[Gluster-users] add-brick fails with error about /dev/fuse
Chaloulos, Klearchos (Nokia - GR/Athens)
2018-09-20 12:12:52 UTC

We are using glusterfs version 3.7.14, and have deployed the glusterfs servers in containers. We are trying to use the "gluster volume add-brick" command to extend a volume, but it fails:

gluster volume add-brick oam replica 3 force
volume add-brick: failed: Commit failed on Please check log file for details.

The logs show that it fails to mount /dev/fuse:

[mount.c:341:gf_fuse_mount] 0-glusterfs-fuse: cannot open \/dev\/fuse (No such file or directory)
[glusterd-utils.c:11294:glusterd_handle_replicate_brick_ops] 0-management: mount command failed.
[MSGID: 106074] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:2372:glusterd_op_add_brick] 0-glusterd: Unable to add bricks
[MSGID: 106123] [glusterd-mgmt.c:294:gd_mgmt_v3_commit_fn] 0-management: Add-brick commit failed.

1) Why does it need /dev/fuse in order to add a brick?
2) Is there a way to bypass the need for /dev/fuse in order to add the extra brick?
3) Is this related to this issue: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1420027 ?

Best regards,

Vijay Bellur
2018-09-21 19:12:29 UTC
On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 12:44 AM Chaloulos, Klearchos (Nokia - GR/Athens) <
Post by Chaloulos, Klearchos (Nokia - GR/Athens)
We are using glusterfs version 3.7.14, and have deployed the glusterfs
servers in containers. We are trying to use the “gluster volume add-brick”
gluster volume add-brick oam replica 3 force
volume add-brick: failed: Commit failed on Please check log file for details.
[mount.c:341:gf_fuse_mount] 0-glusterfs-fuse: cannot open \/dev\/fuse (No
such file or directory)
mount command failed.
[MSGID: 106074] [glusterd-brick-ops.c:2372:glusterd_op_add_brick]
0-glusterd: Unable to add bricks
Add-brick commit failed.
1. Why does it need /dev/fuse in order to add a brick?
/dev/fuse or the fuse kernel module is needed on a server that contains a
brick as several features in gluster rely on mounting a native(fuse) client
locally on the server.
Post by Chaloulos, Klearchos (Nokia - GR/Athens)
1. Is there a way to bypass the need for /dev/fuse in order to add the
extra brick?
I don't think there is an easy way at the moment. Making the fuse kernel
module available to the glusterfs installation in the container would be
the preferred route as of now.
Post by Chaloulos, Klearchos (Nokia - GR/Athens)
<https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1420027> ?
Yes, this is related to the issue reported in the bug. There is a fair
amount of work needed to avoid dependency of the glusterfs server stack on
a fuse mount.

Best Regards,
