[Gluster-users] Maintainer meeting minutes : 1st Oct, 2018
Amar Tumballi
2018-10-02 05:20:28 UTC
BJ Link

- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/217609845
- Watch: https://bluejeans.com/s/eNNfZ


- Jonathan (loadtheacc), Vijay Baskar, Amar Tumballi, Deepshikha,
Raghavendra Bhat, Shyam, Kaleb, Akarsha Rai,



AI from previous week
- Status check on bi-weekly Bugzilla/Github issues tracker ? Any
- Glusto Status and update?

[added by sankarshan; possibly requires Glusto and Glusto-test
maintainers] Status of Test Automation
- Glusto and tests updates:
- Glusto focus in Py3 port, alpha/beta branch for py3 possibly by next
week, around 75% complete (ball park)
- client and server need to be the same version of py (2 or 3)
- Documentation and minor tweaks/polishing work
- New feature in py3 would be the log format, would be configurable
- Couple of issues:
- scandir needing gcc, fixed upstream for this issue
- cartplex
- Glusto tests:
- Priority is fixing the test cases, that are failing to get
Glusto passing upstream
- When running the tests as a suite, some tests are failing due to
cleanup not correct in all test cases
- Working on the above on a per component basis
- Next up is py2->3, currently blocked on Glusto for some parts,
certain other parts like IO modules are ported to py3
- Post Glusto, porting of tests would take 2 months
- Next: GD2 libraries, target Dec. to complete the work
- Testing Glusto against release-5:
- Can we run against RC0 for release-5?
- Requires a setup, can we use the same setup used by the
Glusto-tests team?
- AI: Glusto-tests team to run against release-5 and help
provide results to the lists
- Some components are being deprecated, so priorotization of
correcting tests per component can leverage the same
- AI: Vijay to sync with Amar on the list
- Can we port Glusto and tests in parallel?
- Interface to Gluto remains the same, and hence the port can
start in parallel, but cannot run till Glusto port is
ready, but first cut
Glusto should be available in week, so work can start.

Release 5:
- Py3 patches need to be accomodated
- Needs backports from master
- noatime needs to be merged
- gbench initial runs complete (using CentOS packages)
- glusto, upgrade tests, release notes pending
- Regression nightly issue handled on Friday, need to check health
- Mid-Oct release looks feasible as of now, with an RC1 by end of
this week or Monday next week

GD2 release:
- Can there be a production release, which just supports volume and peer
life-cycle, but no features?
- This may get us more users trying out, and giving feedback.
- Not every users are using all the glusterd features like geo-rep,
snapshot or quota.
- Can we take it 1 step at a time, and treat it as a new project, and
not a replacement ?
- Ref: gluster-user email on gd2 status
- AI: Take the discussion to mailing list
- [Vijay] If we make it as separate releases, will it impact release
of GCS?
- [Amar] I don’t think so, it would be more milestones for the
project, instead of just 1 big goal.

Distributed-regression testing:
- A few of the test is taking more time then expected.
- One of them is tests/bugs/index/bug-1559004-EMLINK-handling.t is
taking around 14 mins which adds up the overall time of running
test suite
(not just in distributed environment but also in centos7-regression).
- Author of test or maintainer needs to look at it.

New Peer/Maintainers proposals ?

Round Table
- [Kaleb] CVE in golang packages, so we need to update the bundle of GD2.
Amar Tumballi (amarts)
Yaniv Kaul
2018-10-02 05:53:30 UTC
Post by Amar Tumballi
BJ Link
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/217609845
- Watch: https://bluejeans.com/s/eNNfZ
- Jonathan (loadtheacc), Vijay Baskar, Amar Tumballi, Deepshikha,
Raghavendra Bhat, Shyam, Kaleb, Akarsha Rai,
AI from previous week
- Status check on bi-weekly Bugzilla/Github issues tracker ? Any
- Glusto Status and update?
[added by sankarshan; possibly requires Glusto and Glusto-test
maintainers] Status of Test Automation
- Glusto focus in Py3 port, alpha/beta branch for py3 possibly by next
week, around 75% complete (ball park)
- client and server need to be the same version of py (2 or 3)
- Documentation and minor tweaks/polishing work
- New feature in py3 would be the log format, would be configurable
- scandir needing gcc, fixed upstream for this issue
- cartplex
- Priority is fixing the test cases, that are failing to get
Glusto passing upstream
- When running the tests as a suite, some tests are failing due
to cleanup not correct in all test cases
- Working on the above on a per component basis
- Next up is py2->3, currently blocked on Glusto for some parts,
certain other parts like IO modules are ported to py3
- Post Glusto, porting of tests would take 2 months
- Next: GD2 libraries, target Dec. to complete the work
- Can we run against RC0 for release-5?
- Requires a setup, can we use the same setup used by the
Glusto-tests team?
I'd expect it to move to Ansible based setup.
Post by Amar Tumballi
- AI: Glusto-tests team to run against release-5 and help
provide results to the lists
- Some components are being deprecated, so priorotization of
correcting tests per component can leverage the same
- AI: Vijay to sync with Amar on the list
- Can we port Glusto and tests in parallel?
- Interface to Gluto remains the same, and hence the port can
start in parallel, but cannot run till Glusto port is ready, but first cut
Glusto should be available in week, so work can start.
- Py3 patches need to be accomodated
- Needs backports from master
- noatime needs to be merged
- gbench initial runs complete (using CentOS packages)
- glusto, upgrade tests, release notes pending
- Regression nightly issue handled on Friday, need to check health
- Mid-Oct release looks feasible as of now, with an RC1 by end of
this week or Monday next week
- Can there be a production release, which just supports volume and
peer life-cycle, but no features?
- This may get us more users trying out, and giving feedback.
- Not every users are using all the glusterd features like geo-rep,
snapshot or quota.
- Can we take it 1 step at a time, and treat it as a new project,
and not a replacement ?
- Ref: gluster-user email on gd2 status
- AI: Take the discussion to mailing list
- [Vijay] If we make it as separate releases, will it impact
release of GCS?
- [Amar] I don’t think so, it would be more milestones for the
project, instead of just 1 big goal.
- A few of the test is taking more time then expected.
- One of them is tests/bugs/index/bug-1559004-EMLINK-handling.t is
taking around 14 mins which adds up the overall time of running test suite
(not just in distributed environment but also in centos7-regression).
- Author of test or maintainer needs to look at it.
New Peer/Maintainers proposals ?
Round Table
- [Kaleb] CVE in golang packages, so we need to update the bundle of GD2.
Amar Tumballi (amarts)
Gluster-devel mailing list