Thank you for your answer. Now I understand why there are no packages for Debian 8.
Nevertheless I just need the client package for Debian 8 clients (glusterfs-client + glusterfs-common packages) not the server package. I guess here that the client package do not require golang.
If this is the case would it be possible to have just the glusterfs 4.1 client package available for Debian 8?
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEYPost by mabiHello,
I would like to know how I can contact the package maintainer for the GluserFS 4.1.x packages?
Thank you very much in advance.
Community GlusterFS packages are built by multiple volunteers.
GlusterFS 4.0, 4.1, and 5.0 packages aren't missing; they have never
been built for Debian 8 jessie. One reason is that jessie doesn't have a
new enough golang compiler (even in backports) to build glusterd2.
If you want to build packages without glusterd2 for jessie the packaging
files are at
The distributions that packages are built for are listed at
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