[Gluster-users] Geo-replication faulty
Marcus Pedersén
2018-04-23 09:05:31 UTC
Hi all,

I setup my gluster cluster with geo-replication a couple of weeks ago
and everything worked fine!
Today I descovered that one of the master nodes geo-replication
status is faulty.

On master side: Distributed-replicatied 2 x (2 + 1) = 6
On slave side: Replicated 1 x (2 + 1) = 3

After checking logs I see that the master node has the following error:
OSError: Permission denied

Looking at the slave I have the following error:
remote operation failed. Path: <gfid:7c6a232d-c74c-40d7-b6bd-c092fc1169f7>/anvil [Permission denied]

I restarted glusterd on all slavehosts.
After this I got new errors.

Master node:
RepceClient: call failed on peer call=26487:140016890697536:1524473494.25 method=entry_ops error=OSError
glusterfs session went down error=ENOTCONN

Client node:
Found anomalies in (null) (gfid = 982d5d7d-2a53-4b21-8ad7-d658810d554c). Holes=1 overlaps=0
0-glusterfs-fuse: 1496: LOOKUP() /.gfid/982d5d7d-2a53-4b21-8ad7-d658810d554c => -1 (Transport endpoint is not connected)

gluster-mountbroker status is all OK!
I do not use root user.

How do I solve this issue and get this active again?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards
Marcus Pedersén
* Marcus Pedersén *
* System administrator *
* Interbull Centre *
* ================ *
* Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics — SLU *
* Box 7023, SE-750 07 *
* Uppsala, Sweden *
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* Sweden *
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* Tel: +46-(0)18-67 1962 *
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