Chaloulos, Klearchos (Nokia - GR/Athens)
2018-09-20 12:12:52 UTC
We are using glusterfs version 3.7.14, and have deployed the glusterfs servers in containers. We are trying to use the "gluster volume add-brick" command to extend a volume, but it fails:
gluster volume add-brick oam replica 3 force
volume add-brick: failed: Commit failed on Please check log file for details.
The logs show that it fails to mount /dev/fuse:
[mount.c:341:gf_fuse_mount] 0-glusterfs-fuse: cannot open \/dev\/fuse (No such file or directory)
[glusterd-utils.c:11294:glusterd_handle_replicate_brick_ops] 0-management: mount command failed.
[MSGID: 106074] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:2372:glusterd_op_add_brick] 0-glusterd: Unable to add bricks
[MSGID: 106123] [glusterd-mgmt.c:294:gd_mgmt_v3_commit_fn] 0-management: Add-brick commit failed.
1) Why does it need /dev/fuse in order to add a brick?
2) Is there a way to bypass the need for /dev/fuse in order to add the extra brick?
3) Is this related to this issue: ?
Best regards,
We are using glusterfs version 3.7.14, and have deployed the glusterfs servers in containers. We are trying to use the "gluster volume add-brick" command to extend a volume, but it fails:
gluster volume add-brick oam replica 3 force
volume add-brick: failed: Commit failed on Please check log file for details.
The logs show that it fails to mount /dev/fuse:
[mount.c:341:gf_fuse_mount] 0-glusterfs-fuse: cannot open \/dev\/fuse (No such file or directory)
[glusterd-utils.c:11294:glusterd_handle_replicate_brick_ops] 0-management: mount command failed.
[MSGID: 106074] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:2372:glusterd_op_add_brick] 0-glusterd: Unable to add bricks
[MSGID: 106123] [glusterd-mgmt.c:294:gd_mgmt_v3_commit_fn] 0-management: Add-brick commit failed.
1) Why does it need /dev/fuse in order to add a brick?
2) Is there a way to bypass the need for /dev/fuse in order to add the extra brick?
3) Is this related to this issue: ?
Best regards,