[Gluster-users] Time Machine network backup on a Gluster volume
Andrew Spott
2018-11-13 16:06:06 UTC
Hello all,

I would like to use a Gluster volume (3 disks over 3 nodes, replication 3)
as a time machine backup solution for a few Macbooks.

Has anyone done this kind of thing? The Samba vfs_glusterfs plugin seems
to no longer be maintained (https://github.com/gluster/samba-glusterfs),
and I'm not sure if NFS is supported for time machine backups.

2018-11-13 16:15:10 UTC
Post by Andrew Spott
Hello all,
I would like to use a Gluster volume (3 disks over 3 nodes, replication
3) as a time machine backup solution for a few Macbooks.
Has anyone done this kind of thing?  The Samba vfs_glusterfs plugin
seems to no longer be maintained
The gluster VFS is maintained in Samba, see, e.g.
Post by Andrew Spott
(https://github.com/gluster/samba-glusterfs), and I'm not sure if NFS is
supported for time machine backups.
AFAIK timemachine is agnostic about the file system. My own home setup
uses an afpoe file system mounted from my Airport Extreme.


2018-11-13 16:27:34 UTC
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Andrew Spott
Hello all,
I would like to use a Gluster volume (3 disks over 3 nodes, replication
3) as a time machine backup solution for a few Macbooks.
Has anyone done this kind of thing?  The Samba vfs_glusterfs plugin
seems to no longer be maintained
The gluster VFS is maintained in Samba, see, e.g.
Post by Andrew Spott
(https://github.com/gluster/samba-glusterfs), and I'm not sure if NFS is
supported for time machine backups.
AFAIK timemachine is agnostic about the file system. My own home setup
uses an afpoe file system mounted from my Airport Extreme.
Correction: afpfs (afpovertcp) file system mounted from an Airport Extreme.

I've been hearing for years that Apple has switched to SMB. My AE is
fairly new but I've never found a way to make it do SMB instead of AFP.


Andrew Spott
2018-11-14 15:50:27 UTC
Time machine over a network seems to require *something* special. I
couldn't get it to work over a simple NFS share for example.

This document talks about some of the special requirements for the SMB
samba share:

Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
The gluster VFS is maintained in Samba, see, e.g.

Ah! That is good to know. I was worried that gluster had decided to stop
supporting Samba. Does anyone know how to install this on Arch? There
doesn't seem to be a package for it, and it doesn't seem to be installed by

Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Andrew Spott
Hello all,
I would like to use a Gluster volume (3 disks over 3 nodes, replication
3) as a time machine backup solution for a few Macbooks.
Has anyone done this kind of thing? The Samba vfs_glusterfs plugin
seems to no longer be maintained
The gluster VFS is maintained in Samba, see, e.g.
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Andrew Spott
(https://github.com/gluster/samba-glusterfs), and I'm not sure if NFS
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Andrew Spott
supported for time machine backups.
AFAIK timemachine is agnostic about the file system. My own home setup
uses an afpoe file system mounted from my Airport Extreme.
Correction: afpfs (afpovertcp) file system mounted from an Airport Extreme.
I've been hearing for years that Apple has switched to SMB. My AE is
fairly new but I've never found a way to make it do SMB instead of AFP.
Gluster-users mailing list
Andrew Spott
2018-11-14 15:53:59 UTC
CIFS access using the Mac OS X Finder is not supported, however, you can
use the Mac OS X command line to access Gluster volumes using CIFS.


Makes me worry about the samba support for os x. Is this still true?

Time machine over a network seems to require *something* special. I
couldn't get it to work over a simple NFS share for example.
This document talks about some of the special requirements for the SMB
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
The gluster VFS is maintained in Samba, see, e.g.
Ah! That is good to know. I was worried that gluster had decided to stop
supporting Samba. Does anyone know how to install this on Arch? There
doesn't seem to be a package for it, and it doesn't seem to be installed by
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Andrew Spott
Hello all,
I would like to use a Gluster volume (3 disks over 3 nodes, replication
3) as a time machine backup solution for a few Macbooks.
Has anyone done this kind of thing? The Samba vfs_glusterfs plugin
seems to no longer be maintained
The gluster VFS is maintained in Samba, see, e.g.
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Andrew Spott
(https://github.com/gluster/samba-glusterfs), and I'm not sure if NFS
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
Post by Andrew Spott
supported for time machine backups.
AFAIK timemachine is agnostic about the file system. My own home setup
uses an afpoe file system mounted from my Airport Extreme.
Correction: afpfs (afpovertcp) file system mounted from an Airport Extreme.
I've been hearing for years that Apple has switched to SMB. My AE is
fairly new but I've never found a way to make it do SMB instead of AFP.
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