod]
> [ 8280.189480] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [ 8280.189484] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [ 8280.189494] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0 [dm_mod]
> [ 8280.189498] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [ 8280.189502] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
> [ 8280.189507] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [ 8280.189513] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
> [ 8280.189546] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
> [xfs]
> [ 8280.189588] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [ 8280.189593] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [ 8280.189597] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [ 8280.189600] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [ 8280.189604] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [ 8280.189608] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [ 8400.186024] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [ 8400.186077] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [ 8400.186127] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
> 0x00000000
> [ 8400.186133] Call Trace:
> [ 8400.186146] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
> [ 8400.186153] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [ 8400.186221] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
> [ 8400.186227] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [ 8400.186260] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [ 8400.186292] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
> [ 8400.186324] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
> [xfs]
> [ 8400.186356] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
> [ 8400.186388] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
> [xfs]
> [ 8400.186394] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
> [ 8400.186398] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [ 8400.186405] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
> [ 8400.186409] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [ 8400.186450] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [ 8400.186496] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [ 8400.186545] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
> 0x00000080
> [ 8400.186549] Call Trace:
> [ 8400.186554] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [ 8400.186589] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
> [ 8400.186593] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [ 8400.186622] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [ 8400.186629] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [ 8400.186634] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [ 8400.186637] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [ 8400.186641] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [ 8400.186645] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [ 8400.186649] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [ 8400.186693] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [ 8400.186741] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
> 0x00000080
> [ 8400.186746] Call Trace:
> [ 8400.186764] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
> [dm_mod]
> [ 8400.186768] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [ 8400.186772] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [ 8400.186782] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0 [dm_mod]
> [ 8400.186786] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
> [ 8400.186790] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
> [ 8400.186795] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [ 8400.186800] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
> [ 8400.186833] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
> [xfs]
> [ 8400.186862] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
> [ 8400.186879] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
> [ 8400.186884] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/0x160
> [ 8400.186887] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
> [ 8400.186891] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
> [ 8400.186895] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/0x160
> [ 8400.186912] INFO: task kworker/3:4:3191 blocked for more than 120
> seconds.
> [ 8400.186957] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
> disables this message.
> [ 8400.187006] kworker/3:4 D ffff931faf598fd0 0 3191 2
> 0x00000080
> [ 8400.187041] Workqueue: xfs-sync/dm-10 xfs_log_worker [xfs]
> [ 8400.187043] Call Trace:
> [ 8400.187050] [<ffffffff9614e45f>] ? delayacct_end+0x8f/0xb0
> [ 8400.187055] [<ffffffff960dbbc8>] ? update_group_power+0x28/0x280
> [ 8400.187059] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
> [ 8400.187062] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
> [ 8400.187066] [<ffffffff9671432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
> [ 8400.187071] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
> [ 8400.187075] [<ffffffff960b418d>] flush_work+0xfd/0x190
> [ 8400.187079] [<ffffffff960b06e0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
> [ 8400.187110] [<ffffffffc04a1d8a>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
> [ 8400.187142] [<ffffffffc049fcf5>] _xfs_log_force+0x85/0x2c0 [xfs]
> [ 8400.187174] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] ? xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
> [ 8400.187206] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
> [ 8400.187237] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
> [ 8400.187241] [<ffffffff960b312f>] process_one_work+0x17f/0x440
> [ 8400.187245] [<ffffffff960b3df6>] worker_thread+0x126/0x3c0
> [ 8400.187249] [<ffffffff960b3cd0>] ? manage_workers.isra.24+0x2a0/0x2a0
> [ 8400.187253] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
> [ 8400.187257] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [ 8400.187261] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
> [ 8400.187265] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
> [13493.643624] perf: interrupt took too long (12026 > 11991), lowering
> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 16000
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:44 AM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> The profile seems to suggest very high latencies on the brick at
>> ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>> ovirt2.* shows decent numbers. Is everything OK with the brick on ovirt1?
>> Are the bricks of engine volume on both these servers identical in terms
>> of their config?
>> -Krutika
>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Thank you. I was finally able to get my cluster minimally functional
>>> again (its 2am local here; had to be up by 6am). I set the
>>> cluster.eager-lock off, but I'm still seeing performance issues. Here's
>>> the engine volume:
>>> Brick: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>> 4096b+
>>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>>> 772
>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>> 4802
>>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>>> 32768b+
>>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>>> 49
>>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>>> 291
>>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>> Fop
>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>> ----
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>>> OPEN
>>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>>> STAT
>>> 0.88 3765.77 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>>> 15.06 19624.04 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>>> 21.63 59817.26 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>>> 23.19 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>>> READ
>>> 38.10 125578.64 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>> 4096b+
>>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>>> 772
>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>> 4802
>>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>>> 32768b+
>>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>>> 49
>>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>>> 291
>>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>> Fop
>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>> ----
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>>> OPEN
>>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>>> STAT
>>> 0.91 3859.75 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>>> 15.05 19622.80 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>>> 21.62 59809.04 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>>> 23.18 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>>> READ
>>> 38.09 125562.74 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>> 1024b+
>>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>>> 216
>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>> 0
>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>> 8192b+
>>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>>> 9866
>>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>>> 4211
>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>> 65536b+
>>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>>> 3880
>>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>>> 333
>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>> No. of Reads: 13718
>>> No. of Writes: 596
>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>> Fop
>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>> ----
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>>> OPEN
>>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>>> STAT
>>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>>> 1.89 109.48 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>>> 46.61 2063.11 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>>> READ
>>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>> 1024b+
>>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>>> 216
>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>> 0
>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>> 8192b+
>>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>>> 9866
>>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>>> 4211
>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>> 65536b+
>>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>>> 3880
>>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>>> 333
>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>> No. of Reads: 13718
>>> No. of Writes: 596
>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>> Fop
>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>> ----
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>>> OPEN
>>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>>> STAT
>>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>>> 1.89 109.51 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>>> 46.62 2063.91 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>>> READ
>>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>>> gluster> volume info engine
>>> Volume Name: engine
>>> Type: Replicate
>>> Volume ID: 87ad86b9-d88b-457e-ba21-5d3173c612de
>>> Status: Started
>>> Snapshot Count: 0
>>> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
>>> Transport-type: tcp
>>> Bricks:
>>> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine (arbiter)
>>> Options Reconfigured:
>>> diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
>>> diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
>>> performance.strict-o-direct: on
>>> nfs.disable: on
>>> user.cifs: off
>>> network.ping-timeout: 30
>>> cluster.shd-max-threads: 6
>>> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
>>> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
>>> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
>>> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
>>> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
>>> features.shard: on
>>> storage.owner-gid: 36
>>> storage.owner-uid: 36
>>> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
>>> cluster.quorum-type: auto
>>> network.remote-dio: off
>>> cluster.eager-lock: off
>>> performance.stat-prefetch: off
>>> performance.io-cache: off
>>> performance.read-ahead: off
>>> performance.quick-read: off
>>> performance.readdir-ahead: on
>>> geo-replication.indexing: on
>>> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
>>> changelog.changelog: on
>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Adding Ravi to look into the heal issue.
>>>> As for the fsync hang and subsequent IO errors, it seems a lot like
>>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1497156 and Paolo Bonzini
>>>> from qemu had pointed out that this would be fixed by the following commit:
>>>> commit e72c9a2a67a6400c8ef3d01d4c461dbbbfa0e1f0
>>>> Author: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>>> Date: Wed Jun 21 16:35:46 2017 +0200
>>>> scsi: virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling
>>>> virtio_scsi tries to do exception handling after the default 30 seconds
>>>> timeout expires. However, it's better to let the host control the
>>>> timeout, otherwise with a heavy I/O load it is likely that an abort will
>>>> also timeout. This leads to fatal errors like filesystems going
>>>> offline.
>>>> Disable the 'sd' timeout and allow the host to do exception handling,
>>>> following the precedent of the storvsc driver.
>>>> Hannes has a proposal to introduce timeouts in virtio, but this provides
>>>> an immediate solution for stable kernels too.
>>>> [mkp: fixed typo]
>>>> Reported-by: Douglas Miller <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> Cc: "James E.J. Bottomley" <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>> Cc: "Martin K. Petersen" <***@oracle.com>
>>>> Cc: Hannes Reinecke <***@suse.de>
>>>> Cc: linux-***@vger.kernel.org
>>>> Cc: ***@vger.kernel.org
>>>> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <***@oracle.com>
>>>> Adding Paolo/Kevin to comment.
>>>> As for the poor gluster performance, could you disable
>>>> cluster.eager-lock and see if that makes any difference:
>>>> # gluster volume set <VOL> cluster.eager-lock off
>>>> Do also capture the volume profile again if you still see performance
>>>> issues after disabling eager-lock.
>>>> -Krutika
>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
>>>>> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10679.527144] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10679.527161] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10679.527218] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.527225] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10679.527254] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.527260] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [10679.527268] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.527271] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>> [10679.527275] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10679.527279] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10679.529966] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10679.530003] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.530008] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10679.530038] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.530042] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [10679.530046] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.530050] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>> [10679.530054] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10679.530058] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13 D ffff9720a83f0000 0 15486 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10679.533747] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10679.533799] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.533806] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10679.533846] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.533852] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [10679.533858] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.533863] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>> [10679.533868] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10679.533873] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10919.516663] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10919.516690] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10919.516696] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [10919.516703] [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
>>>>> [10919.516768] [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ? _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516774] [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>>>>> [10919.516782] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10919.516821] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516859] [<ffffffffc05eafa9>] xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516902] [<ffffffffc061b279>] ? xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516940] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516977] [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517022] [<ffffffffc061b279>] xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517057] [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517091] [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517126] [<ffffffffc05c9fee>] xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517160] [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>] xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517194] [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517233] [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517271] [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517278] [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
>>>>> [10919.517283] [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
>>>>> [10919.517288] [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
>>>>> [10919.517296] [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ? selinux_file_free_security+0x2
>>>>> 3/0x30
>>>>> [10919.517304] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517309] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517313] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517318] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517323] [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
>>>>> [10919.517328] [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
>>>>> [10919.517333] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10919.517339] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9 D ffff971fa0fa1fa0 0 15482 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11159.498995] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>> [11159.498999] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11159.499003] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [11159.499056] [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499082] [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499090] [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
>>>>> [11159.499093] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>> [11159.499097] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>> [11159.499101] [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
>>>>> [11159.499104] [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
>>>>> [11159.499107] [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
>>>>> [11159.499113] [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
>>>>> [11159.499118] [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
>>>>> [11159.499121] [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
>>>>> [11159.499125] [<ffffffffb9394e85>] grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x
>>>>> 55/0xc0
>>>>> [11159.499130] [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
>>>>> [11159.499135] [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
>>>>> [11159.499140] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>> [11159.499144] [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
>>>>> [11159.499149] [<ffffffffb9485621>] iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1
>>>>> /0xe0
>>>>> [11159.499153] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>> [11159.499182] [<ffffffffc05f025d>] xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499213] [<ffffffffc05f057d>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499217] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>> [11159.499222] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>> [11159.499225] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>> [11159.499230] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11159.499234] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11159.499238] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than 120
>>>>> seconds.
>>>>> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff9720a8660fd0 0 1134 2
>>>>> 0x00000000
>>>>> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.491682] [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>>>>> [11279.491688] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.491744] [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491750] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.491783] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491817] [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491849] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491880] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491913] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491919] [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>>>> [11279.491926] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>> [11279.491932] [<ffffffffb9920677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>>>> 1/0x21
>>>>> [11279.491936] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70 0 14934 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.494979] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.494983] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.494987] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [11279.494997] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.495001] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>> [11279.495005] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>>>> [11279.495010] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.495016] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>> [11279.495049] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.495079] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.495086] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [11279.495090] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.495094] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>> [11279.495098] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.495102] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.498134] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.498138] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.498142] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [11279.498152] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.498156] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>> [11279.498160] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>>>> [11279.498165] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.498169] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>> [11279.498202] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.498231] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.498238] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [11279.498242] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.498246] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>> [11279.498250] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.498254] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1 D ffff97208b6daf70 0 14950 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.501353] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.501390] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.501396] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.501428] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.501432] [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
>>>>> [11279.501461] [<ffffffffc05f0545>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.501466] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>> [11279.501471] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>> [11279.501475] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>> [11279.501479] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.501483] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.501489] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4 D ffff972499f2bf40 0 14953 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.504640] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.504676] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.504681] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.504710] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.504714] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [11279.504718] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.504722] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>> [11279.504725] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.504730] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150), lowering
>>>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
>>>>> --------------------
>>>>> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
>>>>> irrespective of gluster volume. At the time this happened, I was also
>>>>> ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry commands. I had just
>>>>> run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what version was actually
>>>>> installed), and that command took almost 2 minutes to return! Normally it
>>>>> takes less than 2 seconds. That is all pure local SSD IO, too....
>>>>> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software causes
>>>>> these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software, even if its
>>>>> mis-handled exceptions. Is this correct?
>>>>> --Jim
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes that
>>>>>> lives on the SSDs and is fully operational with no down/problem disks:
>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
>>>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 1113
>>>>>> 302
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 88608
>>>>>> 53526
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 522 812340
>>>>>> 76257
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 54351 241901
>>>>>> 15024
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 21636 8656
>>>>>> 8976
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 524156
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 296071
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4189
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1257
>>>>>> 0.00 46.19 us 12.00 us 187.00 us 69
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 147.00 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 86
>>>>>> 0.00 223.46 us 24.00 us 1166.00 us 149
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 565.34 us 76.00 us 3639.00 us 88
>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 98.84 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1198
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 91.59 us 26.00 us 10371.00 us 3853
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.00 494.14 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1171
>>>>>> 0.00 299.42 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 2044
>>>>>> 0.00 1965.31 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 321
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.01 113.40 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 8134
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.01 755.38 us 57.00 us 607603.00 us 3196
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.05 2690.09 us 58.00 us 2704761.00 us 3206
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.10 119978.25 us 97.00 us 9406684.00 us 154
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.18 101.73 us 28.00 us 700477.00 us 313379
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 0.23 1059.84 us 25.00 us 2716124.00 us 38255
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 0.47 1024.11 us 54.00 us 6197164.00 us 81455
>>>>>> 1.72 2984.00 us 15.00 us 37098954.00 us 103020
>>>>>> 5.92 44315.32 us 51.00 us 24731536.00 us 23957
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 13.27 2399.78 us 25.00 us 22089540.00 us 991005
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 37.00 5980.43 us 52.00 us 22099889.00 us 1108976
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 41.04 5452.75 us 13.00 us 22102452.00 us 1349053
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> Duration: 10026 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 838
>>>>>> 185
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 85856
>>>>>> 51575
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 382 705802
>>>>>> 57812
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 52673 232093
>>>>>> 14984
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 13499 4908
>>>>>> 4242
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 460040
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 6411
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>>> 0.00 53.38 us 26.00 us 111.00 us 16
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 145.14 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 71
>>>>>> 0.00 190.96 us 114.00 us 298.00 us 71
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.00 213.38 us 24.00 us 1145.00 us 90
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 101.76 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1093
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.01 93.60 us 27.00 us 10371.00 us 3090
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.02 537.47 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1038
>>>>>> 0.03 297.44 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 1990
>>>>>> 0.03 2357.28 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 253
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.04 385.93 us 58.00 us 47593.00 us 2091
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.04 114.86 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 7715
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.06 444.59 us 57.00 us 333240.00 us 3053
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.42 316.24 us 25.00 us 290728.00 us 29823
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 0.73 257.92 us 54.00 us 344812.00 us 63296
>>>>>> 1.37 98.30 us 28.00 us 67621.00 us 313172
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 1.58 2124.69 us 51.00 us 849200.00 us 16717
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 5.73 162.46 us 52.00 us 748492.00 us 794079
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 7.19 2065.17 us 16.00 us 37098954.00 us 78381
>>>>>> 36.44 886.32 us 25.00 us 2216436.00 us 925421
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 46.30 1178.04 us 13.00 us 1700704.00 us 884635
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
>>>>>> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 3264419
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 90
>>>>>> FORGET
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 9462
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4254
>>>>>> 0.00 50.52 us 13.00 us 190.00 us 71
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 186.97 us 87.00 us 713.00 us 86
>>>>>> 0.00 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 220.98 us 129.00 us 513.00 us 86
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.01 259.30 us 26.00 us 2632.00 us 137
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.02 322.76 us 145.00 us 2125.00 us 321
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.03 109.55 us 2.00 us 1258.00 us 1193
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.05 70.21 us 21.00 us 431.00 us 3196
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.05 169.26 us 21.00 us 2315.00 us 1545
>>>>>> 0.12 176.85 us 63.00 us 2844.00 us 3206
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.61 303.49 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9633
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 2.44 305.66 us 28.00 us 3716.00 us 38230
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 4.52 266.22 us 55.00 us 53424.00 us 81455
>>>>>> 6.96 1397.99 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 23889
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 16.48 84.74 us 25.00 us 6917.00 us 932592
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 30.16 106.90 us 13.00 us 3920189.00 us 1353046
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> 38.55 1794.52 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 103039
>>>>>> Duration: 66562 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 794080
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>>> 0.00 70.31 us 26.00 us 125.00 us 16
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 193.10 us 103.00 us 713.00 us 71
>>>>>> 0.01 227.32 us 133.00 us 513.00 us 71
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.01 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.01 259.83 us 35.00 us 1138.00 us 89
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.03 318.26 us 145.00 us 2047.00 us 253
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.04 112.67 us 3.00 us 1258.00 us 1093
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.06 167.98 us 23.00 us 1951.00 us 1014
>>>>>> 0.08 70.97 us 22.00 us 431.00 us 3053
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.13 183.78 us 66.00 us 2844.00 us 2091
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 1.01 303.82 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9610
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 3.27 316.59 us 30.00 us 3716.00 us 29820
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 5.83 265.79 us 59.00 us 53424.00 us 63296
>>>>>> 7.95 1373.89 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 16717
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 23.17 851.99 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 78555
>>>>>> 24.04 87.44 us 27.00 us 6917.00 us 794081
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 34.36 111.91 us 14.00 us 984871.00 us 886790
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 794080 bytes
>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs and has
>>>>>> one failed disk:
>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
>>>>>> Brick:
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>> 16
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>> 71
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>>> ENTRYLK
>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>>> 0.07 85.74 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 5.94 2331.74 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>>> 7.31 8311.75 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>>> 12.49 7735.19 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 17.70 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> 24.55 2546.43 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 31.56 49699.15 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>> 16
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>> 71
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>>> ENTRYLK
>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>>> 0.07 85.73 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 5.94 2334.57 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>>> 7.31 8311.49 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>>> 12.49 7735.32 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 17.71 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> 24.56 2546.42 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 31.54 49651.63 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>>>> I have 4 gluster volumes. 3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. replica
>>>>>>> bricks are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on ovirt3. The 4th volume is
>>>>>>> replica 3, with a brick on all three ovirt machines.
>>>>>>> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a Seagate SSHD
>>>>>>> (same in all three machines). On ovirt3, the SSHD has reported hard IO
>>>>>>> failures, and that brick is offline. However, the other two replicas are
>>>>>>> fully operational (although they still show contents in the heal info
>>>>>>> command that won't go away, but that may be the case until I replace the
>>>>>>> failed disk).
>>>>>>> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are showing
>>>>>>> horrible performance issues. At this point, as the bad disk has been
>>>>>>> completely offlined, I would expect gluster to perform at normal speed, but
>>>>>>> that is definitely not the case.
>>>>>>> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come in waves:
>>>>>>> things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a while, then suddenly, its
>>>>>>> as if all disk IO on all volumes (including non-gluster local OS disk
>>>>>>> volumes for the hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
>>>>>>> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and host not
>>>>>>> responding notices as well as the applications having major issues.
>>>>>>> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my essential core
>>>>>>> VMs (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still am experiencing the same issues.
>>>>>>> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was brought
>>>>>>> offline that performance should return to normal?
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K <***@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points where
>>>>>>>> your gluster volumes reside.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
>>>>>>>>> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
>>>>>>>>> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>>>> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905943424
>>>>>>>>> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905943536
>>>>>>>>> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded to
>>>>>>>>>> 4.2):
>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>> (appears a lot).
>>>>>>>>>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings about
>>>>>>>>>> the backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica 3). The
>>>>>>>>>> glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its my
>>>>>>>>>> understanding that it should continue to work with the other two machines
>>>>>>>>>> while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes (touching an
>>>>>>>>>> empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be much faster.
>>>>>>>>>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know
>>>>>>>>>> what ones you want, or from which machine(s).
>>>>>>>>>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If
>>>>>>>>>>> so, could you attach the logs?
>>>>>>>>>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach
>>>>>>>>>>> output of volume profiling?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting
>>>>>>>>>>>> random errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused
>>>>>>>>>>>> due to storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing
>>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production
>>>>>>>>>>>> services are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly (when
>>>>>>>>>>>> they run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I was
>>>>>>>>>>>> seeing CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few
>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes at a time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was
>>>>>>>>>>>> logged into that were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my
>>>>>>>>>>>> origional post). Is all this storage related?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and
>>>>>>>>>>>> only one had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same
>>>>>>>>>>>> time and same way.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lately. I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repos were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hosted engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some reason one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes different information, but always some number of "heal failed"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entries. It shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes 1 and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> afraid to upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most of my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> desktop can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take 10 minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
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Sahina Bose
2018-06-01 06:25:25 UTC
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:16 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> I've been back at it, and still am unable to get more than one of my
> physical nodes to come online in ovirt, nor am I able to get more than the
> two gluster volumes (storage domains) to show online within ovirt.
> In Storage -> Volumes, they all show offline (many with one brick down,
> which is correct: I have one server off)
> However, in Storage -> domains, they all show down (although somehow, I
> got machines from the data domain to start), and there's no obvious way
> I've seen to tell them to bring it online. It claims none of the servers
> can see that volume, but I've quadruple-checked that the volumes are
> mounted on the engines and are fully functional there. I have some more
> VMs I need to get back up and running. How do I fix this?
> ovirt1, for unknown reasons, will not work. Attempts to bring it online
> fail, and I haven't figured out what log file to look in yet for more
> details.

As Krutika mentioned before, the storage performance issues seems to stem
from the slow brick on ovirt1 - ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine

Have you checked this?

When you say ovirt1 will not work - do you mean the host cannot be
activated in oVirt engine? Can you look at/share the engine.log (on the HE
VM) to understand why it won't. Also if the storage domain is not
accessible by any of the servers, check/share the vdsm.log to understand
the error.

> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:36 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>> Hi all again:
>> I'm now subscribed to gluster-users as well, so I should get any replies
>> from that side too.
>> At this point, I am seeing acceptable (although slower than I expect)
>> performance much of the time, with periodic massive spikes in latency
>> (occasionally so bad as to cause ovirt to detect a engine bad health
>> status). Often, if I check the logs just then, I'll see those call traces
>> in xfs_log_worker or other gluster processes, as well as hung task timeout
>> messages.
>> As to the profile suggesting ovirt1 had poorer performance than ovirt2, I
>> don't have an explanation. gluster volume info engine on both hosts are
>> identical. The computers and drives are identical (Dell R610 with PERC 6/i
>> controller configured to pass through the drive). ovirt1 and ovirt2's
>> partiion scheme/map do vary somewhat, but I figured that wouldn't be a big
>> deal and gluster just uses the least common denominator. Is that accurate?
>> In case it was missed, here are the dmesg errors being thrown by gluster
>> (as far as I can tell). They definately started after I upgraded from
>> gluster 3.8 to 3.12:
>> [ 6604.536156] perf: interrupt took too long (9593 > 9565), lowering
>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 20000
>> [ 8280.188734] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
>> seconds.
>> [ 8280.188787] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>> disables this message.
>> [ 8280.188837] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
>> 0x00000000
>> [ 8280.188843] Call Trace:
>> [ 8280.188857] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>> [ 8280.188864] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>> [ 8280.188932] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>> [ 8280.188939] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>> [ 8280.188972] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189003] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189035] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>> [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189067] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189100] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>> [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189105] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>> [ 8280.189109] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>> [ 8280.189117] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
>> [ 8280.189121] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>> [ 8280.189161] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
>> seconds.
>> [ 8280.189207] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>> disables this message.
>> [ 8280.189256] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
>> 0x00000080
>> [ 8280.189260] Call Trace:
>> [ 8280.189265] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>> [ 8280.189300] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189305] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>> [ 8280.189333] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189340] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>> [ 8280.189345] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8280.189348] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>> [ 8280.189352] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>> [ 8280.189356] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8280.189360] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
>> seconds.
>> [ 8280.189404] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>> disables this message.
>> [ 8280.189453] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
>> 0x00000080
>> [ 8280.189457] Call Trace:
>> [ 8280.189476] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>> [dm_mod]
>> [ 8280.189480] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>> [ 8280.189484] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>> [ 8280.189494] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>> [dm_mod]
>> [ 8280.189498] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>> [ 8280.189502] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>> [ 8280.189507] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>> [ 8280.189513] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>> [ 8280.189546] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>> [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189588] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>> [ 8280.189593] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>> [ 8280.189597] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8280.189600] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>> [ 8280.189604] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>> [ 8280.189608] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8400.186024] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
>> seconds.
>> [ 8400.186077] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>> disables this message.
>> [ 8400.186127] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
>> 0x00000000
>> [ 8400.186133] Call Trace:
>> [ 8400.186146] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>> [ 8400.186153] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>> [ 8400.186221] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186227] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>> [ 8400.186260] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186292] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186324] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>> [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186356] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186388] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>> [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186394] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>> [ 8400.186398] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>> [ 8400.186405] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
>> [ 8400.186409] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>> [ 8400.186450] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
>> seconds.
>> [ 8400.186496] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>> disables this message.
>> [ 8400.186545] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
>> 0x00000080
>> [ 8400.186549] Call Trace:
>> [ 8400.186554] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>> [ 8400.186589] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186593] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>> [ 8400.186622] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186629] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>> [ 8400.186634] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8400.186637] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>> [ 8400.186641] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>> [ 8400.186645] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8400.186649] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
>> seconds.
>> [ 8400.186693] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>> disables this message.
>> [ 8400.186741] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
>> 0x00000080
>> [ 8400.186746] Call Trace:
>> [ 8400.186764] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>> [dm_mod]
>> [ 8400.186768] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>> [ 8400.186772] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>> [ 8400.186782] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>> [dm_mod]
>> [ 8400.186786] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>> [ 8400.186790] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>> [ 8400.186795] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>> [ 8400.186800] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>> [ 8400.186833] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>> [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186862] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.186879] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>> [ 8400.186884] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8400.186887] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>> [ 8400.186891] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>> [ 8400.186895] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>> 0x160
>> [ 8400.186912] INFO: task kworker/3:4:3191 blocked for more than 120
>> seconds.
>> [ 8400.186957] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>> disables this message.
>> [ 8400.187006] kworker/3:4 D ffff931faf598fd0 0 3191 2
>> 0x00000080
>> [ 8400.187041] Workqueue: xfs-sync/dm-10 xfs_log_worker [xfs]
>> [ 8400.187043] Call Trace:
>> [ 8400.187050] [<ffffffff9614e45f>] ? delayacct_end+0x8f/0xb0
>> [ 8400.187055] [<ffffffff960dbbc8>] ? update_group_power+0x28/0x280
>> [ 8400.187059] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>> [ 8400.187062] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>> [ 8400.187066] [<ffffffff9671432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>> [ 8400.187071] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>> [ 8400.187075] [<ffffffff960b418d>] flush_work+0xfd/0x190
>> [ 8400.187079] [<ffffffff960b06e0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
>> [ 8400.187110] [<ffffffffc04a1d8a>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.187142] [<ffffffffc049fcf5>] _xfs_log_force+0x85/0x2c0 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.187174] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] ? xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.187206] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.187237] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
>> [ 8400.187241] [<ffffffff960b312f>] process_one_work+0x17f/0x440
>> [ 8400.187245] [<ffffffff960b3df6>] worker_thread+0x126/0x3c0
>> [ 8400.187249] [<ffffffff960b3cd0>] ? manage_workers.isra.24+0x2a0/0x2a0
>> [ 8400.187253] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>> [ 8400.187257] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>> [ 8400.187261] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x21/0x21
>> [ 8400.187265] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>> [13493.643624] perf: interrupt took too long (12026 > 11991), lowering
>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 16000
>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:44 AM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> The profile seems to suggest very high latencies on the brick at
>>> ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>> ovirt2.* shows decent numbers. Is everything OK with the brick on ovirt1?
>>> Are the bricks of engine volume on both these servers identical in terms
>>> of their config?
>>> -Krutika
>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi:
>>>> Thank you. I was finally able to get my cluster minimally functional
>>>> again (its 2am local here; had to be up by 6am). I set the
>>>> cluster.eager-lock off, but I'm still seeing performance issues. Here's
>>>> the engine volume:
>>>> Brick: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 4096b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>>>> 772
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>> 4802
>>>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>>>> 32768b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>>>> 49
>>>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>>>> 291
>>>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>>>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>>>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>>>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>>>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>>>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>>>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>>>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>>>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>>>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>>>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>>>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>>>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>>>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.88 3765.77 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>>>> 15.06 19624.04 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>>>> 21.63 59817.26 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 23.19 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>>>> READ
>>>> 38.10 125578.64 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>>>> WRITE
>>>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 4096b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>>>> 772
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>> 4802
>>>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>>>> 32768b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>>>> 49
>>>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>>>> 291
>>>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>>>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>>>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>>>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>>>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>>>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>>>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>>>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>>>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>>>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>>>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>>>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>>>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>>>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.91 3859.75 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>>>> 15.05 19622.80 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>>>> 21.62 59809.04 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 23.18 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>>>> READ
>>>> 38.09 125562.74 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>>>> WRITE
>>>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 1024b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>>>> 216
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>> 0
>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>> 8192b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>>>> 9866
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>>>> 4211
>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>> 65536b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>>>> 3880
>>>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>>>> 333
>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 13718
>>>> No. of Writes: 596
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>>>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>>>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>>>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>>>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>>>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>>>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>>>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>>>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>>>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>>>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>>>> 1.89 109.48 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>>>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>>>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>>>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 46.61 2063.11 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>>>> READ
>>>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>> 1024b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>>>> 216
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>> 0
>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>> 8192b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>>>> 9866
>>>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>>>> 4211
>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>> 65536b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>>>> 3880
>>>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>>>> 333
>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>> No. of Reads: 13718
>>>> No. of Writes: 596
>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>> Fop
>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>> ----
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>>>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>>>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>>>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>>>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>>>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>>>> FLUSH
>>>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>>>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>>>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>>>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>>>> OPEN
>>>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>>>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>>>> STAT
>>>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>>>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>>>> 1.89 109.51 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>>>> FSTAT
>>>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>>>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>>>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>>>> WRITE
>>>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>>>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>>>> FSYNC
>>>> 46.62 2063.91 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>>>> READ
>>>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>>>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>>>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>>>> gluster> volume info engine
>>>> Volume Name: engine
>>>> Type: Replicate
>>>> Volume ID: 87ad86b9-d88b-457e-ba21-5d3173c612de
>>>> Status: Started
>>>> Snapshot Count: 0
>>>> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
>>>> Transport-type: tcp
>>>> Bricks:
>>>> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine (arbiter)
>>>> Options Reconfigured:
>>>> diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
>>>> diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
>>>> performance.strict-o-direct: on
>>>> nfs.disable: on
>>>> user.cifs: off
>>>> network.ping-timeout: 30
>>>> cluster.shd-max-threads: 6
>>>> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
>>>> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
>>>> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
>>>> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
>>>> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
>>>> features.shard: on
>>>> storage.owner-gid: 36
>>>> storage.owner-uid: 36
>>>> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
>>>> cluster.quorum-type: auto
>>>> network.remote-dio: off
>>>> cluster.eager-lock: off
>>>> performance.stat-prefetch: off
>>>> performance.io-cache: off
>>>> performance.read-ahead: off
>>>> performance.quick-read: off
>>>> performance.readdir-ahead: on
>>>> geo-replication.indexing: on
>>>> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
>>>> changelog.changelog: on
>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Adding Ravi to look into the heal issue.
>>>>> As for the fsync hang and subsequent IO errors, it seems a lot like
>>>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1497156 and Paolo Bonzini
>>>>> from qemu had pointed out that this would be fixed by the following commit:
>>>>> commit e72c9a2a67a6400c8ef3d01d4c461dbbbfa0e1f0
>>>>> Author: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>>>> Date: Wed Jun 21 16:35:46 2017 +0200
>>>>> scsi: virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling
>>>>> virtio_scsi tries to do exception handling after the default 30 seconds
>>>>> timeout expires. However, it's better to let the host control the
>>>>> timeout, otherwise with a heavy I/O load it is likely that an abort will
>>>>> also timeout. This leads to fatal errors like filesystems going
>>>>> offline.
>>>>> Disable the 'sd' timeout and allow the host to do exception handling,
>>>>> following the precedent of the storvsc driver.
>>>>> Hannes has a proposal to introduce timeouts in virtio, but this provides
>>>>> an immediate solution for stable kernels too.
>>>>> [mkp: fixed typo]
>>>>> Reported-by: Douglas Miller <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>> Cc: "James E.J. Bottomley" <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>> Cc: "Martin K. Petersen" <***@oracle.com>
>>>>> Cc: Hannes Reinecke <***@suse.de>
>>>>> Cc: linux-***@vger.kernel.org
>>>>> Cc: ***@vger.kernel.org
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <***@oracle.com>
>>>>> Adding Paolo/Kevin to comment.
>>>>> As for the poor gluster performance, could you disable
>>>>> cluster.eager-lock and see if that makes any difference:
>>>>> # gluster volume set <VOL> cluster.eager-lock off
>>>>> Do also capture the volume profile again if you still see performance
>>>>> issues after disabling eager-lock.
>>>>> -Krutika
>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
>>>>>> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [10679.527144] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [10679.527161] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [10679.527218] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10679.527225] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [10679.527254] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10679.527260] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>> [10679.527268] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10679.527271] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>>> [10679.527275] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [10679.527279] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [10679.529966] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [10679.530003] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10679.530008] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [10679.530038] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10679.530042] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>> [10679.530046] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10679.530050] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>>> [10679.530054] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [10679.530058] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13 D ffff9720a83f0000 0 15486 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [10679.533747] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [10679.533799] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10679.533806] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [10679.533846] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10679.533852] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>> [10679.533858] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10679.533863] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>>> [10679.533868] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [10679.533873] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [10919.516663] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [10919.516690] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [10919.516696] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>> [10919.516703] [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
>>>>>> [10919.516768] [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ? _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.516774] [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>>>>>> [10919.516782] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [10919.516821] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.516859] [<ffffffffc05eafa9>] xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.516902] [<ffffffffc061b279>] ? xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.516940] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.516977] [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517022] [<ffffffffc061b279>] xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517057] [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517091] [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517126] [<ffffffffc05c9fee>] xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517160] [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>] xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517194] [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517233] [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517271] [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [10919.517278] [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
>>>>>> [10919.517283] [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
>>>>>> [10919.517288] [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
>>>>>> [10919.517296] [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ? selinux_file_free_security+0x2
>>>>>> 3/0x30
>>>>>> [10919.517304] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10919.517309] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10919.517313] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10919.517318] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [10919.517323] [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
>>>>>> [10919.517328] [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
>>>>>> [10919.517333] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [10919.517339] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9 D ffff971fa0fa1fa0 0 15482 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [11159.498995] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>>> [11159.498999] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [11159.499003] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>> [11159.499056] [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11159.499082] [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11159.499090] [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
>>>>>> [11159.499093] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>>> [11159.499097] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>>> [11159.499101] [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
>>>>>> [11159.499104] [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
>>>>>> [11159.499107] [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
>>>>>> [11159.499113] [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
>>>>>> [11159.499118] [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
>>>>>> [11159.499121] [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
>>>>>> [11159.499125] [<ffffffffb9394e85>] grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x
>>>>>> 55/0xc0
>>>>>> [11159.499130] [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
>>>>>> [11159.499135] [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
>>>>>> [11159.499140] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>>> [11159.499144] [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
>>>>>> [11159.499149] [<ffffffffb9485621>] iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1
>>>>>> /0xe0
>>>>>> [11159.499153] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>>> [11159.499182] [<ffffffffc05f025d>] xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11159.499213] [<ffffffffc05f057d>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11159.499217] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>>> [11159.499222] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>>> [11159.499225] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>>> [11159.499230] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11159.499234] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [11159.499238] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff9720a8660fd0 0 1134 2
>>>>>> 0x00000000
>>>>>> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [11279.491682] [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x9
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> [11279.491688] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [11279.491744] [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.491750] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.491783] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.491817] [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.491849] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.491880] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.491913] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.491919] [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>>>>> [11279.491926] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>>> [11279.491932] [<ffffffffb9920677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>>>>> 1/0x21
>>>>>> [11279.491936] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>>> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70 0 14934 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [11279.494979] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>> [11279.494983] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [11279.494987] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>> [11279.494997] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>> [11279.495001] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>>> [11279.495005] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x
>>>>>> 140
>>>>>> [11279.495010] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.495016] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>>> [11279.495049] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.495079] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.495086] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>> [11279.495090] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.495094] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.495098] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [11279.495102] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [11279.498134] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>> [11279.498138] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [11279.498142] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>> [11279.498152] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>> [11279.498156] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>>> [11279.498160] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x
>>>>>> 140
>>>>>> [11279.498165] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.498169] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>>> [11279.498202] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.498231] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.498238] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>> [11279.498242] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.498246] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.498250] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [11279.498254] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1 D ffff97208b6daf70 0 14950 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [11279.501353] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [11279.501390] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.501396] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.501428] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.501432] [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
>>>>>> [11279.501461] [<ffffffffc05f0545>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.501466] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>>> [11279.501471] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>>> [11279.501475] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>>> [11279.501479] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.501483] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [11279.501489] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more than
>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4 D ffff972499f2bf40 0 14953 1
>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
>>>>>> [11279.504640] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>> [11279.504676] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.504681] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.504710] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>> [11279.504714] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>> [11279.504718] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [11279.504722] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>>> [11279.504725] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>> [11279.504730] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150), lowering
>>>>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
>>>>>> irrespective of gluster volume. At the time this happened, I was also
>>>>>> ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry commands. I had just
>>>>>> run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what version was actually
>>>>>> installed), and that command took almost 2 minutes to return! Normally it
>>>>>> takes less than 2 seconds. That is all pure local SSD IO, too....
>>>>>> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software
>>>>>> causes these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software, even if
>>>>>> its mis-handled exceptions. Is this correct?
>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes that
>>>>>>> lives on the SSDs and is fully operational with no down/problem disks:
>>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
>>>>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 1113
>>>>>>> 302
>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 88608
>>>>>>> 53526
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 522 812340
>>>>>>> 76257
>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 54351 241901
>>>>>>> 15024
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 21636 8656
>>>>>>> 8976
>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 524156
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 296071
>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4189
>>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1257
>>>>>>> 0.00 46.19 us 12.00 us 187.00 us 69
>>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>>> 0.00 147.00 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 86
>>>>>>> 0.00 223.46 us 24.00 us 1166.00 us 149
>>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>>> 0.00 565.34 us 76.00 us 3639.00 us 88
>>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>>>> LK
>>>>>>> 0.00 98.84 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1198
>>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>>> 0.00 91.59 us 26.00 us 10371.00 us 3853
>>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>>> 0.00 494.14 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1171
>>>>>>> GETXATTR
>>>>>>> 0.00 299.42 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 2044
>>>>>>> READDIRP
>>>>>>> 0.00 1965.31 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 321
>>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>>> 0.01 113.40 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 8134
>>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>>> 0.01 755.38 us 57.00 us 607603.00 us 3196
>>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>>> 0.05 2690.09 us 58.00 us 2704761.00 us 3206
>>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>>> 0.10 119978.25 us 97.00 us 9406684.00 us 154
>>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>>> 0.18 101.73 us 28.00 us 700477.00 us 313379
>>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>>> 0.23 1059.84 us 25.00 us 2716124.00 us 38255
>>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>>> 0.47 1024.11 us 54.00 us 6197164.00 us 81455
>>>>>>> FXATTROP
>>>>>>> 1.72 2984.00 us 15.00 us 37098954.00 us
>>>>>>> 103020 FINODELK
>>>>>>> 5.92 44315.32 us 51.00 us 24731536.00 us
>>>>>>> 23957 FSYNC
>>>>>>> 13.27 2399.78 us 25.00 us 22089540.00 us
>>>>>>> 991005 READ
>>>>>>> 37.00 5980.43 us 52.00 us 22099889.00 us
>>>>>>> 1108976 WRITE
>>>>>>> 41.04 5452.75 us 13.00 us 22102452.00 us
>>>>>>> 1349053 INODELK
>>>>>>> Duration: 10026 seconds
>>>>>>> Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
>>>>>>> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
>>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 838
>>>>>>> 185
>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 85856
>>>>>>> 51575
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 382 705802
>>>>>>> 57812
>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 52673 232093
>>>>>>> 14984
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 13499 4908
>>>>>>> 4242
>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 460040
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 6411
>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>>>> 0.00 53.38 us 26.00 us 111.00 us 16
>>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>>> 0.00 145.14 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 71
>>>>>>> 0.00 190.96 us 114.00 us 298.00 us 71
>>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>>> 0.00 213.38 us 24.00 us 1145.00 us 90
>>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>>>> LK
>>>>>>> 0.00 101.76 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1093
>>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>>> 0.01 93.60 us 27.00 us 10371.00 us 3090
>>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>>> 0.02 537.47 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1038
>>>>>>> GETXATTR
>>>>>>> 0.03 297.44 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 1990
>>>>>>> READDIRP
>>>>>>> 0.03 2357.28 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 253
>>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>>> 0.04 385.93 us 58.00 us 47593.00 us 2091
>>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>>> 0.04 114.86 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 7715
>>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>>> 0.06 444.59 us 57.00 us 333240.00 us 3053
>>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>>> 0.42 316.24 us 25.00 us 290728.00 us 29823
>>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>>> 0.73 257.92 us 54.00 us 344812.00 us 63296
>>>>>>> FXATTROP
>>>>>>> 1.37 98.30 us 28.00 us 67621.00 us 313172
>>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>>> 1.58 2124.69 us 51.00 us 849200.00 us 16717
>>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>>> 5.73 162.46 us 52.00 us 748492.00 us 794079
>>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>>> 7.19 2065.17 us 16.00 us 37098954.00 us
>>>>>>> 78381 FINODELK
>>>>>>> 36.44 886.32 us 25.00 us 2216436.00 us 925421
>>>>>>> READ
>>>>>>> 46.30 1178.04 us 13.00 us 1700704.00 us 884635
>>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>>> Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
>>>>>>> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
>>>>>>> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 3264419
>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 90
>>>>>>> FORGET
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 9462
>>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4254
>>>>>>> 0.00 50.52 us 13.00 us 190.00 us 71
>>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>>> 0.00 186.97 us 87.00 us 713.00 us 86
>>>>>>> 0.00 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>>>> LK
>>>>>>> 0.00 220.98 us 129.00 us 513.00 us 86
>>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>>> 0.01 259.30 us 26.00 us 2632.00 us 137
>>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>>> 0.02 322.76 us 145.00 us 2125.00 us 321
>>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>>> 0.03 109.55 us 2.00 us 1258.00 us 1193
>>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>>> 0.05 70.21 us 21.00 us 431.00 us 3196
>>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>>> 0.05 169.26 us 21.00 us 2315.00 us 1545
>>>>>>> GETXATTR
>>>>>>> 0.12 176.85 us 63.00 us 2844.00 us 3206
>>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>>> 0.61 303.49 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9633
>>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>>> 2.44 305.66 us 28.00 us 3716.00 us 38230
>>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>>> 4.52 266.22 us 55.00 us 53424.00 us 81455
>>>>>>> FXATTROP
>>>>>>> 6.96 1397.99 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 23889
>>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>>> 16.48 84.74 us 25.00 us 6917.00 us 932592
>>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>>> 30.16 106.90 us 13.00 us 3920189.00 us 1353046
>>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>>> 38.55 1794.52 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us
>>>>>>> 103039 FINODELK
>>>>>>> Duration: 66562 seconds
>>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>>> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
>>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 794080
>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>>>> 0.00 70.31 us 26.00 us 125.00 us 16
>>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>>> 0.00 193.10 us 103.00 us 713.00 us 71
>>>>>>> 0.01 227.32 us 133.00 us 513.00 us 71
>>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>>> 0.01 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>>>> LK
>>>>>>> 0.01 259.83 us 35.00 us 1138.00 us 89
>>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>>> 0.03 318.26 us 145.00 us 2047.00 us 253
>>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>>> 0.04 112.67 us 3.00 us 1258.00 us 1093
>>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>>> 0.06 167.98 us 23.00 us 1951.00 us 1014
>>>>>>> GETXATTR
>>>>>>> 0.08 70.97 us 22.00 us 431.00 us 3053
>>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>>> 0.13 183.78 us 66.00 us 2844.00 us 2091
>>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>>> 1.01 303.82 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9610
>>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>>> 3.27 316.59 us 30.00 us 3716.00 us 29820
>>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>>> 5.83 265.79 us 59.00 us 53424.00 us 63296
>>>>>>> FXATTROP
>>>>>>> 7.95 1373.89 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 16717
>>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>>> 23.17 851.99 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us
>>>>>>> 78555 FINODELK
>>>>>>> 24.04 87.44 us 27.00 us 6917.00 us 794081
>>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>>> 34.36 111.91 us 14.00 us 984871.00 us 886790
>>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>>> Data Written: 794080 bytes
>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs and has
>>>>>>> one failed disk:
>>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
>>>>>>> Brick:
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>>> 16
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>>> 71
>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>>>> LK
>>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>>>> GETXATTR
>>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>>>> ENTRYLK
>>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>>>> READDIRP
>>>>>>> 0.07 85.74 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>>> 5.94 2331.74 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>>>> FINODELK
>>>>>>> 7.31 8311.75 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>>>> FXATTROP
>>>>>>> 12.49 7735.19 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>>> 17.70 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us
>>>>>>> 1508160 INODELK
>>>>>>> 24.55 2546.43 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>>>> READ
>>>>>>> 31.56 49699.15 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>>> 16
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>>> 71
>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>>>> LK
>>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>>>> GETXATTR
>>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>>>> ENTRYLK
>>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>>>> READDIRP
>>>>>>> 0.07 85.73 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>>> 5.94 2334.57 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>>>> FINODELK
>>>>>>> 7.31 8311.49 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>>>> FXATTROP
>>>>>>> 12.49 7735.32 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>>> 17.71 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us
>>>>>>> 1508160 INODELK
>>>>>>> 24.56 2546.42 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>>>> READ
>>>>>>> 31.54 49651.63 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>>>>> I have 4 gluster volumes. 3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. replica
>>>>>>>> bricks are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on ovirt3. The 4th volume is
>>>>>>>> replica 3, with a brick on all three ovirt machines.
>>>>>>>> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a Seagate
>>>>>>>> SSHD (same in all three machines). On ovirt3, the SSHD has reported hard
>>>>>>>> IO failures, and that brick is offline. However, the other two replicas
>>>>>>>> are fully operational (although they still show contents in the heal info
>>>>>>>> command that won't go away, but that may be the case until I replace the
>>>>>>>> failed disk).
>>>>>>>> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are showing
>>>>>>>> horrible performance issues. At this point, as the bad disk has been
>>>>>>>> completely offlined, I would expect gluster to perform at normal speed, but
>>>>>>>> that is definitely not the case.
>>>>>>>> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come in waves:
>>>>>>>> things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a while, then suddenly, its
>>>>>>>> as if all disk IO on all volumes (including non-gluster local OS disk
>>>>>>>> volumes for the hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
>>>>>>>> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and host not
>>>>>>>> responding notices as well as the applications having major issues.
>>>>>>>> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my essential core
>>>>>>>> VMs (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still am experiencing the same issues.
>>>>>>>> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was brought
>>>>>>>> offline that performance should return to normal?
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K <***@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points where
>>>>>>>>> your gluster volumes reside.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 2048
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 3905943424
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 3905943536
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>>> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>> 2048
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded to
>>>>>>>>>>> 4.2):
>>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>>> (appears a lot).
>>>>>>>>>>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings
>>>>>>>>>>> about the backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica
>>>>>>>>>>> 3). The glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its
>>>>>>>>>>> my understanding that it should continue to work with the other two
>>>>>>>>>>> machines while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes
>>>>>>>>>>> (touching an empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be
>>>>>>>>>>> much faster.
>>>>>>>>>>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know
>>>>>>>>>>> what ones you want, or from which machine(s).
>>>>>>>>>>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If
>>>>>>>>>>>> so, could you attach the logs?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach
>>>>>>>>>>>> output of volume profiling?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> random errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused
>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production
>>>>>>>>>>>>> services are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (when they run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was seeing CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes at a time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged into that were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> origional post). Is all this storage related?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> only one had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time and same way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lately. I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repos were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hosted engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some reason one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes different information, but always some number of "heal failed"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entries. It shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes 1 and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> afraid to upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on most of my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remote desktop can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easily take 10 minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
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Jim Kusznir
2018-06-02 16:51:23 UTC
I did eventually get ovirt1 to come up. I lost track of the specific
combination of things, but I know the last command was "reinstall host"
from the gui. I had tried that several times prior and it failed, but this
time it worked. As I was running on almost no sleep, I don't remember the
final things that allowed the reinstall to work. It did take my gluster
volumes down again in the process, though.

Once I got ovirt1 back up and operation and got my gluster volumes online
again, then the gui recognize my storage domains and brought the data
center up, and then I could start doing things in the gui again (like
starting VMs).

I will perform more in depth analysis and troubleshooting of ovirt1's low
level storage performance today. According to everything I've checked so
far, I don't see anything wrong with it, though.

On the gluster side, I am using LVM and LV_Thin for my gluster backing
volumes...Is that expected to be a problem?


On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:25 PM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:16 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>> I've been back at it, and still am unable to get more than one of my
>> physical nodes to come online in ovirt, nor am I able to get more than the
>> two gluster volumes (storage domains) to show online within ovirt.
>> In Storage -> Volumes, they all show offline (many with one brick down,
>> which is correct: I have one server off)
>> However, in Storage -> domains, they all show down (although somehow, I
>> got machines from the data domain to start), and there's no obvious way
>> I've seen to tell them to bring it online. It claims none of the servers
>> can see that volume, but I've quadruple-checked that the volumes are
>> mounted on the engines and are fully functional there. I have some more
>> VMs I need to get back up and running. How do I fix this?
>> ovirt1, for unknown reasons, will not work. Attempts to bring it online
>> fail, and I haven't figured out what log file to look in yet for more
>> details.
> As Krutika mentioned before, the storage performance issues seems to stem
> from the slow brick on ovirt1 - ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> Have you checked this?
> When you say ovirt1 will not work - do you mean the host cannot be
> activated in oVirt engine? Can you look at/share the engine.log (on the HE
> VM) to understand why it won't. Also if the storage domain is not
> accessible by any of the servers, check/share the vdsm.log to understand
> the error.
>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:36 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all again:
>>> I'm now subscribed to gluster-users as well, so I should get any replies
>>> from that side too.
>>> At this point, I am seeing acceptable (although slower than I expect)
>>> performance much of the time, with periodic massive spikes in latency
>>> (occasionally so bad as to cause ovirt to detect a engine bad health
>>> status). Often, if I check the logs just then, I'll see those call traces
>>> in xfs_log_worker or other gluster processes, as well as hung task timeout
>>> messages.
>>> As to the profile suggesting ovirt1 had poorer performance than ovirt2,
>>> I don't have an explanation. gluster volume info engine on both hosts are
>>> identical. The computers and drives are identical (Dell R610 with PERC 6/i
>>> controller configured to pass through the drive). ovirt1 and ovirt2's
>>> partiion scheme/map do vary somewhat, but I figured that wouldn't be a big
>>> deal and gluster just uses the least common denominator. Is that accurate?
>>> In case it was missed, here are the dmesg errors being thrown by gluster
>>> (as far as I can tell). They definately started after I upgraded from
>>> gluster 3.8 to 3.12:
>>> [ 6604.536156] perf: interrupt took too long (9593 > 9565), lowering
>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 20000
>>> [ 8280.188734] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [ 8280.188787] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [ 8280.188837] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
>>> 0x00000000
>>> [ 8280.188843] Call Trace:
>>> [ 8280.188857] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>>> [ 8280.188864] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [ 8280.188932] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.188939] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [ 8280.188972] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189003] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189035] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>> [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189067] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189100] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>> [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189105] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>> [ 8280.189109] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [ 8280.189117] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>> 1/0x21
>>> [ 8280.189121] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [ 8280.189161] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [ 8280.189207] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [ 8280.189256] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [ 8280.189260] Call Trace:
>>> [ 8280.189265] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [ 8280.189300] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189305] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [ 8280.189333] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189340] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [ 8280.189345] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8280.189348] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>> [ 8280.189352] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [ 8280.189356] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8280.189360] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [ 8280.189404] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [ 8280.189453] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [ 8280.189457] Call Trace:
>>> [ 8280.189476] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [ 8280.189480] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [ 8280.189484] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>> [ 8280.189494] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [ 8280.189498] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>> [ 8280.189502] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>> [ 8280.189507] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [ 8280.189513] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>> [ 8280.189546] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>> [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189588] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8280.189593] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [ 8280.189597] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8280.189600] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>> [ 8280.189604] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [ 8280.189608] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8400.186024] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1061 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [ 8400.186077] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [ 8400.186127] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff93203a2eeeb0 0 1061 2
>>> 0x00000000
>>> [ 8400.186133] Call Trace:
>>> [ 8400.186146] [<ffffffff960a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>>> [ 8400.186153] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [ 8400.186221] [<ffffffffc049fe36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186227] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [ 8400.186260] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186292] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186324] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>> [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186356] [<ffffffffc04abfec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186388] [<ffffffffc04abe80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>> [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186394] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>> [ 8400.186398] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [ 8400.186405] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>> 1/0x21
>>> [ 8400.186409] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [ 8400.186450] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:6421 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [ 8400.186496] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [ 8400.186545] glusterclogfsyn D ffff93203a2edee0 0 6421 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [ 8400.186549] Call Trace:
>>> [ 8400.186554] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [ 8400.186589] [<ffffffffc04a0388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186593] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [ 8400.186622] [<ffffffffc0480b97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186629] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [ 8400.186634] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8400.186637] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>> [ 8400.186641] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [ 8400.186645] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8400.186649] INFO: task glusteriotwr2:766 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [ 8400.186693] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [ 8400.186741] glusteriotwr2 D ffff931cfa510000 0 766 1
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [ 8400.186746] Call Trace:
>>> [ 8400.186764] [<ffffffffc01a3839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [ 8400.186768] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [ 8400.186772] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>> [ 8400.186782] [<ffffffffc01a3d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>> [dm_mod]
>>> [ 8400.186786] [<ffffffff9671348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>> [ 8400.186790] [<ffffffff967145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>> [ 8400.186795] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [ 8400.186800] [<ffffffff9631e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>> [ 8400.186833] [<ffffffffc04984b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>> [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186862] [<ffffffffc0480c40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.186879] [<ffffffff9624f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>> [ 8400.186884] [<ffffffff9672076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8400.186887] [<ffffffff9624f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>> [ 8400.186891] [<ffffffff9672082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>> [ 8400.186895] [<ffffffff9672077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>> 0x160
>>> [ 8400.186912] INFO: task kworker/3:4:3191 blocked for more than 120
>>> seconds.
>>> [ 8400.186957] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>> disables this message.
>>> [ 8400.187006] kworker/3:4 D ffff931faf598fd0 0 3191 2
>>> 0x00000080
>>> [ 8400.187041] Workqueue: xfs-sync/dm-10 xfs_log_worker [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.187043] Call Trace:
>>> [ 8400.187050] [<ffffffff9614e45f>] ? delayacct_end+0x8f/0xb0
>>> [ 8400.187055] [<ffffffff960dbbc8>] ? update_group_power+0x28/0x280
>>> [ 8400.187059] [<ffffffff96713f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>> [ 8400.187062] [<ffffffff967118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>> [ 8400.187066] [<ffffffff9671432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>>> [ 8400.187071] [<ffffffff960cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>> [ 8400.187075] [<ffffffff960b418d>] flush_work+0xfd/0x190
>>> [ 8400.187079] [<ffffffff960b06e0>] ? move_linked_works+0x90/0x90
>>> [ 8400.187110] [<ffffffffc04a1d8a>] xlog_cil_force_lsn+0x8a/0x210 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.187142] [<ffffffffc049fcf5>] _xfs_log_force+0x85/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.187174] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] ? xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.187206] [<ffffffffc049ff5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.187237] [<ffffffffc049ffd6>] xfs_log_worker+0x36/0x100 [xfs]
>>> [ 8400.187241] [<ffffffff960b312f>] process_one_work+0x17f/0x440
>>> [ 8400.187245] [<ffffffff960b3df6>] worker_thread+0x126/0x3c0
>>> [ 8400.187249] [<ffffffff960b3cd0>] ? manage_workers.isra.24+0x2a0/0
>>> x2a0
>>> [ 8400.187253] [<ffffffff960bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>> [ 8400.187257] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [ 8400.187261] [<ffffffff96720677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>> 1/0x21
>>> [ 8400.187265] [<ffffffff960bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>> [13493.643624] perf: interrupt took too long (12026 > 11991), lowering
>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 16000
>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:44 AM, Krutika Dhananjay <***@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The profile seems to suggest very high latencies on the brick at
>>>> ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>> ovirt2.* shows decent numbers. Is everything OK with the brick on
>>>> ovirt1?
>>>> Are the bricks of engine volume on both these servers identical in
>>>> terms of their config?
>>>> -Krutika
>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi:
>>>>> Thank you. I was finally able to get my cluster minimally functional
>>>>> again (its 2am local here; had to be up by 6am). I set the
>>>>> cluster.eager-lock off, but I'm still seeing performance issues. Here's
>>>>> the engine volume:
>>>>> Brick: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 4096b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>>>>> 772
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>>> 4802
>>>>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>>>>> 32768b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>>>>> 49
>>>>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>>>>> 291
>>>>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>>>>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>>> FORGET
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>>>>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>>>>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>>>>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>>>>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>>>>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>>>>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>>>>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>>>>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>>>>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.88 3765.77 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 15.06 19624.04 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>>>>> 21.63 59817.26 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 23.19 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>>>>> READ
>>>>> 38.10 125578.64 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 4096b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 702 24
>>>>> 772
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>>> 4802
>>>>> Block Size: 8192b+ 16384b+
>>>>> 32768b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 0 51
>>>>> 49
>>>>> No. of Writes: 4211 858
>>>>> 291
>>>>> Block Size: 65536b+ 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 49 5232
>>>>> No. of Writes: 333 588
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>>> FORGET
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1227
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1035
>>>>> 0.00 827.00 us 619.00 us 1199.00 us 10
>>>>> 0.00 98.38 us 30.00 us 535.00 us 144
>>>>> 0.00 180.11 us 121.00 us 257.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.00 208.03 us 23.00 us 1980.00 us 182
>>>>> 0.00 1212.71 us 35.00 us 29459.00 us 38
>>>>> 0.01 260.39 us 172.00 us 552.00 us 376
>>>>> 0.01 305.10 us 45.00 us 144983.00 us 727
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.03 1267.23 us 22.00 us 418399.00 us 451
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.04 1164.14 us 86.00 us 437638.00 us 600
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.07 2253.75 us 3.00 us 645037.00 us 598
>>>>> 0.08 17360.97 us 149.00 us 962156.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.12 2733.36 us 50.00 us 1683945.00 us 877
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 0.21 3041.55 us 29.00 us 1021732.00 us 1368
>>>>> 0.24 389.93 us 107.00 us 550203.00 us 11840
>>>>> 0.34 14820.49 us 38.00 us 1935527.00 us 444
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.91 3859.75 us 42.00 us 1341978.00 us 4581
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 15.05 19622.80 us 26.00 us 6412511.00 us 14971
>>>>> 21.62 59809.04 us 45.00 us 4008832.00 us 7054
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 23.18 263941.14 us 86.00 us 4130892.00 us 1714
>>>>> READ
>>>>> 38.09 125562.74 us 207.00 us 7682338.00 us 5919
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> Duration: 6957 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 694832857 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 192751104 bytes
>>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>>>>> 216
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>>> 0
>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>>>>> 9866
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>>>>> 4211
>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>>>>> 3880
>>>>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>>>>> 333
>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 13718
>>>>> No. of Writes: 596
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>>> FORGET
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>>>>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>>>>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>>>>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>>>>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>>>>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>>>>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>>>>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>>>>> 1.89 109.48 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>>>>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>>>>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 46.61 2063.11 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>>>>> READ
>>>>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 704 167
>>>>> 216
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 939
>>>>> 0
>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 424 34918
>>>>> 9866
>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 4802
>>>>> 4211
>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 12695 3290
>>>>> 3880
>>>>> No. of Writes: 858 291
>>>>> 333
>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>> No. of Reads: 13718
>>>>> No. of Writes: 596
>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>> Fop
>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>> ----
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 3
>>>>> FORGET
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1228
>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1041
>>>>> 0.06 74.26 us 21.00 us 915.00 us 144
>>>>> 0.07 141.97 us 87.00 us 268.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.08 370.68 us 22.00 us 1311.00 us 38
>>>>> 0.09 184.88 us 108.00 us 316.00 us 94
>>>>> 0.14 56.41 us 21.00 us 540.00 us 451
>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>> 0.14 139.42 us 18.00 us 3251.00 us 184
>>>>> 0.31 96.06 us 2.00 us 2293.00 us 598
>>>>> 0.35 88.76 us 31.00 us 716.00 us 727
>>>>> STATFS
>>>>> 0.43 131.96 us 59.00 us 784.00 us 600
>>>>> OPEN
>>>>> 0.44 214.77 us 110.00 us 851.00 us 376
>>>>> 0.44 81.02 us 21.00 us 3029.00 us 998
>>>>> STAT
>>>>> 0.51 68.57 us 17.00 us 3039.00 us 1368
>>>>> 1.26 429.06 us 274.00 us 988.00 us 539
>>>>> 1.89 109.51 us 38.00 us 2492.00 us 3175
>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>> 5.09 62.48 us 19.00 us 4578.00 us 14967
>>>>> 5.72 229.43 us 32.00 us 979.00 us 4581
>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>> 11.48 356.40 us 144.00 us 16222.00 us 5917
>>>>> WRITE
>>>>> 12.40 192.55 us 87.00 us 4372.00 us 11834
>>>>> 12.48 325.11 us 33.00 us 10702.00 us 7051
>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>> 46.62 2063.91 us 131.00 us 193833.00 us 4151
>>>>> READ
>>>>> Duration: 6958 seconds
>>>>> Data Read: 2782908225 bytes
>>>>> Data Written: 193799680 bytes
>>>>> gluster> volume info engine
>>>>> Volume Name: engine
>>>>> Type: Replicate
>>>>> Volume ID: 87ad86b9-d88b-457e-ba21-5d3173c612de
>>>>> Status: Started
>>>>> Snapshot Count: 0
>>>>> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
>>>>> Transport-type: tcp
>>>>> Bricks:
>>>>> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>>> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
>>>>> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine (arbiter)
>>>>> Options Reconfigured:
>>>>> diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
>>>>> diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
>>>>> performance.strict-o-direct: on
>>>>> nfs.disable: on
>>>>> user.cifs: off
>>>>> network.ping-timeout: 30
>>>>> cluster.shd-max-threads: 6
>>>>> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
>>>>> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
>>>>> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
>>>>> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
>>>>> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
>>>>> features.shard: on
>>>>> storage.owner-gid: 36
>>>>> storage.owner-uid: 36
>>>>> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
>>>>> cluster.quorum-type: auto
>>>>> network.remote-dio: off
>>>>> cluster.eager-lock: off
>>>>> performance.stat-prefetch: off
>>>>> performance.io-cache: off
>>>>> performance.read-ahead: off
>>>>> performance.quick-read: off
>>>>> performance.readdir-ahead: on
>>>>> geo-replication.indexing: on
>>>>> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
>>>>> changelog.changelog: on
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <
>>>>> ***@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Adding Ravi to look into the heal issue.
>>>>>> As for the fsync hang and subsequent IO errors, it seems a lot like
>>>>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1497156 and Paolo
>>>>>> Bonzini from qemu had pointed out that this would be fixed by the following
>>>>>> commit:
>>>>>> commit e72c9a2a67a6400c8ef3d01d4c461dbbbfa0e1f0
>>>>>> Author: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>> Date: Wed Jun 21 16:35:46 2017 +0200
>>>>>> scsi: virtio_scsi: let host do exception handling
>>>>>> virtio_scsi tries to do exception handling after the default 30 seconds
>>>>>> timeout expires. However, it's better to let the host control the
>>>>>> timeout, otherwise with a heavy I/O load it is likely that an abort will
>>>>>> also timeout. This leads to fatal errors like filesystems going
>>>>>> offline.
>>>>>> Disable the 'sd' timeout and allow the host to do exception handling,
>>>>>> following the precedent of the storvsc driver.
>>>>>> Hannes has a proposal to introduce timeouts in virtio, but this provides
>>>>>> an immediate solution for stable kernels too.
>>>>>> [mkp: fixed typo]
>>>>>> Reported-by: Douglas Miller <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>>> Cc: "James E.J. Bottomley" <***@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
>>>>>> Cc: "Martin K. Petersen" <***@oracle.com>
>>>>>> Cc: Hannes Reinecke <***@suse.de>
>>>>>> Cc: linux-***@vger.kernel.org
>>>>>> Cc: ***@vger.kernel.org
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen <***@oracle.com>
>>>>>> Adding Paolo/Kevin to comment.
>>>>>> As for the poor gluster performance, could you disable
>>>>>> cluster.eager-lock and see if that makes any difference:
>>>>>> # gluster volume set <VOL> cluster.eager-lock off
>>>>>> Do also capture the volume profile again if you still see performance
>>>>>> issues after disabling eager-lock.
>>>>>> -Krutika
>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 6:55 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
>>>>>>> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [10679.527144] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [10679.527161] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [10679.527218] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10679.527225] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [10679.527254] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10679.527260] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>>> [10679.527268] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10679.527271] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>>>> [10679.527275] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [10679.527279] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more
>>>>>>> than 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [10679.529966] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [10679.530003] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10679.530008] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [10679.530038] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10679.530042] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>>> [10679.530046] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10679.530050] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>>>> [10679.530054] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [10679.530058] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more than
>>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13 D ffff9720a83f0000 0 15486 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [10679.533747] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [10679.533799] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10679.533806] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [10679.533846] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10679.533852] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>>> [10679.533858] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10679.533863] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>>>> [10679.533868] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [10679.533873] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [10919.516663] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [10919.516690] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [10919.516696] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>>> [10919.516703] [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
>>>>>>> [10919.516768] [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ? _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.516774] [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>>>>>>> [10919.516782] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [10919.516821] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.516859] [<ffffffffc05eafa9>] xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.516902] [<ffffffffc061b279>] ? xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.516940] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.516977] [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517022] [<ffffffffc061b279>] xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517057] [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517091] [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517126] [<ffffffffc05c9fee>] xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517160] [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>] xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517194] [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517233] [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517271] [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [10919.517278] [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
>>>>>>> [10919.517283] [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
>>>>>>> [10919.517288] [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
>>>>>>> [10919.517296] [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ? selinux_file_free_security+0x2
>>>>>>> 3/0x30
>>>>>>> [10919.517304] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10919.517309] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10919.517313] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10919.517318] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [10919.517323] [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
>>>>>>> [10919.517328] [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
>>>>>>> [10919.517333] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [10919.517339] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more than
>>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9 D ffff971fa0fa1fa0 0 15482 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [11159.498995] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>>>> [11159.498999] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [11159.499003] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>>> [11159.499056] [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ?
>>>>>>> xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11159.499082] [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ?
>>>>>>> xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11159.499090] [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
>>>>>>> [11159.499093] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>>>> [11159.499097] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>>>> [11159.499101] [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
>>>>>>> [11159.499104] [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
>>>>>>> [11159.499107] [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
>>>>>>> [11159.499113] [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
>>>>>>> [11159.499118] [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
>>>>>>> [11159.499121] [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
>>>>>>> [11159.499125] [<ffffffffb9394e85>] grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x
>>>>>>> 55/0xc0
>>>>>>> [11159.499130] [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
>>>>>>> [11159.499135] [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
>>>>>>> [11159.499140] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>>>> [11159.499144] [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
>>>>>>> [11159.499149] [<ffffffffb9485621>] iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1
>>>>>>> /0xe0
>>>>>>> [11159.499153] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>>>> [11159.499182] [<ffffffffc05f025d>] xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11159.499213] [<ffffffffc05f057d>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11159.499217] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>>>> [11159.499222] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>>>> [11159.499225] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>>>> [11159.499230] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11159.499234] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [11159.499238] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than
>>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff9720a8660fd0 0 1134 2
>>>>>>> 0x00000000
>>>>>>> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [11279.491682] [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x9
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> [11279.491688] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [11279.491744] [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.491750] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.491783] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.491817] [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.491849] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.491880] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.491913] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.491919] [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>>>>>> [11279.491926] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>>>> [11279.491932] [<ffffffffb9920677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>>>>>> 1/0x21
>>>>>>> [11279.491936] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>>>> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more
>>>>>>> than 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70 0 14934 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [11279.494979] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>>> [11279.494983] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [11279.494987] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>>> [11279.494997] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>>> [11279.495001] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>>>> [11279.495005] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x
>>>>>>> 140
>>>>>>> [11279.495010] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.495016] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>>>> [11279.495049] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.495079] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.495086] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>>> [11279.495090] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.495094] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.495098] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [11279.495102] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more
>>>>>>> than 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [11279.498134] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>>> [11279.498138] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [11279.498142] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>>>> [11279.498152] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>>>> [11279.498156] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>>>> [11279.498160] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x
>>>>>>> 140
>>>>>>> [11279.498165] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.498169] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>>>> [11279.498202] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.498231] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.498238] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>>> [11279.498242] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.498246] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.498250] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [11279.498254] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more than
>>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1 D ffff97208b6daf70 0 14950 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [11279.501353] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [11279.501390] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.501396] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.501428] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.501432] [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
>>>>>>> [11279.501461] [<ffffffffc05f0545>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.501466] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>>>> [11279.501471] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>>>> [11279.501475] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>>>> [11279.501479] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.501483] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [11279.501489] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more than
>>>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>>>> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>>>> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4 D ffff972499f2bf40 0 14953 1
>>>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>>>> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
>>>>>>> [11279.504640] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>>>> [11279.504676] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.504681] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.504710] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>>>> [11279.504714] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>>>> [11279.504718] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [11279.504722] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>>>> [11279.504725] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>>>> [11279.504730] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>>>> 0x160
>>>>>>> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150), lowering
>>>>>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
>>>>>>> irrespective of gluster volume. At the time this happened, I was also
>>>>>>> ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry commands. I had just
>>>>>>> run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what version was actually
>>>>>>> installed), and that command took almost 2 minutes to return! Normally it
>>>>>>> takes less than 2 seconds. That is all pure local SSD IO, too....
>>>>>>> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software
>>>>>>> causes these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software, even if
>>>>>>> its mis-handled exceptions. Is this correct?
>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes that
>>>>>>>> lives on the SSDs and is fully operational with no down/problem disks:
>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
>>>>>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 1113
>>>>>>>> 302
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 88608
>>>>>>>> 53526
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 522 812340
>>>>>>>> 76257
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 54351 241901
>>>>>>>> 15024
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 21636 8656
>>>>>>>> 8976
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 524156
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 296071
>>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of
>>>>>>>> calls Fop
>>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- -----------
>>>>>>>> ------------ ----
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 4189 RELEASE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1257 RELEASEDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 46.19 us 12.00 us 187.00 us
>>>>>>>> 69 FLUSH
>>>>>>>> 0.00 147.00 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 86
>>>>>>>> 0.00 223.46 us 24.00 us 1166.00 us
>>>>>>>> 149 READDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 565.34 us 76.00 us 3639.00 us
>>>>>>>> 88 FTRUNCATE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us
>>>>>>>> 228 LK
>>>>>>>> 0.00 98.84 us 2.00 us 880.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1198 OPENDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 91.59 us 26.00 us 10371.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3853 STATFS
>>>>>>>> 0.00 494.14 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1171 GETXATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 299.42 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2044 READDIRP
>>>>>>>> 0.00 1965.31 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us
>>>>>>>> 321 XATTROP
>>>>>>>> 0.01 113.40 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us
>>>>>>>> 8134 STAT
>>>>>>>> 0.01 755.38 us 57.00 us 607603.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3196 DISCARD
>>>>>>>> 0.05 2690.09 us 58.00 us 2704761.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3206 OPEN
>>>>>>>> 0.10 119978.25 us 97.00 us 9406684.00 us
>>>>>>>> 154 SETATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.18 101.73 us 28.00 us 700477.00 us
>>>>>>>> 313379 FSTAT
>>>>>>>> 0.23 1059.84 us 25.00 us 2716124.00 us
>>>>>>>> 38255 LOOKUP
>>>>>>>> 0.47 1024.11 us 54.00 us 6197164.00 us
>>>>>>>> 81455 FXATTROP
>>>>>>>> 1.72 2984.00 us 15.00 us 37098954.00 us
>>>>>>>> 103020 FINODELK
>>>>>>>> 5.92 44315.32 us 51.00 us 24731536.00 us
>>>>>>>> 23957 FSYNC
>>>>>>>> 13.27 2399.78 us 25.00 us 22089540.00 us
>>>>>>>> 991005 READ
>>>>>>>> 37.00 5980.43 us 52.00 us 22099889.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1108976 WRITE
>>>>>>>> 41.04 5452.75 us 13.00 us 22102452.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1349053 INODELK
>>>>>>>> Duration: 10026 seconds
>>>>>>>> Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
>>>>>>>> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
>>>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 838
>>>>>>>> 185
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 85856
>>>>>>>> 51575
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 382 705802
>>>>>>>> 57812
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 52673 232093
>>>>>>>> 14984
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 13499 4908
>>>>>>>> 4242
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 460040
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 6411
>>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of
>>>>>>>> calls Fop
>>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- -----------
>>>>>>>> ------------ ----
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2093 RELEASE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1093 RELEASEDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 53.38 us 26.00 us 111.00 us
>>>>>>>> 16 FLUSH
>>>>>>>> 0.00 145.14 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 71
>>>>>>>> 0.00 190.96 us 114.00 us 298.00 us
>>>>>>>> 71 SETATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 213.38 us 24.00 us 1145.00 us
>>>>>>>> 90 READDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us
>>>>>>>> 228 LK
>>>>>>>> 0.00 101.76 us 2.00 us 880.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1093 OPENDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.01 93.60 us 27.00 us 10371.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3090 STATFS
>>>>>>>> 0.02 537.47 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1038 GETXATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.03 297.44 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1990 READDIRP
>>>>>>>> 0.03 2357.28 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us
>>>>>>>> 253 XATTROP
>>>>>>>> 0.04 385.93 us 58.00 us 47593.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2091 OPEN
>>>>>>>> 0.04 114.86 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us
>>>>>>>> 7715 STAT
>>>>>>>> 0.06 444.59 us 57.00 us 333240.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3053 DISCARD
>>>>>>>> 0.42 316.24 us 25.00 us 290728.00 us
>>>>>>>> 29823 LOOKUP
>>>>>>>> 0.73 257.92 us 54.00 us 344812.00 us
>>>>>>>> 63296 FXATTROP
>>>>>>>> 1.37 98.30 us 28.00 us 67621.00 us
>>>>>>>> 313172 FSTAT
>>>>>>>> 1.58 2124.69 us 51.00 us 849200.00 us
>>>>>>>> 16717 FSYNC
>>>>>>>> 5.73 162.46 us 52.00 us 748492.00 us
>>>>>>>> 794079 WRITE
>>>>>>>> 7.19 2065.17 us 16.00 us 37098954.00 us
>>>>>>>> 78381 FINODELK
>>>>>>>> 36.44 886.32 us 25.00 us 2216436.00 us
>>>>>>>> 925421 READ
>>>>>>>> 46.30 1178.04 us 13.00 us 1700704.00 us
>>>>>>>> 884635 INODELK
>>>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>>>> Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
>>>>>>>> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
>>>>>>>> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 3264419
>>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of
>>>>>>>> calls Fop
>>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- -----------
>>>>>>>> ------------ ----
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 90 FORGET
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 9462 RELEASE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 4254 RELEASEDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 50.52 us 13.00 us 190.00 us
>>>>>>>> 71 FLUSH
>>>>>>>> 0.00 186.97 us 87.00 us 713.00 us 86
>>>>>>>> 0.00 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us
>>>>>>>> 228 LK
>>>>>>>> 0.00 220.98 us 129.00 us 513.00 us
>>>>>>>> 86 SETATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.01 259.30 us 26.00 us 2632.00 us
>>>>>>>> 137 READDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.02 322.76 us 145.00 us 2125.00 us
>>>>>>>> 321 XATTROP
>>>>>>>> 0.03 109.55 us 2.00 us 1258.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1193 OPENDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.05 70.21 us 21.00 us 431.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3196 DISCARD
>>>>>>>> 0.05 169.26 us 21.00 us 2315.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1545 GETXATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.12 176.85 us 63.00 us 2844.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3206 OPEN
>>>>>>>> 0.61 303.49 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us
>>>>>>>> 9633 FSTAT
>>>>>>>> 2.44 305.66 us 28.00 us 3716.00 us
>>>>>>>> 38230 LOOKUP
>>>>>>>> 4.52 266.22 us 55.00 us 53424.00 us
>>>>>>>> 81455 FXATTROP
>>>>>>>> 6.96 1397.99 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us
>>>>>>>> 23889 FSYNC
>>>>>>>> 16.48 84.74 us 25.00 us 6917.00 us
>>>>>>>> 932592 WRITE
>>>>>>>> 30.16 106.90 us 13.00 us 3920189.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1353046 INODELK
>>>>>>>> 38.55 1794.52 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us
>>>>>>>> 103039 FINODELK
>>>>>>>> Duration: 66562 seconds
>>>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>>>> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
>>>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 794080
>>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of
>>>>>>>> calls Fop
>>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- -----------
>>>>>>>> ------------ ----
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2093 RELEASE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1093 RELEASEDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 70.31 us 26.00 us 125.00 us
>>>>>>>> 16 FLUSH
>>>>>>>> 0.00 193.10 us 103.00 us 713.00 us 71
>>>>>>>> 0.01 227.32 us 133.00 us 513.00 us
>>>>>>>> 71 SETATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.01 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us
>>>>>>>> 228 LK
>>>>>>>> 0.01 259.83 us 35.00 us 1138.00 us
>>>>>>>> 89 READDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.03 318.26 us 145.00 us 2047.00 us
>>>>>>>> 253 XATTROP
>>>>>>>> 0.04 112.67 us 3.00 us 1258.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1093 OPENDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.06 167.98 us 23.00 us 1951.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1014 GETXATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.08 70.97 us 22.00 us 431.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3053 DISCARD
>>>>>>>> 0.13 183.78 us 66.00 us 2844.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2091 OPEN
>>>>>>>> 1.01 303.82 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us
>>>>>>>> 9610 FSTAT
>>>>>>>> 3.27 316.59 us 30.00 us 3716.00 us
>>>>>>>> 29820 LOOKUP
>>>>>>>> 5.83 265.79 us 59.00 us 53424.00 us
>>>>>>>> 63296 FXATTROP
>>>>>>>> 7.95 1373.89 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us
>>>>>>>> 16717 FSYNC
>>>>>>>> 23.17 851.99 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us
>>>>>>>> 78555 FINODELK
>>>>>>>> 24.04 87.44 us 27.00 us 6917.00 us
>>>>>>>> 794081 WRITE
>>>>>>>> 34.36 111.91 us 14.00 us 984871.00 us
>>>>>>>> 886790 INODELK
>>>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>>>> Data Written: 794080 bytes
>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs and
>>>>>>>> has one failed disk:
>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
>>>>>>>> Brick:
>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>>>> 16
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>>>> 71
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of
>>>>>>>> calls Fop
>>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- -----------
>>>>>>>> ------------ ----
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2902 RELEASE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1517 RELEASEDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1 FTRUNCATE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us
>>>>>>>> 51 FLUSH
>>>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us
>>>>>>>> 60 SETATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us
>>>>>>>> 555 LK
>>>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us
>>>>>>>> 138 READDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us
>>>>>>>> 237 XATTROP
>>>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3469 STATFS
>>>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1467 OPENDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us
>>>>>>>> 4454 STAT
>>>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1902 GETXATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1364 ENTRYLK
>>>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1064 READDIRP
>>>>>>>> 0.07 85.74 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us
>>>>>>>> 62849 FSTAT
>>>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2729 OPEN
>>>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us
>>>>>>>> 25447 LOOKUP
>>>>>>>> 5.94 2331.74 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us
>>>>>>>> 207534 FINODELK
>>>>>>>> 7.31 8311.75 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us
>>>>>>>> 71668 FXATTROP
>>>>>>>> 12.49 7735.19 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us
>>>>>>>> 131642 WRITE
>>>>>>>> 17.70 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1508160 INODELK
>>>>>>>> 24.55 2546.43 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us
>>>>>>>> 786060 READ
>>>>>>>> 31.56 49699.15 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us
>>>>>>>> 51777 FSYNC
>>>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>>>> 16
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>>>> 71
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of
>>>>>>>> calls Fop
>>>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- -----------
>>>>>>>> ------------ ----
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2902 RELEASE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1517 RELEASEDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1 FTRUNCATE
>>>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us
>>>>>>>> 51 FLUSH
>>>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us
>>>>>>>> 60 SETATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us
>>>>>>>> 555 LK
>>>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us
>>>>>>>> 138 READDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us
>>>>>>>> 237 XATTROP
>>>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us
>>>>>>>> 3469 STATFS
>>>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1467 OPENDIR
>>>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us
>>>>>>>> 4454 STAT
>>>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1902 GETXATTR
>>>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1364 ENTRYLK
>>>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1064 READDIRP
>>>>>>>> 0.07 85.73 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us
>>>>>>>> 62849 FSTAT
>>>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us
>>>>>>>> 2729 OPEN
>>>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us
>>>>>>>> 25447 LOOKUP
>>>>>>>> 5.94 2334.57 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us
>>>>>>>> 207534 FINODELK
>>>>>>>> 7.31 8311.49 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us
>>>>>>>> 71668 FXATTROP
>>>>>>>> 12.49 7735.32 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us
>>>>>>>> 131642 WRITE
>>>>>>>> 17.71 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us
>>>>>>>> 1508160 INODELK
>>>>>>>> 24.56 2546.42 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us
>>>>>>>> 786060 READ
>>>>>>>> 31.54 49651.63 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us
>>>>>>>> 51777 FSYNC
>>>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>>>>>> I have 4 gluster volumes. 3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. replica
>>>>>>>>> bricks are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on ovirt3. The 4th volume is
>>>>>>>>> replica 3, with a brick on all three ovirt machines.
>>>>>>>>> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a Seagate
>>>>>>>>> SSHD (same in all three machines). On ovirt3, the SSHD has reported hard
>>>>>>>>> IO failures, and that brick is offline. However, the other two replicas
>>>>>>>>> are fully operational (although they still show contents in the heal info
>>>>>>>>> command that won't go away, but that may be the case until I replace the
>>>>>>>>> failed disk).
>>>>>>>>> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are showing
>>>>>>>>> horrible performance issues. At this point, as the bad disk has been
>>>>>>>>> completely offlined, I would expect gluster to perform at normal speed, but
>>>>>>>>> that is definitely not the case.
>>>>>>>>> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come in waves:
>>>>>>>>> things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a while, then suddenly, its
>>>>>>>>> as if all disk IO on all volumes (including non-gluster local OS disk
>>>>>>>>> volumes for the hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
>>>>>>>>> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and host not
>>>>>>>>> responding notices as well as the applications having major issues.
>>>>>>>>> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my essential
>>>>>>>>> core VMs (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still am experiencing the same
>>>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>>>> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was brought
>>>>>>>>> offline that performance should return to normal?
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K <***@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points
>>>>>>>>>> where your gluster volumes reside.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 2048
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 3905943424
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 3905943536
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>>>> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>>>> 2048
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded
>>>>>>>>>>>> to 4.2):
>>>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>>>> (appears a lot).
>>>>>>>>>>>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings
>>>>>>>>>>>> about the backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3). The glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its
>>>>>>>>>>>> my understanding that it should continue to work with the other two
>>>>>>>>>>>> machines while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes
>>>>>>>>>>>> (touching an empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be
>>>>>>>>>>>> much faster.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know
>>>>>>>>>>>> what ones you want, or from which machine(s).
>>>>>>>>>>>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If so, could you attach the logs?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach
>>>>>>>>>>>>> output of volume profiling?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> random errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> services are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (when they run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was seeing CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes at a time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logged into that were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> origional post). Is all this storage related?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only one had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time and same way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues lately. I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trying to apply updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ovirt 4.1 repos were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an upgrade to 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new repo, do a yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update, the engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> relatively well, except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hosted engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some reason one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes different information, but always some number of "heal failed"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entries. It shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes 1 and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> afraid to upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on most of my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remote desktop can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easily take 10 minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initial thought was upgrad everything to current and see if its still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there, but I cannot move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
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Sahina Bose
2018-05-30 07:03:54 UTC
[Adding gluster-users back]

Nothing amiss with volume info and status.
Can you check the agent.log and broker.log - will be under

Also the gluster client logs - under

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:08 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com> wrote:

> I believe the gluster data store for the engine is up and working
> correctly. The rest are not mounted, as the engine hasn't managed to start
> correctly yet. I did perform the copy-a-junk-file into the data store,
> then check to ensure its there on another host, then delete that and see
> that it disappeared on the first host; it passed that test. Here's the
> info and status. (I have NOT performed the steps that Krutika and
> Ravishankar suggested yet, as I don't have my data volumes working again
> yet.
> [***@ovirt2 images]# gluster volume info
> Volume Name: data
> Type: Replicate
> Volume ID: e670c488-ac16-4dd1-8bd3-e43b2e42cc59
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data (arbiter)
> Options Reconfigured:
> diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
> diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
> changelog.changelog: on
> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
> geo-replication.indexing: on
> server.allow-insecure: on
> performance.readdir-ahead: on
> performance.quick-read: off
> performance.read-ahead: off
> performance.io-cache: off
> performance.stat-prefetch: off
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> network.remote-dio: enable
> cluster.quorum-type: auto
> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> features.shard: on
> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
> cluster.shd-max-threads: 8
> network.ping-timeout: 30
> user.cifs: off
> nfs.disable: on
> performance.strict-o-direct: on
> Volume Name: data-hdd
> Type: Replicate
> Volume ID: d342a3ab-16f3-49f0-bbcf-f788be8ac5f1
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1:
> Brick2:
> Brick3:
> Options Reconfigured:
> diagnostics.count-fop-hits: on
> diagnostics.latency-measurement: on
> network.ping-timeout: 30
> server.allow-insecure: on
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> user.cifs: off
> features.shard: on
> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
> cluster.shd-max-threads: 8
> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
> cluster.quorum-type: auto
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> network.remote-dio: enable
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> performance.stat-prefetch: off
> performance.io-cache: off
> performance.read-ahead: off
> performance.quick-read: off
> changelog.changelog: on
> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
> geo-replication.indexing: on
> transport.address-family: inet
> performance.readdir-ahead: on
> Volume Name: engine
> Type: Replicate
> Volume ID: 87ad86b9-d88b-457e-ba21-5d3173c612de
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine
> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/engine (arbiter)
> Options Reconfigured:
> changelog.changelog: on
> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
> geo-replication.indexing: on
> performance.readdir-ahead: on
> performance.quick-read: off
> performance.read-ahead: off
> performance.io-cache: off
> performance.stat-prefetch: off
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> network.remote-dio: off
> cluster.quorum-type: auto
> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> features.shard: on
> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
> cluster.shd-max-threads: 6
> network.ping-timeout: 30
> user.cifs: off
> nfs.disable: on
> performance.strict-o-direct: on
> Volume Name: iso
> Type: Replicate
> Volume ID: b1ba15f5-0f0f-4411-89d0-595179f02b92
> Status: Started
> Snapshot Count: 0
> Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
> Transport-type: tcp
> Bricks:
> Brick1: ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick4/iso
> Brick2: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick4/iso
> Brick3: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick4/iso (arbiter)
> Options Reconfigured:
> performance.strict-o-direct: on
> nfs.disable: on
> user.cifs: off
> network.ping-timeout: 30
> cluster.shd-max-threads: 6
> cluster.shd-wait-qlength: 10000
> cluster.locking-scheme: granular
> cluster.data-self-heal-algorithm: full
> performance.low-prio-threads: 32
> features.shard-block-size: 512MB
> features.shard: on
> storage.owner-gid: 36
> storage.owner-uid: 36
> cluster.server-quorum-type: server
> cluster.quorum-type: auto
> network.remote-dio: off
> cluster.eager-lock: enable
> performance.stat-prefetch: off
> performance.io-cache: off
> performance.read-ahead: off
> performance.quick-read: off
> performance.readdir-ahead: on
> [***@ovirt2 images]# gluster volume status
> Status of volume: data
> Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online
> Pid
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Brick ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/da
> ta 49152 0 Y
> 3226
> Brick ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/da
> ta 49152 0 Y
> 2967
> Brick ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/da
> ta 49152 0 Y
> 2554
> Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y
> 4818
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt3.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 17853
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt1.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 4771
> Task Status of Volume data
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> There are no active volume tasks
> Status of volume: data-hdd
> Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online
> Pid
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Brick 49153 0 Y
> 3232
> Brick 49153 0 Y
> 2976
> Brick N/A N/A N
> N/A
> NFS Server on localhost N/A N/A N
> N/A
> Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y
> 4818
> NFS Server on ovirt3.nwfiber.com N/A N/A N
> N/A
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt3.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 17853
> NFS Server on ovirt1.nwfiber.com N/A N/A N
> N/A
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt1.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 4771
> Task Status of Volume data-hdd
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> There are no active volume tasks
> Status of volume: engine
> Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online
> Pid
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Brick ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/en
> gine 49154 0 Y
> 3239
> Brick ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/en
> gine 49154 0 Y
> 2982
> Brick ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick1/en
> gine 49154 0 Y
> 2578
> Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y
> 4818
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt3.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 17853
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt1.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 4771
> Task Status of Volume engine
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> There are no active volume tasks
> Status of volume: iso
> Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online
> Pid
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> Brick ovirt1.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick4/is
> o 49155 0 Y
> 3247
> Brick ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick4/is
> o 49155 0 Y
> 2990
> Brick ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick4/is
> o 49155 0 Y
> 2580
> Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y
> 4818
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt3.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 17853
> Self-heal Daemon on ovirt1.nwfiber.com N/A N/A Y
> 4771
> Task Status of Volume iso
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> There are no active volume tasks
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:30 PM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 10:42 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>> wrote:
>>> hosted-engine --deploy failed (would not come up on my existing gluster
>>> storage). However, I realized no changes were written to my existing
>>> storage. So, I went back to trying to get my old engine running.
>>> hosted-engine --vm-status is now taking a very long time (5+minutes) to
>>> return, and it returns stail information everywhere. I thought perhaps the
>>> lockspace is corrupt, so tried to clean that and metadata, but both are
>>> failing (--cleam-metadata has hung and I can't even ctrl-c out of it).
>>> How can I reinitialize all the lockspace/metadata safely? There is no
>>> engine or VMs running currently....
>> I think the first thing to make sure is that your storage is up and
>> running. So can you mount the gluster volumes and able to access the
>> contents there?
>> Please provide the gluster volume info and gluster volume status of the
>> volumes that you're using.
>>> --Jim
>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:33 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Well, things went from bad to very, very bad....
>>>> It appears that during one of the 2 minute lockups, the fencing agents
>>>> decided that another node in the cluster was down. As a result, 2 of the 3
>>>> nodes were simultaneously reset with fencing agent reboot. After the nodes
>>>> came back up, the engine would not start. All running VMs (including VMs
>>>> on the 3rd node that was not rebooted) crashed.
>>>> I've now been working for about 3 hours trying to get the engine to
>>>> come up. I don't know why it won't start. hosted-engine --vm-start says
>>>> its starting, but it doesn't start (virsh doesn't show any VMs running).
>>>> I'm currently running --deploy, as I had run out of options for anything
>>>> else I can come up with. I hope this will allow me to re-import all my
>>>> existing VMs and allow me to start them back up after everything comes back
>>>> up.
>>>> I do have an unverified geo-rep backup; I don't know if it is a good
>>>> backup (there were several prior messages to this list, but I didn't get
>>>> replies to my questions. It was running in what I believe to be "strange",
>>>> and the data directories are larger than their source).
>>>> I'll see if my --deploy works, and if not, I'll be back with another
>>>> message/help request.
>>>> When the dust settles and I'm at least minimally functional again, I
>>>> really want to understand why all these technologies designed to offer
>>>> redundancy conspired to reduce uptime and create failures where there
>>>> weren't any otherwise. I thought with hosted engine, 3 ovirt servers and
>>>> glusterfs with minimum replica 2+arb or replica 3 should have offered
>>>> strong resilience against server failure or disk failure, and should have
>>>> prevented / recovered from data corruption. Instead, all of the above
>>>> happened (once I get my cluster back up, I still have to try and recover my
>>>> webserver VM, which won't boot due to XFS corrupt journal issues created
>>>> during the gluster crashes). I think a lot of these issues were rooted
>>>> from the upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2.
>>>> --Jim
>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 6:25 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I also finally found the following in my system log on one server:
>>>>> [10679.524491] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10679.525826] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10679.527144] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10679.527150] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10679.527161] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10679.527218] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.527225] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10679.527254] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.527260] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [10679.527268] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.527271] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>> [10679.527275] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10679.527279] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.527283] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10679.528608] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10679.529956] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10679.529961] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10679.529966] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10679.530003] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.530008] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10679.530038] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.530042] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [10679.530046] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.530050] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>> [10679.530054] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10679.530058] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.530062] INFO: task glusteriotwr13:15486 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10679.531805] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10679.533732] glusteriotwr13 D ffff9720a83f0000 0 15486 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10679.533738] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10679.533747] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10679.533799] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.533806] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10679.533846] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10679.533852] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [10679.533858] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10679.533863] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>> [10679.533868] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10679.533873] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.512757] INFO: task glusterclogro:14933 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [10919.514714] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [10919.516663] glusterclogro D ffff97209832bf40 0 14933 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [10919.516677] Call Trace:
>>>>> [10919.516690] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [10919.516696] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [10919.516703] [<ffffffffb951cc04>] ? blk_finish_plug+0x14/0x40
>>>>> [10919.516768] [<ffffffffc05e9224>] ? _xfs_buf_ioapply+0x334/0x460
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516774] [<ffffffffb991432d>] wait_for_completion+0xfd/0x140
>>>>> [10919.516782] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [10919.516821] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] ? _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516859] [<ffffffffc05eafa9>] xfs_buf_submit_wait+0xf9/0x1d0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516902] [<ffffffffc061b279>] ? xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516940] [<ffffffffc05eb0a3>] _xfs_buf_read+0x23/0x40 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.516977] [<ffffffffc05eb1b9>] xfs_buf_read_map+0xf9/0x160 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517022] [<ffffffffc061b279>] xfs_trans_read_buf_map+0x199/0x400
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517057] [<ffffffffc05c8d04>] xfs_da_read_buf+0xd4/0x100 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517091] [<ffffffffc05c8d53>] xfs_da3_node_read+0x23/0xd0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517126] [<ffffffffc05c9fee>] xfs_da3_node_lookup_int+0x6e/0x2f0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517160] [<ffffffffc05d5a1d>] xfs_dir2_node_lookup+0x4d/0x170
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517194] [<ffffffffc05ccf5d>] xfs_dir_lookup+0x1bd/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517233] [<ffffffffc05fd8d9>] xfs_lookup+0x69/0x140 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517271] [<ffffffffc05fa018>] xfs_vn_lookup+0x78/0xc0 [xfs]
>>>>> [10919.517278] [<ffffffffb9425cf3>] lookup_real+0x23/0x60
>>>>> [10919.517283] [<ffffffffb9426702>] __lookup_hash+0x42/0x60
>>>>> [10919.517288] [<ffffffffb942d519>] SYSC_renameat2+0x3a9/0x5a0
>>>>> [10919.517296] [<ffffffffb94d3753>] ? selinux_file_free_security+0x2
>>>>> 3/0x30
>>>>> [10919.517304] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517309] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517313] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517318] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [10919.517323] [<ffffffffb942e58e>] SyS_renameat2+0xe/0x10
>>>>> [10919.517328] [<ffffffffb942e5ce>] SyS_rename+0x1e/0x20
>>>>> [10919.517333] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [10919.517339] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11159.496095] INFO: task glusteriotwr9:15482 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11159.497546] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11159.498978] glusteriotwr9 D ffff971fa0fa1fa0 0 15482 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11159.498984] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11159.498995] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>> [11159.498999] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11159.499003] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [11159.499056] [<ffffffffc05dd9b7>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0xa7/0x1a0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499082] [<ffffffffc05dd43e>] ? xfs_iext_bno_to_irec+0x8e/0xd0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499090] [<ffffffffb92f7a12>] ? ktime_get_ts64+0x52/0xf0
>>>>> [11159.499093] [<ffffffffb9911f00>] ? bit_wait+0x50/0x50
>>>>> [11159.499097] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>> [11159.499101] [<ffffffffb9913528>] io_schedule+0x18/0x20
>>>>> [11159.499104] [<ffffffffb9911f11>] bit_wait_io+0x11/0x50
>>>>> [11159.499107] [<ffffffffb9911ac1>] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x61/0xc0
>>>>> [11159.499113] [<ffffffffb9393634>] __lock_page+0x74/0x90
>>>>> [11159.499118] [<ffffffffb92bc210>] ? wake_bit_function+0x40/0x40
>>>>> [11159.499121] [<ffffffffb9394154>] __find_lock_page+0x54/0x70
>>>>> [11159.499125] [<ffffffffb9394e85>] grab_cache_page_write_begin+0x
>>>>> 55/0xc0
>>>>> [11159.499130] [<ffffffffb9484b76>] iomap_write_begin+0x66/0x100
>>>>> [11159.499135] [<ffffffffb9484edf>] iomap_write_actor+0xcf/0x1d0
>>>>> [11159.499140] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>> [11159.499144] [<ffffffffb94854e7>] iomap_apply+0xb7/0x150
>>>>> [11159.499149] [<ffffffffb9485621>] iomap_file_buffered_write+0xa1
>>>>> /0xe0
>>>>> [11159.499153] [<ffffffffb9484e10>] ? iomap_write_end+0x80/0x80
>>>>> [11159.499182] [<ffffffffc05f025d>] xfs_file_buffered_aio_write+0x12d/0x2c0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499213] [<ffffffffc05f057d>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x18d/0x1b0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11159.499217] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>> [11159.499222] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>> [11159.499225] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>> [11159.499230] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11159.499234] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11159.499238] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.488720] INFO: task xfsaild/dm-10:1134 blocked for more than 120
>>>>> seconds.
>>>>> [11279.490197] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.491665] xfsaild/dm-10 D ffff9720a8660fd0 0 1134 2
>>>>> 0x00000000
>>>>> [11279.491671] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.491682] [<ffffffffb92a3a2e>] ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x5e/0x90
>>>>> [11279.491688] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.491744] [<ffffffffc060de36>] _xfs_log_force+0x1c6/0x2c0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491750] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.491783] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] ? xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491817] [<ffffffffc060df5c>] xfs_log_force+0x2c/0x70 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491849] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491880] [<ffffffffc0619fec>] xfsaild+0x16c/0x6f0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491913] [<ffffffffc0619e80>] ? xfs_trans_ail_cursor_first+0x90/0x90
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.491919] [<ffffffffb92bb161>] kthread+0xd1/0xe0
>>>>> [11279.491926] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>> [11279.491932] [<ffffffffb9920677>] ret_from_fork_nospec_begin+0x2
>>>>> 1/0x21
>>>>> [11279.491936] [<ffffffffb92bb090>] ? insert_kthread_work+0x40/0x40
>>>>> [11279.491976] INFO: task glusterclogfsyn:14934 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.493466] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.494952] glusterclogfsyn D ffff97209832af70 0 14934 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.494957] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.494979] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.494983] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.494987] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [11279.494997] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.495001] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>> [11279.495005] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>>>> [11279.495010] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.495016] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>> [11279.495049] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.495079] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.495086] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [11279.495090] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.495094] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>> [11279.495098] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.495102] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.495105] INFO: task glusterposixfsy:14941 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.496606] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.498114] glusterposixfsy D ffff972495f84f10 0 14941 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.498118] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.498134] [<ffffffffc0309839>] ? __split_and_process_bio+0x2e9/0x520
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.498138] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.498142] [<ffffffffb99118e9>] schedule_timeout+0x239/0x2c0
>>>>> [11279.498152] [<ffffffffc0309d98>] ? dm_make_request+0x128/0x1a0
>>>>> [dm_mod]
>>>>> [11279.498156] [<ffffffffb991348d>] io_schedule_timeout+0xad/0x130
>>>>> [11279.498160] [<ffffffffb99145ad>] wait_for_completion_io+0xfd/0x140
>>>>> [11279.498165] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.498169] [<ffffffffb951e574>] blkdev_issue_flush+0xb4/0x110
>>>>> [11279.498202] [<ffffffffc06064b9>] xfs_blkdev_issue_flush+0x19/0x20
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.498231] [<ffffffffc05eec40>] xfs_file_fsync+0x1b0/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.498238] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [11279.498242] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.498246] [<ffffffffb944f3f3>] SyS_fdatasync+0x13/0x20
>>>>> [11279.498250] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.498254] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.498257] INFO: task glusteriotwr1:14950 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.499789] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.501343] glusteriotwr1 D ffff97208b6daf70 0 14950 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.501348] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.501353] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.501390] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.501396] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.501428] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.501432] [<ffffffffb944ef3f>] generic_write_sync+0x4f/0x70
>>>>> [11279.501461] [<ffffffffc05f0545>] xfs_file_aio_write+0x155/0x1b0
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.501466] [<ffffffffb941a533>] do_sync_write+0x93/0xe0
>>>>> [11279.501471] [<ffffffffb941b010>] vfs_write+0xc0/0x1f0
>>>>> [11279.501475] [<ffffffffb941c002>] SyS_pwrite64+0x92/0xc0
>>>>> [11279.501479] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.501483] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.501489] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.501493] INFO: task glusteriotwr4:14953 blocked for more than
>>>>> 120 seconds.
>>>>> [11279.503047] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs"
>>>>> disables this message.
>>>>> [11279.504630] glusteriotwr4 D ffff972499f2bf40 0 14953 1
>>>>> 0x00000080
>>>>> [11279.504635] Call Trace:
>>>>> [11279.504640] [<ffffffffb9913f79>] schedule+0x29/0x70
>>>>> [11279.504676] [<ffffffffc060e388>] _xfs_log_force_lsn+0x2e8/0x340
>>>>> [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.504681] [<ffffffffb92cf1b0>] ? wake_up_state+0x20/0x20
>>>>> [11279.504710] [<ffffffffc05eeb97>] xfs_file_fsync+0x107/0x1e0 [xfs]
>>>>> [11279.504714] [<ffffffffb944f0e7>] do_fsync+0x67/0xb0
>>>>> [11279.504718] [<ffffffffb992076f>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xbc/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [11279.504722] [<ffffffffb944f3d0>] SyS_fsync+0x10/0x20
>>>>> [11279.504725] [<ffffffffb992082f>] system_call_fastpath+0x1c/0x21
>>>>> [11279.504730] [<ffffffffb992077b>] ? system_call_after_swapgs+0xc8/
>>>>> 0x160
>>>>> [12127.466494] perf: interrupt took too long (8263 > 8150), lowering
>>>>> kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 24000
>>>>> --------------------
>>>>> I think this is the cause of the massive ovirt performance issues
>>>>> irrespective of gluster volume. At the time this happened, I was also
>>>>> ssh'ed into the host, and was doing some rpm querry commands. I had just
>>>>> run rpm -qa |grep glusterfs (to verify what version was actually
>>>>> installed), and that command took almost 2 minutes to return! Normally it
>>>>> takes less than 2 seconds. That is all pure local SSD IO, too....
>>>>> I'm no expert, but its my understanding that anytime a software causes
>>>>> these kinds of issues, its a serious bug in the software, even if its
>>>>> mis-handled exceptions. Is this correct?
>>>>> --Jim
>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:01 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I think this is the profile information for one of the volumes that
>>>>>> lives on the SSDs and is fully operational with no down/problem disks:
>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data info
>>>>>> Brick: ovirt2.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 1113
>>>>>> 302
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 88608
>>>>>> 53526
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 522 812340
>>>>>> 76257
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 54351 241901
>>>>>> 15024
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 21636 8656
>>>>>> 8976
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 524156
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 296071
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4189
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1257
>>>>>> 0.00 46.19 us 12.00 us 187.00 us 69
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 147.00 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 86
>>>>>> 0.00 223.46 us 24.00 us 1166.00 us 149
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 565.34 us 76.00 us 3639.00 us 88
>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 98.84 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1198
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 91.59 us 26.00 us 10371.00 us 3853
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.00 494.14 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1171
>>>>>> 0.00 299.42 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 2044
>>>>>> 0.00 1965.31 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 321
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.01 113.40 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 8134
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.01 755.38 us 57.00 us 607603.00 us 3196
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.05 2690.09 us 58.00 us 2704761.00 us 3206
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.10 119978.25 us 97.00 us 9406684.00 us 154
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.18 101.73 us 28.00 us 700477.00 us 313379
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 0.23 1059.84 us 25.00 us 2716124.00 us 38255
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 0.47 1024.11 us 54.00 us 6197164.00 us 81455
>>>>>> 1.72 2984.00 us 15.00 us 37098954.00 us 103020
>>>>>> 5.92 44315.32 us 51.00 us 24731536.00 us 23957
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 13.27 2399.78 us 25.00 us 22089540.00 us 991005
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 37.00 5980.43 us 52.00 us 22099889.00 us 1108976
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 41.04 5452.75 us 13.00 us 22102452.00 us 1349053
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> Duration: 10026 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 80046027759 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 44496632320 bytes
>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 983 2696
>>>>>> 1059
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 838
>>>>>> 185
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 852 85856
>>>>>> 51575
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 382 705802
>>>>>> 57812
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 52673 232093
>>>>>> 14984
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 13499 4908
>>>>>> 4242
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 460040
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 6411
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>>> 0.00 53.38 us 26.00 us 111.00 us 16
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 145.14 us 78.00 us 367.00 us 71
>>>>>> 0.00 190.96 us 114.00 us 298.00 us 71
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.00 213.38 us 24.00 us 1145.00 us 90
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 263.28 us 20.00 us 28385.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 101.76 us 2.00 us 880.00 us 1093
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.01 93.60 us 27.00 us 10371.00 us 3090
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.02 537.47 us 17.00 us 193439.00 us 1038
>>>>>> 0.03 297.44 us 35.00 us 9799.00 us 1990
>>>>>> 0.03 2357.28 us 110.00 us 382258.00 us 253
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.04 385.93 us 58.00 us 47593.00 us 2091
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.04 114.86 us 24.00 us 61061.00 us 7715
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.06 444.59 us 57.00 us 333240.00 us 3053
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.42 316.24 us 25.00 us 290728.00 us 29823
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 0.73 257.92 us 54.00 us 344812.00 us 63296
>>>>>> 1.37 98.30 us 28.00 us 67621.00 us 313172
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 1.58 2124.69 us 51.00 us 849200.00 us 16717
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 5.73 162.46 us 52.00 us 748492.00 us 794079
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 7.19 2065.17 us 16.00 us 37098954.00 us 78381
>>>>>> 36.44 886.32 us 25.00 us 2216436.00 us 925421
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 46.30 1178.04 us 13.00 us 1700704.00 us 884635
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 71250527215 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 5119903744 bytes
>>>>>> Brick: ovirt3.nwfiber.com:/gluster/brick2/data
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 3264419
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 90
>>>>>> FORGET
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 9462
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 4254
>>>>>> 0.00 50.52 us 13.00 us 190.00 us 71
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 186.97 us 87.00 us 713.00 us 86
>>>>>> 0.00 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 220.98 us 129.00 us 513.00 us 86
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.01 259.30 us 26.00 us 2632.00 us 137
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.02 322.76 us 145.00 us 2125.00 us 321
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.03 109.55 us 2.00 us 1258.00 us 1193
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.05 70.21 us 21.00 us 431.00 us 3196
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.05 169.26 us 21.00 us 2315.00 us 1545
>>>>>> 0.12 176.85 us 63.00 us 2844.00 us 3206
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.61 303.49 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9633
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 2.44 305.66 us 28.00 us 3716.00 us 38230
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 4.52 266.22 us 55.00 us 53424.00 us 81455
>>>>>> 6.96 1397.99 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 23889
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 16.48 84.74 us 25.00 us 6917.00 us 932592
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 30.16 106.90 us 13.00 us 3920189.00 us 1353046
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> 38.55 1794.52 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 103039
>>>>>> Duration: 66562 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 3264419 bytes
>>>>>> Interval 1 Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 1b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 0
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 794080
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2093
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1093
>>>>>> 0.00 70.31 us 26.00 us 125.00 us 16
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 193.10 us 103.00 us 713.00 us 71
>>>>>> 0.01 227.32 us 133.00 us 513.00 us 71
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.01 79.32 us 33.00 us 189.00 us 228
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.01 259.83 us 35.00 us 1138.00 us 89
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.03 318.26 us 145.00 us 2047.00 us 253
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.04 112.67 us 3.00 us 1258.00 us 1093
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.06 167.98 us 23.00 us 1951.00 us 1014
>>>>>> 0.08 70.97 us 22.00 us 431.00 us 3053
>>>>>> DISCARD
>>>>>> 0.13 183.78 us 66.00 us 2844.00 us 2091
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 1.01 303.82 us 90.00 us 3085.00 us 9610
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 3.27 316.59 us 30.00 us 3716.00 us 29820
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 5.83 265.79 us 59.00 us 53424.00 us 63296
>>>>>> 7.95 1373.89 us 51.00 us 64822.00 us 16717
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> 23.17 851.99 us 14.00 us 16210553.00 us 78555
>>>>>> 24.04 87.44 us 27.00 us 6917.00 us 794081
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 34.36 111.91 us 14.00 us 984871.00 us 886790
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> Duration: 7485 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 0 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 794080 bytes
>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>> Here is the data from the volume that is backed by the SHDDs and has
>>>>>> one failed disk:
>>>>>> [***@ovirt2 yum.repos.d]# gluster volume profile data-hdd info
>>>>>> Brick:
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Cumulative Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>> 16
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>> 71
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>>> ENTRYLK
>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>>> 0.07 85.74 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 5.94 2331.74 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>>> 7.31 8311.75 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>>> 12.49 7735.19 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 17.70 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> 24.55 2546.43 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 31.56 49699.15 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>> Interval 0 Stats:
>>>>>> Block Size: 256b+ 512b+
>>>>>> 1024b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1702 86
>>>>>> 16
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 0 767
>>>>>> 71
>>>>>> Block Size: 2048b+ 4096b+
>>>>>> 8192b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 19 51841
>>>>>> 2049
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 76 60668
>>>>>> 35727
>>>>>> Block Size: 16384b+ 32768b+
>>>>>> 65536b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 1744 639
>>>>>> 1088
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 8524 2410
>>>>>> 1285
>>>>>> Block Size: 131072b+
>>>>>> No. of Reads: 771999
>>>>>> No. of Writes: 29584
>>>>>> %-latency Avg-latency Min-Latency Max-Latency No. of calls
>>>>>> Fop
>>>>>> --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 2902
>>>>>> RELEASE
>>>>>> 0.00 0.00 us 0.00 us 0.00 us 1517
>>>>>> 0.00 197.00 us 197.00 us 197.00 us 1
>>>>>> 0.00 70.24 us 16.00 us 758.00 us 51
>>>>>> FLUSH
>>>>>> 0.00 143.93 us 82.00 us 305.00 us 57
>>>>>> 0.00 178.63 us 105.00 us 712.00 us 60
>>>>>> SETATTR
>>>>>> 0.00 67.30 us 19.00 us 572.00 us 555
>>>>>> LK
>>>>>> 0.00 322.80 us 23.00 us 4673.00 us 138
>>>>>> READDIR
>>>>>> 0.00 336.56 us 106.00 us 11994.00 us 237
>>>>>> XATTROP
>>>>>> 0.00 84.70 us 28.00 us 1071.00 us 3469
>>>>>> STATFS
>>>>>> 0.01 387.75 us 2.00 us 146017.00 us 1467
>>>>>> OPENDIR
>>>>>> 0.01 148.59 us 21.00 us 64374.00 us 4454
>>>>>> STAT
>>>>>> 0.02 783.02 us 16.00 us 93502.00 us 1902
>>>>>> 0.03 1516.10 us 17.00 us 210690.00 us 1364
>>>>>> ENTRYLK
>>>>>> 0.03 2555.47 us 300.00 us 674454.00 us 1064
>>>>>> 0.07 85.73 us 19.00 us 68340.00 us 62849
>>>>>> FSTAT
>>>>>> 0.07 1978.12 us 59.00 us 202596.00 us 2729
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> 0.22 708.57 us 15.00 us 394799.00 us 25447
>>>>>> LOOKUP
>>>>>> 5.94 2334.57 us 15.00 us 1099530.00 us 207534
>>>>>> 7.31 8311.49 us 58.00 us 1800216.00 us 71668
>>>>>> 12.49 7735.32 us 51.00 us 3595513.00 us 131642
>>>>>> WRITE
>>>>>> 17.71 957.08 us 16.00 us 13700466.00 us 1508160
>>>>>> INODELK
>>>>>> 24.56 2546.42 us 26.00 us 5077347.00 us 786060
>>>>>> READ
>>>>>> 31.54 49651.63 us 47.00 us 3746331.00 us 51777
>>>>>> FSYNC
>>>>>> Duration: 10101 seconds
>>>>>> Data Read: 101562897361 bytes
>>>>>> Data Written: 4834450432 bytes
>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>>>> I have 4 gluster volumes. 3 are replica 2 + arbitrator. replica
>>>>>>> bricks are on ovirt1 and ovirt2, arbitrator on ovirt3. The 4th volume is
>>>>>>> replica 3, with a brick on all three ovirt machines.
>>>>>>> The first 3 volumes are on an SSD disk; the 4th is on a Seagate SSHD
>>>>>>> (same in all three machines). On ovirt3, the SSHD has reported hard IO
>>>>>>> failures, and that brick is offline. However, the other two replicas are
>>>>>>> fully operational (although they still show contents in the heal info
>>>>>>> command that won't go away, but that may be the case until I replace the
>>>>>>> failed disk).
>>>>>>> What is bothering me is that ALL 4 gluster volumes are showing
>>>>>>> horrible performance issues. At this point, as the bad disk has been
>>>>>>> completely offlined, I would expect gluster to perform at normal speed, but
>>>>>>> that is definitely not the case.
>>>>>>> I've also noticed that the performance hits seem to come in waves:
>>>>>>> things seem to work acceptably (but slow) for a while, then suddenly, its
>>>>>>> as if all disk IO on all volumes (including non-gluster local OS disk
>>>>>>> volumes for the hosts) pause for about 30 seconds, then IO resumes again.
>>>>>>> During those times, I start getting VM not responding and host not
>>>>>>> responding notices as well as the applications having major issues.
>>>>>>> I've shut down most of my VMs and am down to just my essential core
>>>>>>> VMs (shedded about 75% of my VMs). I still am experiencing the same issues.
>>>>>>> Am I correct in believing that once the failed disk was brought
>>>>>>> offline that performance should return to normal?
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Alex K <***@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I would check disks status and accessibility of mount points where
>>>>>>>> your gluster volumes reside.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018, 22:28 Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On one ovirt server, I'm now seeing these messages:
>>>>>>>>> [56474.239725] blk_update_request: 63 callbacks suppressed
>>>>>>>>> [56474.239732] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>> [56474.240602] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>> [56474.241346] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>> [56474.242236] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>>>> [56474.243072] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905943424
>>>>>>>>> [56474.243997] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905943536
>>>>>>>>> [56474.247347] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 0
>>>>>>>>> [56474.248315] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945472
>>>>>>>>> [56474.249231] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector
>>>>>>>>> 3905945584
>>>>>>>>> [56474.250221] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev dm-2, sector 2048
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Jim Kusznir <***@palousetech.com
>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I see in messages on ovirt3 (my 3rd machine, the one upgraded to
>>>>>>>>>> 4.2):
>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:41 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:54:51 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>> May 29 11:55:01 ovirt3 ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|db_ctl_base|ERR|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock:
>>>>>>>>>> database connection failed (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>>>> (appears a lot).
>>>>>>>>>> I also found on the ssh session of that, some sysv warnings about
>>>>>>>>>> the backing disk for one of the gluster volumes (straight replica 3). The
>>>>>>>>>> glusterfs process for that disk on that machine went offline. Its my
>>>>>>>>>> understanding that it should continue to work with the other two machines
>>>>>>>>>> while I attempt to replace that disk, right? Attempted writes (touching an
>>>>>>>>>> empty file) can take 15 seconds, repeating it later will be much faster.
>>>>>>>>>> Gluster generates a bunch of different log files, I don't know
>>>>>>>>>> what ones you want, or from which machine(s).
>>>>>>>>>> How do I do "volume profiling"?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Sahina Bose <***@redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you see errors reported in the mount logs for the volume? If
>>>>>>>>>>> so, could you attach the logs?
>>>>>>>>>>> Any issues with your underlying disks. Can you also attach
>>>>>>>>>>> output of volume profiling?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, things have gotten MUCH worse this morning. I'm getting
>>>>>>>>>>>> random errors from VMs, right now, about a third of my VMs have been paused
>>>>>>>>>>>> due to storage issues, and most of the remaining VMs are not performing
>>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>>> At this point, I am in full EMERGENCY mode, as my production
>>>>>>>>>>>> services are now impacted, and I'm getting calls coming in with problems...
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd greatly appreciate help...VMs are running VERY slowly (when
>>>>>>>>>>>> they run), and they are steadily getting worse. I don't know why. I was
>>>>>>>>>>>> seeing CPU peaks (to 100%) on several VMs, in perfect sync, for a few
>>>>>>>>>>>> minutes at a time (while the VM became unresponsive and any VMs I was
>>>>>>>>>>>> logged into that were linux were giving me the CPU stuck messages in my
>>>>>>>>>>>> origional post). Is all this storage related?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I also have two different gluster volumes for VM storage, and
>>>>>>>>>>>> only one had the issues, but now VMs in both are being affected at the same
>>>>>>>>>>>> time and same way.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Sahina Bose <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Adding gluster-users to look at the heal issue]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 9:17 AM, Jim Kusznir <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***@palousetech.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been having some cluster and gluster performance issues
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lately. I also found that my cluster was out of date, and was trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply updates (hoping to fix some of these), and discovered the ovirt 4.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repos were taken completely offline. So, I was forced to begin an upgrade
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to 4.2. According to docs I found/read, I needed only add the new repo, do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a yum update, reboot, and be good on my hosts (did the yum update, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engine-setup on my hosted engine). Things seemed to work relatively well,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> except for a gluster sync issue that showed up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My cluster is a 3 node hyperconverged cluster. I upgraded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hosted engine first, then engine 3. When engine 3 came back up, for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some reason one of my gluster volumes would not sync. Here's sample output:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [***@ovirt3 ~]# gluster volume heal data-hdd info
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brick
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/b1ea3f62-0f05-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ded-8c82-9c91c90e0b61/d5d6bf5a-499f-431d-9013-5453db93ed32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/8c8b5147-e9d6-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 810-b45b-185e3ed65727/16f08231-93b0-489d-a2fd-687b6bf88eaa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/12924435-b9c2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aab-ba19-1c1bc31310ef/07b3db69-440e-491e-854c-bbfa18a7cff2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/f3c8e7aa-6ef2-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2a7-93d4-e0a4df6dd2fa/2eb0b1ad-2606-44ef-9cd3-ae59610a504b
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/647be733-f153-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cdc-85bd-ba72544c2631/b453a300-0602-4be1-8310-8bd5abe00971
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/48d7ecb8-7ac5-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 725-bca5-b3519681cf2f/0d6080b0-7018-4fa3-bb82-1dd9ef07d9b9
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/6da854d1-b6be-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 46b-9bf0-90a0dbbea830/3c93bd1f-b7fa-4aa2-b445-6904e31839ba
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /cc65f671-3377-494a-a7d4-1d9f7c3ae46c/images/7f647567-d18c-4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4f1-a58e-9b8865833acb/f9364470-9770-4bb1-a6b9-a54861849625
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Status: Connected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of entries: 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its been in this state for a couple days now, and bandwidth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring shows no appreciable data moving. I've tried repeatedly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commanding a full heal from all three clusters in the node. Its always the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same files that need healing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When running gluster volume heal data-hdd statistics, I see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes different information, but always some number of "heal failed"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entries. It shows 0 for split brain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do. I suspect it may be due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes 1 and 2 still being on the older ovirt/gluster release, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> afraid to upgrade and reboot them until I have a good gluster sync (don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to create a split brain issue). How do I proceed with this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Second issue: I've been experiencing VERY POOR performance on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most of my VMs. To the tune that logging into a windows 10 vm via remote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> desktop can take 5 minutes, launching quickbooks inside said vm can easily
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take 10 minutes. On some linux VMs, I get random messages like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message from ***@unifi at May 28 20:39:23 ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel:[6171996.308904] NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [mongod:14766]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (the process and PID are often different)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not quite sure what to do about this either. My initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought was upgrad everything to current and see if its still there, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot move forward with that until my gluster is healed...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --Jim
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