[Gluster-users] Geo-Replication memory leak on slave node
Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
2018-06-07 03:42:20 UTC
Hi Mark,

Few questions.

1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?

Kotresh HR

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Mark Betham <
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py", line
361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line 1009,
in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90, in
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61, in
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.768085] E [repce(slave):117:worker] <top>: call
failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 113, in
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its
available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the error
shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory usage
of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS filesystem
which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical storage is
presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being part of a
raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of data
to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little as
data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up of
many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file sizes
vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster service
itself is running with a single volume in a replicated configuration across
3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes being replicated are on
average about 100GB per day, where this includes file creation / deletion /
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from the
current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
-i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this issue
then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales 07188234
| Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
2018-06-07 03:45:01 UTC
Hi Mark,

Few questions.

1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.

Kotresh HR

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Mark Betham <
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py", line
361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line 1009,
in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90, in
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61, in
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.768085] E [repce(slave):117:worker] <top>: call
failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 113, in
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its
available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the error
shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory usage
of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS filesystem
which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical storage is
presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being part of a
raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of data
to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little as
data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up of
many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file sizes
vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster service
itself is running with a single volume in a replicated configuration across
3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes being replicated are on
average about 100GB per day, where this includes file creation / deletion /
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from the
current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
-i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this issue
then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales 07188234
| Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Mark Betham
2018-06-07 07:19:04 UTC
Hi Kotresh,

Many thanks for your prompt response.

Below are my responses to your questions;

1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the high
memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all of the
available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was only
brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc on
CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with Gluster
ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only rebuilt
approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL. Prior
to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the sites and
it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this version of
Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from then but I do
not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message mentioned.

2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no confidential
info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even when
compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this data
with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?

3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all storage
nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep master.

glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.


I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from the
Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from
yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the
subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For
info, all times are in UTC.

Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you and
also if you require any further information.

Many thanks,

Mark Betham
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py", line
361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line
1009, in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90, in
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61, in
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.768085] E [repce(slave):117:worker] <top>: call
failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 113, in
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its
available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the error
shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory usage
of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS filesystem
which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical storage is
presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being part of a
raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of data
to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little as
data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up of
many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file sizes
vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster service
itself is running with a single volume in a replicated configuration across
3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes being replicated are on
average about 100GB per day, where this includes file creation / deletion /
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from the
current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
-i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this
issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
email may contain confidential material;
recipients must not disseminate, use, or act upon
information in it. If you received this email in error,

please contact the sender and permanently delete the email.

Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England

& Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks,
upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Mark Betham
2018-06-08 09:30:52 UTC
Hi Kotresh,

The memory issue re-occurred again. This is indicating it will occur
around once a day.

Again no traceback listed in the log, the only update in the log was as
[2018-06-08 08:26:43.404261] I [resource(slave):1020:service_loop] GLUSTER:
connection inactive, stopping timeout=120
[2018-06-08 08:29:19.357615] I [syncdutils(slave):271:finalize] <top>:
[2018-06-08 08:31:02.432002] I [resource(slave):1502:connect] GLUSTER:
Mounting gluster volume locally...
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.716967] I [resource(slave):1515:connect] GLUSTER:
Mounted gluster volume duration=1.2729
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.717411] I [resource(slave):1012:service_loop] GLUSTER:
slave listening

I have attached an image showing the latest memory usage pattern.

Can you please advise how I can pass the log data across to you? As soon
as I know this I will get the data uploaded for your review.


Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response.
Below are my responses to your questions;
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the high
memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all of the
available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was only
brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc on
CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with Gluster
ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only rebuilt
approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL. Prior
to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the sites and
it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this version of
Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from then but I do
not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message mentioned.
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no confidential
info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even when
compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this data
with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all
storage nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep
glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from the
Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from
yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the
subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For
info, all times are in UTC.
Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you and
also if you require any further information.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Mark Betham <
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py", line
361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line
1009, in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90, in
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61, in
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.768085] E [repce(slave):117:worker] <top>: call
failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 113,
in worker*
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its
available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the error
shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory usage
of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS
filesystem which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical
storage is presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being
part of a raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of
data to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little
as data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up
of many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file
sizes vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster
service itself is running with a single volume in a replicated
configuration across 3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes
being replicated are on average about 100GB per day, where this includes
file creation / deletion / modification.
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from the
current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
-i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this
issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
email may contain confidential material;
recipients must not disseminate, use, or act upon
information in it. If you received this email in error,

please contact the sender and permanently delete the email.

Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England

& Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks,
upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
2018-06-11 04:53:54 UTC
Hi Mark,

Google drive works for me.

Kotresh HR

On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
The memory issue re-occurred again. This is indicating it will occur
around once a day.
Again no traceback listed in the log, the only update in the log was as
[2018-06-08 08:26:43.404261] I [resource(slave):1020:service_loop]
GLUSTER: connection inactive, stopping timeout=120
Mounting gluster volume locally...
Mounted gluster volume duration=1.2729
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.717411] I [resource(slave):1012:service_loop]
GLUSTER: slave listening
I have attached an image showing the latest memory usage pattern.
Can you please advise how I can pass the log data across to you? As soon
as I know this I will get the data uploaded for your review.
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response.
Below are my responses to your questions;
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the high
memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all of the
available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was only
brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc on
CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with Gluster
ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only rebuilt
approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL. Prior
to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the sites and
it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this version of
Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from then but I do
not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message mentioned.
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no confidential
info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even when
compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this data
with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all
storage nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep
glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from the
Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from
yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the
subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For
info, all times are in UTC.
Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you and
also if you require any further information.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
On 7 June 2018 at 04:42, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Mark Betham <
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py", line
361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line
1009, in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90,
in service_loop*
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61,
in recv*
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.768085] E [repce(slave):117:worker] <top>: call
failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 113,
in worker*
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its
available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the error
shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory usage
of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS
filesystem which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical
storage is presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being
part of a raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of
data to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little
as data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up
of many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file
sizes vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster
service itself is running with a single volume in a replicated
configuration across 3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes
being replicated are on average about 100GB per day, where this includes
file creation / deletion / modification.
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from
the current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this
issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients
must not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you
received this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently
delete the email.
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales 07188234
| Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Mark Betham
2018-06-11 07:24:10 UTC
Hi Kotresh,

Many thanks. I will shortly setup a share on my GDrive and send the link
directly to yourself.

For Info;
The Geo-Rep slave failed again over the weekend but it did not recover this
time. It looks to have become unresponsive at around 14:40 UTC on 9th
June. I have attached an image showing the mem usage and you can see from
this when the system failed. The system was totally unresponsive and
required a cold power off and then power on in order to recover the server.

Many thanks for your help.

Mark Betham.
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Google drive works for me.
Kotresh HR
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
The memory issue re-occurred again. This is indicating it will occur
around once a day.
Again no traceback listed in the log, the only update in the log was as
[2018-06-08 08:26:43.404261] I [resource(slave):1020:service_loop]
GLUSTER: connection inactive, stopping timeout=120
Mounting gluster volume locally...
Mounted gluster volume duration=1.2729
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.717411] I [resource(slave):1012:service_loop]
GLUSTER: slave listening
I have attached an image showing the latest memory usage pattern.
Can you please advise how I can pass the log data across to you? As soon
as I know this I will get the data uploaded for your review.
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response.
Below are my responses to your questions;
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether
it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the
high memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all
of the available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was only
brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc on
CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with Gluster
ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only rebuilt
approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL. Prior
to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the sites and
it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this version of
Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from then but I do
not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message mentioned.
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no
confidential info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even
when compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this
data with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all
storage nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep
glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from
the Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from
yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the
subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For
info, all times are in UTC.
Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you and
also if you require any further information.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
On 7 June 2018 at 04:42, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm
whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Mark Betham <
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py", line
361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line
1009, in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90,
in service_loop*
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61,
in recv*
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.768085] E [repce(slave):117:worker] <top>: call
failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 113,
in worker*
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its
available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the
error shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory
usage of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS
filesystem which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical
storage is presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being
part of a raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of
data to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little
as data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up
of many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file
sizes vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster
service itself is running with a single volume in a replicated
configuration across 3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes
being replicated are on average about 100GB per day, where this includes
file creation / deletion / modification.
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from
the current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this
issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients
must not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you
received this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently
delete the email.
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
email may contain confidential material;
recipients must not disseminate, use, or act upon
information in it. If you received this email in error,

please contact the sender and permanently delete the email.

Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England

& Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks,
upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Mark Betham
2018-06-20 07:02:04 UTC
Hi Kotresh,

I was wondering if you had made any progress with regards to the issue I am
currently experiencing with geo-replication.

For info the fault remains and effectively requires a restart of the
geo-replication service on a daily basis to reclaim the used memory on the
slave node.

If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

Mark Betham

On Mon, 11 Jun 2018 at 08:24, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks. I will shortly setup a share on my GDrive and send the link
directly to yourself.
For Info;
The Geo-Rep slave failed again over the weekend but it did not recover
this time. It looks to have become unresponsive at around 14:40 UTC on 9th
June. I have attached an image showing the mem usage and you can see from
this when the system failed. The system was totally unresponsive and
required a cold power off and then power on in order to recover the server.
Many thanks for your help.
Mark Betham.
On 11 June 2018 at 05:53, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Google drive works for me.
Kotresh HR
On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
The memory issue re-occurred again. This is indicating it will occur
around once a day.
Again no traceback listed in the log, the only update in the log was as
[2018-06-08 08:26:43.404261] I [resource(slave):1020:service_loop]
GLUSTER: connection inactive, stopping timeout=120
Mounting gluster volume locally...
Mounted gluster volume duration=1.2729
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.717411] I [resource(slave):1012:service_loop]
GLUSTER: slave listening
I have attached an image showing the latest memory usage pattern.
Can you please advise how I can pass the log data across to you? As
soon as I know this I will get the data uploaded for your review.
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response.
Below are my responses to your questions;
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm
whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the
high memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all
of the available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was only
brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc on
CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with Gluster
ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only rebuilt
approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL. Prior
to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the sites and
it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this version of
Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from then but I do
not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message mentioned.
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no
confidential info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even
when compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this
data with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all
storage nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep
glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from
the Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from
yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the
subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For
info, all times are in UTC.
Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you
and also if you require any further information.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
On 7 June 2018 at 04:42, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm
whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Mark Betham <
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py",
line 361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line
1009, in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90,
in service_loop*
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61,
in recv*
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.768085] E [repce(slave):117:worker] <top>: call
failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line
113, in worker*
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its
available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the
error shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory
usage of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS
filesystem which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical
storage is presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being
part of a raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of
data to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little
as data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up
of many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file
sizes vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster
service itself is running with a single volume in a replicated
configuration across 3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes
being replicated are on average about 100GB per day, where this includes
file creation / deletion / modification.
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from
the current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this
issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients
must not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you
received this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently
delete the email.
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
email may contain confidential material;
recipients must not disseminate, use, or act upon
information in it. If you received this email in error,

please contact the sender and permanently delete the email.

Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England

& Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks,
upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
2018-06-20 09:55:52 UTC
Hi Mark,

Sorry, I was busy and could not take a serious look at the logs. I can
update you on Monday.

Kotresh HR

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 12:32 PM, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
I was wondering if you had made any progress with regards to the issue I
am currently experiencing with geo-replication.
For info the fault remains and effectively requires a restart of the
geo-replication service on a daily basis to reclaim the used memory on the
slave node.
If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to ask.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks. I will shortly setup a share on my GDrive and send the link
directly to yourself.
For Info;
The Geo-Rep slave failed again over the weekend but it did not recover
this time. It looks to have become unresponsive at around 14:40 UTC on 9th
June. I have attached an image showing the mem usage and you can see from
this when the system failed. The system was totally unresponsive and
required a cold power off and then power on in order to recover the server.
Many thanks for your help.
Mark Betham.
On 11 June 2018 at 05:53, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Google drive works for me.
Kotresh HR
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
The memory issue re-occurred again. This is indicating it will occur
around once a day.
Again no traceback listed in the log, the only update in the log was as
[2018-06-08 08:26:43.404261] I [resource(slave):1020:service_loop]
GLUSTER: connection inactive, stopping timeout=120
Mounting gluster volume locally...
Mounted gluster volume duration=1.2729
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.717411] I [resource(slave):1012:service_loop]
GLUSTER: slave listening
I have attached an image showing the latest memory usage pattern.
Can you please advise how I can pass the log data across to you? As
soon as I know this I will get the data uploaded for your review.
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response.
Below are my responses to your questions;
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm
whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the
high memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all
of the available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was
only brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc
on CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with
Gluster ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only
rebuilt approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL.
Prior to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the
sites and it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this
version of Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from
then but I do not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no
confidential info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even
when compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this
data with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all
storage nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep
glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from
the Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from
yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the
subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For
info, all times are in UTC.
Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you
and also if you require any further information.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
On 7 June 2018 at 04:42, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm
whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py",
line 361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line
1009, in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line
90, in service_loop*
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line
61, in recv*
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
call failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line
113, in worker*
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of
its available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the
error shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory
usage of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5
x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS
filesystem which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical
storage is presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being
part of a raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of
data to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little
as data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up
of many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file
sizes vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster
service itself is running with a single volume in a replicated
configuration across 3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes
being replicated are on average about 100GB per day, where this includes
file creation / deletion / modification.
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from
the current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this
issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients
must not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you
received this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently
delete the email.
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients
must not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you
received this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently
delete the email.
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales 07188234
| Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Mark Betham
2018-06-20 10:27:01 UTC
Hi Kotresh,

Many thanks for your prompt response. No need to apologise, any help you
can provide is greatly appreciated.

I look forward to receiving your update next week.

Many thanks,

Mark Betham

On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 at 10:55, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Sorry, I was busy and could not take a serious look at the logs. I can
update you on Monday.
Kotresh HR
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 12:32 PM, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
I was wondering if you had made any progress with regards to the issue I
am currently experiencing with geo-replication.
For info the fault remains and effectively requires a restart of the
geo-replication service on a daily basis to reclaim the used memory on the
slave node.
If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to ask.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
On Mon, 11 Jun 2018 at 08:24, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks. I will shortly setup a share on my GDrive and send the
link directly to yourself.
For Info;
The Geo-Rep slave failed again over the weekend but it did not recover
this time. It looks to have become unresponsive at around 14:40 UTC on 9th
June. I have attached an image showing the mem usage and you can see from
this when the system failed. The system was totally unresponsive and
required a cold power off and then power on in order to recover the server.
Many thanks for your help.
Mark Betham.
On 11 June 2018 at 05:53, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Google drive works for me.
Kotresh HR
On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
The memory issue re-occurred again. This is indicating it will occur
around once a day.
Again no traceback listed in the log, the only update in the log was
as follows;
[2018-06-08 08:26:43.404261] I [resource(slave):1020:service_loop]
GLUSTER: connection inactive, stopping timeout=120
Mounting gluster volume locally...
Mounted gluster volume duration=1.2729
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.717411] I [resource(slave):1012:service_loop]
GLUSTER: slave listening
I have attached an image showing the latest memory usage pattern.
Can you please advise how I can pass the log data across to you? As
soon as I know this I will get the data uploaded for your review.
Mark Betham
On 7 June 2018 at 08:19, Mark Betham <
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response.
Below are my responses to your questions;
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm
whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the
high memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all
of the available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was
only brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc
on CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with
Gluster ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only
rebuilt approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL.
Prior to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the
sites and it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this
version of Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from
then but I do not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no
confidential info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even
when compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this
data with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all
storage nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep
glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from
the Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from
yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the
subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For
info, all times are in UTC.
Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you
and also if you require any further information.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
On 7 June 2018 at 04:42, Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar <
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm
whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 7:10 PM, Mark Betham <
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools
located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported
within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
*[2018-06-05 12:05:26.767615] E
[syncdutils(slave):331:log_raise_exception] <top>: FAIL: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py",
line 361, in twrap*
* tf(*aa)*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py",
line 1009, in <lambda>*
* t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line
90, in service_loop*
* self.q.put(recv(self.inf))*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line
61, in recv*
* return pickle.load(inf)*
*ImportError: No module named
call failed: *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line
113, in worker*
* res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])*
*TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string*
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of
its available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster
service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned
to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave
system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the
error shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory
usage of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS
7.5 x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest
software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS
filesystem which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical
storage is presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being
part of a raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB
of data to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very
little as data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is
made up of many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data
file sizes vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster
service itself is running with a single volume in a replicated
configuration across 3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes
being replicated are on average about 100GB per day, where this includes
file creation / deletion / modification.
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken
from the current source server;
*special_sync_mode: partial*
*ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem*
*change_detector: changelog*
*session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl*
*log_rsync_performance: true*
*remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd*
*gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/*
*ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no
-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem*
*socketdir: /var/run/gluster*
*volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84*
*ignore_deletes: false*
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot
this issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients
must not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you
received this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently
delete the email.
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Gluster-users mailing list
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients
must not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you
received this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently
delete the email.
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
This email may contain confidential material; unintended recipients must
not disseminate, use, or act upon any information in it. If you received
this email in error, please contact the sender and permanently delete the
Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales
07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
PerformanceHorizon <https://www.facebook.com/PerformanceHorizon>
tweetphg <https://twitter.com/tweetphg>
performance-horizon-group <https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/1484320/>
email may contain confidential material;
recipients must not disseminate, use, or act upon
information in it. If you received this email in error,

please contact the sender and permanently delete the email.

Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England

& Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks,
upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Sunny Kumar
2018-07-13 11:35:21 UTC
Hi Mark,

Currently I am looking at this issue (Kotresh is busy with some other
work) so can you please share the latest log with me.

Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
I was wondering if you had found any time t take a look at the issue I am currently experiencing with geo-replication and memory usage.
If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to ask.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response. No need to apologise, any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.
I look forward to receiving your update next week.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Sorry, I was busy and could not take a serious look at the logs. I can update you on Monday.
Kotresh HR
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
I was wondering if you had made any progress with regards to the issue I am currently experiencing with geo-replication.
For info the fault remains and effectively requires a restart of the geo-replication service on a daily basis to reclaim the used memory on the slave node.
If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to ask.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks. I will shortly setup a share on my GDrive and send the link directly to yourself.
For Info;
The Geo-Rep slave failed again over the weekend but it did not recover this time. It looks to have become unresponsive at around 14:40 UTC on 9th June. I have attached an image showing the mem usage and you can see from this when the system failed. The system was totally unresponsive and required a cold power off and then power on in order to recover the server.
Many thanks for your help.
Mark Betham.
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Google drive works for me.
Kotresh HR
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
The memory issue re-occurred again. This is indicating it will occur around once a day.
Again no traceback listed in the log, the only update in the log was as follows;
[2018-06-08 08:26:43.404261] I [resource(slave):1020:service_loop] GLUSTER: connection inactive, stopping timeout=120
[2018-06-08 08:29:19.357615] I [syncdutils(slave):271:finalize] <top>: exiting.
[2018-06-08 08:31:02.432002] I [resource(slave):1502:connect] GLUSTER: Mounting gluster volume locally...
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.716967] I [resource(slave):1515:connect] GLUSTER: Mounted gluster volume duration=1.2729
[2018-06-08 08:31:03.717411] I [resource(slave):1012:service_loop] GLUSTER: slave listening
I have attached an image showing the latest memory usage pattern.
Can you please advise how I can pass the log data across to you? As soon as I know this I will get the data uploaded for your review.
Mark Betham
Post by Mark Betham
Hi Kotresh,
Many thanks for your prompt response.
Below are my responses to your questions;
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
It appears not. As soon as the geo-rep recovered yesterday from the high memory usage it immediately began rising again until it consumed all of the available ram. But this time nothing was committed to the log file.
I would like to add here that this current instance of geo-rep was only brought online at the start of this week due to the issues with glibc on CentOS 7.5. This is the first time I have had geo-rep running with Gluster ver 3.12.9, both storage clusters at each physical site were only rebuilt approx. 4 weeks ago, due to the previous version in use going EOL. Prior to this I had been running 3.13.2 (3.13.X now EOL) at each of the sites and it is worth noting that the same behaviour was also seen on this version of Gluster, unfortunately I do not have any of the log data from then but I do not recall seeing any instances of the trace back message mentioned.
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
I have the log files, just checking to make sure there is no confidential info inside. The logfiles are too big to send via email, even when compressed. Do you have a preferred method to allow me to share this data with you or would a share from my Google drive be sufficient?
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Yes, all gluster versions are the same across the two sites for all storage nodes. See below for version info taken from the current geo-rep master.
glusterfs 3.12.9
Repository revision: git://git.gluster.org/glusterfs.git
Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Red Hat, Inc. <https://www.gluster.org/>
It is licensed to you under your choice of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 or any later version (LGPLv3
or later), or the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2),
in all cases as published by the Free Software Foundation.
I have also attached another screenshot showing the memory usage from the Gluster slave for the last 48 hours. This shows memory saturation from yesterday, which correlates with the trace back sent yesterday, and the subsequent memory saturation which occurred over the last 24 hours. For info, all times are in UTC.
Please advise the preferred method to get the log data across to you and also if you require any further information.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham
Post by Kotresh Hiremath Ravishankar
Hi Mark,
Few questions.
1. Is this trace back consistently hit? I just wanted to confirm whether it's transient which occurs once in a while and gets back to normal?
2. Please upload the complete geo-rep logs from both master and slave.
3. Are the gluster versions same across master and slave?
Kotresh HR
Dear Gluster-Users,
I have geo-replication setup and configured between 2 Gluster pools located at different sites. What I am seeing is an error being reported within the geo-replication slave log as follows;
File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/syncdutils.py", line 361, in twrap
File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/resource.py", line 1009, in <lambda>
t = syncdutils.Thread(target=lambda: (repce.service_loop(),
File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 90, in service_loop
File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 61, in recv
return pickle.load(inf)
ImportError: No module named h_2013-04-26-04:02:49-2013-04-26_11:02:53.gz.15WBuUh
File "/usr/libexec/glusterfs/python/syncdaemon/repce.py", line 113, in worker
res = getattr(self.obj, rmeth)(*in_data[2:])
TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string
From this point in time the slave server begins to consume all of its available RAM until it becomes non-responsive. Eventually the gluster service seems to kill off the offending process and the memory is returned to the system. Once the memory has been returned to the remote slave system the geo-replication often recovers and data transfer resumes.
I have attached the full geo-replication slave log containing the error shown above. I have also attached an image file showing the memory usage of the affected storage server.
We are currently running Gluster version 3.12.9 on top of CentOS 7.5 x86_64. The system has been fully patched and is running the latest software, excluding glibc which had to be downgraded to get geo-replication working.
The Gluster volume runs on a dedicated partition using the XFS filesystem which in turn is running on a LVM thin volume. The physical storage is presented as a single drive due to the underlying disks being part of a raid 10 array.
The Master volume which is being replicated has a total of 2.2 TB of data to be replicated. The total size of the volume fluctuates very little as data being removed equals the new data coming in. This data is made up of many thousands of files across many separated directories. Data file sizes vary from the very small (>1K) to the large (>1Gb). The Gluster service itself is running with a single volume in a replicated configuration across 3 bricks at each of the sites. The delta changes being replicated are on average about 100GB per day, where this includes file creation / deletion / modification.
The config for the geo-replication session is as follows, taken from the current source server;
special_sync_mode: partial
gluster_log_file: /var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/glustervol0/ssh%3A%2F%2Froot%40storage-server.local%3Agluster%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3Aglustervol1.gluster.log
ssh_command: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/secret.pem
change_detector: changelog
session_owner: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84
state_file: /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glustervol0_storage-server.local_glustervol1/monitor.status
gluster_params: aux-gfid-mount acl
log_rsync_performance: true
remote_gsyncd: /nonexistent/gsyncd
working_dir: /var/lib/misc/glusterfsd/glustervol0/ssh%3A%2F%2Froot%40storage-server.local%3Agluster%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3Aglustervol1
state_detail_file: /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glustervol0_storage-server.local_glustervol1/ssh%3A%2F%2Froot%40storage-server.local%3Agluster%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3Aglustervol1-detail.status
gluster_command_dir: /usr/sbin/
pid_file: /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glustervol0_storage-server.local_glustervol1/monitor.pid
georep_session_working_dir: /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glustervol0_storage-server.local_glustervol1/
ssh_command_tar: ssh -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/tar_ssh.pem
master.stime_xattr_name: trusted.glusterfs.40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84.ccfaed9b-ff4b-4a55-acfa-03f092cdf460.stime
changelog_log_file: /var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/glustervol0/ssh%3A%2F%2Froot%40storage-server.local%3Agluster%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3Aglustervol1-changes.log
socketdir: /var/run/gluster
volume_id: 40e9e77a-034c-44a2-896e-59eec47e8a84
ignore_deletes: false
state_socket_unencoded: /var/lib/glusterd/geo-replication/glustervol0_storage-server.local_glustervol1/ssh%3A%2F%2Froot%40storage-server.local%3Agluster%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3Aglustervol1.socket
log_file: /var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/glustervol0/ssh%3A%2F%2Froot%40storage-server.local%3Agluster%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3Aglustervol1.log
If any further information is required in order to troubleshoot this issue then please let me know.
I would be very grateful for any help or guidance received.
Many thanks,
Mark Betham.
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Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
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Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
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Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA
Thanks and Regards,
Kotresh H R
Senior System Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
Senior Systems Administrator
+44 (0) 191 261 2444
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Performance Horizon Group Limited | Registered in England & Wales 07188234 | Level 8, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3PA