[Gluster-users] Are there any known issues with gluster-3.7.11 and CentOS 6.6?
Pat Haley
2018-06-14 16:55:05 UTC

We were trying to address some slowness issues we continue to have with
by using a suggestion from this list (disperse.eager-lock off). We were
unable to do this because we discovered that the clients were running a
different version of gluster (and CentOS) than the server

* server: gluster 3.7.11 and CentOS 6.8
* clients: gluster 3.7.8 and CentOS 6.6

Our thought was to try upgrading gluster on the clients to 3.7.11. Are
there any known issues with using gluster 3.7.11 on CentOS 6.6?

Pat Haley Email: ***@mit.edu
Center for Ocean Engineering Phone: (617) 253-6824
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Fax: (617) 253-8125
MIT, Room 5-213 http://web.mit.edu/phaley/www/
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4301