[Gluster-users] Release 3.12.12: Scheduled for the 11th of July
Jiffin Tony Thottan
2018-07-09 05:18:41 UTC

It's time to prepare the 3.12.12 release, which falls on the 10th of
each month, and hence would be 11-07-2018 this time around.

This mail is to call out the following,

1) Are there any pending *blocker* bugs that need to be tracked for
3.12.12? If so mark them against the provided tracker [1] as blockers
for the release, or at the very least post them as a response to this

2) Pending reviews in the 3.12 dashboard will be part of the release,
*iff* they pass regressions and have the review votes, so use the
dashboard [2] to check on the status of your patches to 3.12 and get
these going


[1] Release bug tracker:

[2] 3.12 review dashboard:
2018-07-09 07:34:49 UTC
Hi Jiffin,

Based on the issues I am encountering on a nearly daily basis (See "New 3.12.7 possible split-brain on replica 3" thread in this ML) since now already 2-3 months I would be really glad if the required fixes as mentioned by Ravi could make it into the 3.12.12 release. Ravi mentioned the following:

afr: heal gfids when file is not present on all bricks
afr: don't update readables if inode refresh failed on all children
afr: fix bug-1363721.t failure
afr: add quorum checks in pre-op
afr: don't treat all cases all bricks being blamed as split-brain
afr: capture the correct errno in post-op quorum check
afr: add quorum checks in post-op

Right now I only see the first one pending in the review dashboard. It would be great if all of them could make it into this release.

Best regards,

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Post by Jiffin Tony Thottan
It's time to prepare the 3.12.12 release, which falls on the 10th of
each month, and hence would be 11-07-2018 this time around.
This mail is to call out the following,
1) Are there any pending *blocker* bugs that need to be tracked for
3.12.12? If so mark them against the provided tracker [1] as blockers
for the release, or at the very least post them as a response to this
2) Pending reviews in the 3.12 dashboard will be part of the release,
*iff* they pass regressions and have the review votes, so use the
dashboard [2] to check on the status of your patches to 3.12 and get
these going
Jiffin Tony Thottan
2018-07-11 14:10:54 UTC
Hi Mabi,

I have checked with afr maintainer, all of the required changes is
merged in 3.12.

Hence moving forward with 3.12.12 release


Post by mabi
Hi Jiffin,
Based on the issues I am encountering on a nearly daily basis (See
"New 3.12.7 possible split-brain on replica 3" thread in this ML)
since now already 2-3 months I would be really glad if the required
fixes as mentioned by Ravi could make it into the 3.12.12 release.
afr: heal gfids when file is not present on all bricks
afr: don't update readables if inode refresh failed on all children
afr: fix bug-1363721.t failure
afr: add quorum checks in pre-op
afr: don't treat all cases all bricks being blamed as split-brain
afr: capture the correct errno in post-op quorum check
afr: add quorum checks in post-op
Right now I only see the first one pending in the review dashboard. It
would be great if all of them could make it into this release.
Best regards,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Post by Jiffin Tony Thottan
It's time to prepare the 3.12.12 release, which falls on the 10th of
each month, and hence would be 11-07-2018 this time around.
This mail is to call out the following,
1) Are there any pending *blocker* bugs that need to be tracked for
3.12.12? If so mark them against the provided tracker [1] as blockers
for the release, or at the very least post them as a response to this
2) Pending reviews in the 3.12 dashboard will be part of the release,
*iff* they pass regressions and have the review votes, so use the
dashboard [2] to check on the status of your patches to 3.12 and get
these going
2018-07-12 15:56:38 UTC
Hi Jiffin,

Thank you very much for confirming. I will now find a maintenance window and upgrade GlusterFS. I will post back on this thread in case I still see any issues but hopefully it all goes well :-)


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Post by Jiffin Tony Thottan
Hi Mabi,
I have checked with afr maintainer, all of the required changes is merged in 3.12.
Hence moving forward with 3.12.12 release
Post by mabi
Hi Jiffin,
afr: heal gfids when file is not present on all bricks
afr: don't update readables if inode refresh failed on all children
afr: fix bug-1363721.t failure
afr: add quorum checks in pre-op
afr: don't treat all cases all bricks being blamed as split-brain
afr: capture the correct errno in post-op quorum check
afr: add quorum checks in post-op
Right now I only see the first one pending in the review dashboard. It would be great if all of them could make it into this release.
Best regards,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Post by Jiffin Tony Thottan
It's time to prepare the 3.12.12 release, which falls on the 10th of
each month, and hence would be 11-07-2018 this time around.
This mail is to call out the following,
1) Are there any pending *blocker* bugs that need to be tracked for
3.12.12? If so mark them against the provided tracker [1] as blockers
for the release, or at the very least post them as a response to this
2) Pending reviews in the 3.12 dashboard will be part of the release,
*iff* they pass regressions and have the review votes, so use the
dashboard [2] to check on the status of your patches to 3.12 and get
these going
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