[Gluster-users] Bitrot - Restoring bad file
Omar Kohl
2018-04-17 12:55:14 UTC

I have a question regarding bitrot detection.

Following the RedHat manual (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_gluster_storage/3.3/html/administration_guide/bitrot-restore_corrupt_file) I am trying out bad-file-restoration after bitrot.

"gluster volume bitrot VOLNAME status" gets me the GFIDs that are corrupt and on which Host this happens.

As far as I can tell the preferred way of finding out what file maps to that GFID is using "getfattr" (assuming all Gluster and mount options were set as described in the link).

My problem is that "getfattr" does not tell me what Brick contains the corrupt file. It only gives me the path according to the FUSE mount. So how do I find out what brick the file is on?

If we assume that every brick is on a distinct host then we have no problem because "bitrot status" gave us the hostname. So we can infer what brick is meant. But in general you can't assume there are not several bricks per host, right?

With "find" (as described in the link above) it is possible to find the correct brick. But the command is possibly expensive and I get the feeling that "getfattr" is the recommended way.

Any thoughts?

2018-04-18 03:59:28 UTC
Post by Omar Kohl
I have a question regarding bitrot detection.
Following the RedHat manual (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_gluster_storage/3.3/html/administration_guide/bitrot-restore_corrupt_file) I am trying out bad-file-restoration after bitrot.
"gluster volume bitrot VOLNAME status" gets me the GFIDs that are corrupt and on which Host this happens.
As far as I can tell the preferred way of finding out what file maps to that GFID is using "getfattr" (assuming all Gluster and mount options were set as described in the link).
My problem is that "getfattr" does not tell me what Brick contains the corrupt file. It only gives me the path according to the FUSE mount. So how do I find out what brick the file is on?
If we assume that every brick is on a distinct host then we have no problem because "bitrot status" gave us the hostname. So we can infer what brick is meant. But in general you can't assume there are not several bricks per host, right?
With "find" (as described in the link above) it is possible to find the correct brick. But the command is possibly expensive and I get the feeling that "getfattr" is the recommended way.
Any thoughts?
Another getfattr can give brick details where that file is residing

    getfattr -n glusterfs.pathinfo <path of file>

where path can be <mount>/.gfid/<gfid> or absolute path of file.
Post by Omar Kohl
Gluster-users mailing list
Aravinda VK
FNU Raghavendra Manjunath
2018-04-18 19:44:47 UTC

Patch [1] has been sent for review. The path also prints the brick to which
the corrupted object (file) belongs to.

With the patch the output of the scrub status command looks like this.

# gluster volume bitrot repl scrub status

Volume name : repl

State of scrub: Active (Idle)

Scrub impact: lazy

Scrub frequency: biweekly

Bitrot error log location: /var/log/glusterfs/bitd.log

Scrubber error log location: /var/log/glusterfs/scrub.log


Node: localhost

Number of Scrubbed files: 0

Number of Skipped files: 0

Last completed scrub time: Scrubber pending to complete.

Duration of last scrub (D:M:H:M:S): 0:0:0:0

Error count: 2

Corrupted object's [GFID]:

0f9818b8-b762-4e5b-b3c9-bdd53b5fb1cb ==> BRICK: /export1/repl

7ce298fb-290f-4c2b-abaf-1dd0fca9bbb1 ==> BRICK: /export2/repl


Still some effort is needed to find the file to which the gfid (shown in
the corrupted objects field of scrub status command) belongs to.
But in situations where there are multiple bricks running on the same node
for a particular volume, then checking in all the bricks is not

Please check whether it is something which makes things better compared to

[1] https://review.gluster.org/#/c/19901/1
Post by Aravinda
Post by Omar Kohl
I have a question regarding bitrot detection.
Following the RedHat manual (https://access.redhat.com/doc
tion_guide/bitrot-restore_corrupt_file) I am trying out
bad-file-restoration after bitrot.
"gluster volume bitrot VOLNAME status" gets me the GFIDs that are corrupt
and on which Host this happens.
As far as I can tell the preferred way of finding out what file maps to
that GFID is using "getfattr" (assuming all Gluster and mount options were
set as described in the link).
My problem is that "getfattr" does not tell me what Brick contains the
corrupt file. It only gives me the path according to the FUSE mount. So how
do I find out what brick the file is on?
If we assume that every brick is on a distinct host then we have no
problem because "bitrot status" gave us the hostname. So we can infer what
brick is meant. But in general you can't assume there are not several
bricks per host, right?
With "find" (as described in the link above) it is possible to find the
correct brick. But the command is possibly expensive and I get the feeling
that "getfattr" is the recommended way.
Any thoughts?
Another getfattr can give brick details where that file is residing
getfattr -n glusterfs.pathinfo <path of file>
where path can be <mount>/.gfid/<gfid> or absolute path of file.
Post by Omar Kohl
Gluster-users mailing list
Aravinda VK
Gluster-users mailing list