[Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Andreas Ericsson
2018-03-12 12:46:52 UTC
Heya fellas.

I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster

We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.

The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.

Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.

Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.

The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.

I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.

With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our

Ondrej Valousek
2018-03-12 12:53:39 UTC
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.

From: gluster-users-***@gluster.org [mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org] On Behalf Of Andreas Ericsson
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
To: Gluster-***@gluster.org
Subject: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

Heya fellas.

I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster 3.10.7.

We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99% of all operations are of the write variety.

The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb (doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 - 0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines, so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.

Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly 1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However, performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100% exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.

Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.

The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional 2-or-so MB file in there.

I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the 3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.

With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small) ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our workload?



The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
Pranith Kumar Karampuri
2018-03-13 07:28:06 UTC
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Post by Ondrej Valousek
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.
It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to
NFS now.

Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs
which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?

# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental >

If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache
feature and see how it performs.
Post by Ondrej Valousek
gluster.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas Ericsson
*Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
*Subject:* [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Pranith Kumar Karampuri
2018-03-13 07:28:43 UTC
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:58 PM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri <
Post by Pranith Kumar Karampuri
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Post by Ondrej Valousek
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.
It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to
NFS now.
Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs
which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental >
If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache
feature and see how it performs.
Please attach this as extra information along with what Nitya asked in the
previous mail.
Post by Pranith Kumar Karampuri
Post by Ondrej Valousek
gluster.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas Ericsson
*Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
*Subject:* [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Ondrej Valousek
2018-03-13 08:07:10 UTC
Well, it might be close to the _synchronous_ nfs, but it is still well behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
Simple script (bit extreme I know, but helps to draw the picture):


set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*

Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS – i.e. 10 times slower.


From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com>; Gluster-***@gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.

It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.

Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?

# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental > /path/to/file/that/you/need/to/send/us

If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache feature and see how it performs.


From: gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org> [mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org>] On Behalf Of Andreas Ericsson
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
To: Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

Heya fellas.

I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster 3.10.7.

We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99% of all operations are of the write variety.

The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb (doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 - 0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines, so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.

Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly 1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However, performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100% exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.

Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.

The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional 2-or-so MB file in there.

I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the 3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.

With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small) ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our workload?



The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.

Gluster-users mailing list


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
Pranith Kumar Karampuri
2018-03-13 08:10:12 UTC
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Well, it might be close to the _*synchronous*_ nfs, but it is still well
behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*
Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS –
i.e. 10 times slower.
Do you have the new features enabled?

*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.
It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.
Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs
which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental >
If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache
feature and see how it performs.
gluster.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas Ericsson
*Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
*Subject:* [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Ondrej Valousek
2018-03-13 09:12:00 UTC
Yes, I have had this in place already (well except of the negative cache, but enabling that did not make much effect).
To me, this is no surprise – nothing can match nfs performance for small files for obvious reasons:

1. Single server, does not have to deal with distributed locks

2. Afaik, gluster does not support read/write delegations the same way NFS does.

3. Glusterfs is FUSE based

4. Glusterfs does not support async writes

Summary: If you do not need to scale out, stick with a single server (+DRBD optionally for HA), it will give you the best performance


From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:10 AM
To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com>; Gluster-***@gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Well, it might be close to the _synchronous_ nfs, but it is still well behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
Simple script (bit extreme I know, but helps to draw the picture):


set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*

Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS – i.e. 10 times slower.

Do you have the new features enabled?



From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com<mailto:***@redhat.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com<mailto:***@findity.com>>; Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.

It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.

Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?

# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental > /path/to/file/that/you/need/to/send/us

If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache feature and see how it performs.


From: gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org> [mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org>] On Behalf Of Andreas Ericsson
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
To: Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

Heya fellas.

I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster 3.10.7.

We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99% of all operations are of the write variety.

The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb (doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 - 0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines, so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.

Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly 1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However, performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100% exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.

Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.

The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional 2-or-so MB file in there.

I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the 3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.

With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small) ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our workload?



The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.

Gluster-users mailing list


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
Pranith Kumar Karampuri
2018-03-13 09:40:32 UTC
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 2:42 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Post by Ondrej Valousek
Yes, I have had this in place already (well except of the negative cache,
but enabling that did not make much effect).
To me, this is no surprise – nothing can match nfs performance for small
Could you give profile info of the run you did with and without nl-cache?
Please also provide your volume info output.
Post by Ondrej Valousek
1. Single server, does not have to deal with distributed locks
2. Afaik, gluster does not support read/write delegations the same way NFS does.
3. Glusterfs is FUSE based
Glusterfs supports NFS/SMB/fuse
Post by Ondrej Valousek
4. Glusterfs does not support async writes
It supports async writes. It has a feature called write-behind which does
Post by Ondrej Valousek
Summary: If you do not need to scale out, stick with a single server
(+DRBD optionally for HA), it will give you the best performance
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Well, it might be close to the _*synchronous*_ nfs, but it is still well
behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*
Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS –
i.e. 10 times slower.
Do you have the new features enabled?
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.
It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.
Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs
which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental >
If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache
feature and see how it performs.
gluster.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas Ericsson
*Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
*Subject:* [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Ondrej Valousek
2018-03-13 09:44:35 UTC
Sorry - no time to play with that. But it’s simple to reproduce, just set up your of async nfs server, take my script and you will see on your own.

From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 10:41 AM
To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com>; Gluster-***@gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 2:42 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Yes, I have had this in place already (well except of the negative cache, but enabling that did not make much effect).
To me, this is no surprise – nothing can match nfs performance for small files for obvious reasons:

Could you give profile info of the run you did with and without nl-cache? Please also provide your volume info output.

1. Single server, does not have to deal with distributed locks

2. Afaik, gluster does not support read/write delegations the same way NFS does.

3. Glusterfs is FUSE based
Glusterfs supports NFS/SMB/fuse

4. Glusterfs does not support async writes
It supports async writes. It has a feature called write-behind which does that.

Summary: If you do not need to scale out, stick with a single server (+DRBD optionally for HA), it will give you the best performance


From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com<mailto:***@redhat.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:10 AM

To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com<mailto:***@findity.com>>; Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Well, it might be close to the _synchronous_ nfs, but it is still well behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
Simple script (bit extreme I know, but helps to draw the picture):


set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*

Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS – i.e. 10 times slower.

Do you have the new features enabled?



From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com<mailto:***@redhat.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com<mailto:***@findity.com>>; Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.

It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.

Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?

# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental > /path/to/file/that/you/need/to/send/us

If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache feature and see how it performs.


From: gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org> [mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org>] On Behalf Of Andreas Ericsson
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
To: Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

Heya fellas.

I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster 3.10.7.

We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99% of all operations are of the write variety.

The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb (doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 - 0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines, so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.

Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly 1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However, performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100% exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.

Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.

The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional 2-or-so MB file in there.

I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the 3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.

With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small) ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our workload?



The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.

Gluster-users mailing list


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
Andreas Ericsson
2018-03-14 10:31:44 UTC
We can't stick to single server because the law. Redundancy is a legal
requirement for our business.

I'm sort of giving up on gluster though. It would seem a pretty stupid
content addressable storage would suit our needs better.
Post by Ondrej Valousek
Yes, I have had this in place already (well except of the negative cache,
but enabling that did not make much effect).
To me, this is no surprise – nothing can match nfs performance for small
1. Single server, does not have to deal with distributed locks
2. Afaik, gluster does not support read/write delegations the same way NFS does.
3. Glusterfs is FUSE based
4. Glusterfs does not support async writes
Summary: If you do not need to scale out, stick with a single server
(+DRBD optionally for HA), it will give you the best performance
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Well, it might be close to the _*synchronous*_ nfs, but it is still well
behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*
Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS –
i.e. 10 times slower.
Do you have the new features enabled?
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.
It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.
Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs
which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental >
If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache
feature and see how it performs.
gluster.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas Ericsson
*Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
*Subject:* [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Ingard Mevåg
2018-03-14 10:53:31 UTC
If you could replicate the problem you had and provide the volume info +
profile that was requested from the redhat guys that would help in trying
to understand what is happening with your workload. Also if possible the
script you used to generate the load.

We've had our share of difficulties with small files on glusterfs as well.
The last problem we encountered is described here
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1546732 and seems to be a
regression from 3.10 to 3.12, but it is related to stat calls taking a long
time and that could be your problem as well. The diagnostics profile output
would tell us if thats the case.

That being said we've started experimenting with
https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs for some of our small file workload.
Post by Andreas Ericsson
We can't stick to single server because the law. Redundancy is a legal
requirement for our business.
I'm sort of giving up on gluster though. It would seem a pretty stupid
content addressable storage would suit our needs better.
Post by Ondrej Valousek
Yes, I have had this in place already (well except of the negative cache,
but enabling that did not make much effect).
To me, this is no surprise – nothing can match nfs performance for small
1. Single server, does not have to deal with distributed locks
2. Afaik, gluster does not support read/write delegations the same way NFS does.
3. Glusterfs is FUSE based
4. Glusterfs does not support async writes
Summary: If you do not need to scale out, stick with a single server
(+DRBD optionally for HA), it will give you the best performance
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:10 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Well, it might be close to the _*synchronous*_ nfs, but it is still well
behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*
Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS
– i.e. 10 times slower.
Do you have the new features enabled?
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.
It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.
Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs
which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental >
If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache
feature and see how it performs.
gluster.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas Ericsson
*Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
*Subject:* [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Gluster-users mailing list
Ondrej Valousek
2018-03-14 10:54:52 UTC
Use DRBD then, that will give you required redundancy.

From: Andreas Ericsson [mailto:***@findity.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 11:32 AM
To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com>
Cc: Pranith Kumar Karampuri <***@redhat.com>; Gluster-***@gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

We can't stick to single server because the law. Redundancy is a legal requirement for our business.

I'm sort of giving up on gluster though. It would seem a pretty stupid content addressable storage would suit our needs better.

On 13 March 2018 at 10:12, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Yes, I have had this in place already (well except of the negative cache, but enabling that did not make much effect).
To me, this is no surprise – nothing can match nfs performance for small files for obvious reasons:

1. Single server, does not have to deal with distributed locks

2. Afaik, gluster does not support read/write delegations the same way NFS does.

3. Glusterfs is FUSE based

4. Glusterfs does not support async writes

Summary: If you do not need to scale out, stick with a single server (+DRBD optionally for HA), it will give you the best performance


From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com<mailto:***@redhat.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:10 AM

To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com<mailto:***@findity.com>>; Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:37 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Well, it might be close to the _synchronous_ nfs, but it is still well behind of the asynchronous nfs performance.
Simple script (bit extreme I know, but helps to draw the picture):


set HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`
set j=1
while ($j <= 7000)
echo ahoj > test.$HOSTNAME.$j
@ j++
rm -rf test.$HOSTNAME.*

Takes 9 seconds to execute on the NFS share, but 90 seconds on GlusterFS – i.e. 10 times slower.

Do you have the new features enabled?



From: Pranith Kumar Karampuri [mailto:***@redhat.com<mailto:***@redhat.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:28 AM
To: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>>
Cc: Andreas Ericsson <***@findity.com<mailto:***@findity.com>>; Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.

It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.

Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?

# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental > /path/to/file/that/you/need/to/send/us

If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache feature and see how it performs.


From: gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org> [mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org>] On Behalf Of Andreas Ericsson
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
To: Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

Heya fellas.

I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster 3.10.7.

We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99% of all operations are of the write variety.

The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb (doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 - 0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines, so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.

Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly 1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However, performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100% exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.

Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.

The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional 2-or-so MB file in there.

I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the 3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.

With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small) ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our workload?



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Gluster-users mailing list


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
Andreas Ericsson
2018-03-14 09:43:22 UTC
That seems unlikely. I pre-create the directory layout and then write to
directories I know exist.

I don't quite understand how any settings at all can reduce performance to
1/5000 of what I get when writing straight to ramdisk though, and
especially when running on a single node instead of in a cluster. Has
anyone else set this up and managed to get better write performance?
Post by Pranith Kumar Karampuri
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <
Post by Ondrej Valousek
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.
It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to
NFS now.
Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs
which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental >
If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache
feature and see how it performs.
Post by Ondrej Valousek
gluster.org] *On Behalf Of *Andreas Ericsson
*Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
*Subject:* [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Ondrej Valousek
2018-03-14 10:49:16 UTC
Gluster offers distributed filesystem. It will NEVER perform as good as a local filesystem because it can’t.
I also believe NFS will always outperform Gluster in certain situations as it does not have to deal with distributed locks.

It’s also using FUSE which isn’t great performance-wise.


From: Andreas Ericsson [mailto:***@findity.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:43 AM
To: Pranith Kumar Karampuri <***@redhat.com>
Cc: Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com>; Gluster-***@gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

That seems unlikely. I pre-create the directory layout and then write to directories I know exist.

I don't quite understand how any settings at all can reduce performance to 1/5000 of what I get when writing straight to ramdisk though, and especially when running on a single node instead of in a cluster. Has anyone else set this up and managed to get better write performance?

On 13 March 2018 at 08:28, Pranith Kumar Karampuri <***@redhat.com<mailto:***@redhat.com>> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Ondrej Valousek <***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>> wrote:
Gluster will never perform well for small files.
I believe there is nothing you can do with this.

It is bad compared to a disk filesystem but I believe it is much closer to NFS now.

Looking at your workload, I am suspecting there to be lot of LOOKUPs which reduce performance. Is it possible to do the following?

# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental
#execute your workload
# gluster volume profile <volname> info incremental > /path/to/file/that/you/need/to/send/us

If the last line in there is LOOKUP, mostly we need to enable nl-cache feature and see how it performs.


From: gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org> [mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org<mailto:gluster-users-***@gluster.org>] On Behalf Of Andreas Ericsson
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:47 PM
To: Gluster-***@gluster.org<mailto:Gluster-***@gluster.org>
Subject: [Gluster-users] Expected performance for WORM scenario

Heya fellas.

I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster 3.10.7.

We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99% of all operations are of the write variety.

The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb (doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 - 0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines, so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.

Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly 1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However, performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100% exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.

Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.

The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional 2-or-so MB file in there.

I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the 3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.

With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small) ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our workload?



The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com<mailto:***@s3group.com>. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.

Gluster-users mailing list


The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidential and is designated solely for the attention of the intended recipient(s). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, copy, distribute or retain this e-mail or any part thereof. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete all copies of this e-mail from your computer system(s). Please direct any additional queries to: ***@s3group.com. Thank You. Silicon and Software Systems Limited (S3 Group). Registered in Ireland no. 378073. Registered Office: South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18.
Nithya Balachandran
2018-03-12 14:30:48 UTC

Can you send us the following details:
1. gluster volume info
2. What client you are using to run this?

Post by Andreas Ericsson
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list
Andreas Ericsson
2018-03-14 09:27:37 UTC
I no longer have the volume lying around. The most interesting one was a
2GB volume created on ramdisk for a single node. If I can't get that to go
faster than 3MB/sec for writes, I figured I wouldn't bother further.

I was using gluster fuse fs 3.10.7. Everything was running on ubuntu 16.04
Post by Nithya Balachandran
1. gluster volume info
2. What client you are using to run this?
Post by Andreas Ericsson
Heya fellas.
I've been struggling quite a lot to get glusterfs to perform even
halfdecently with a write-intensive workload. Testnumbers are from gluster
We store a bunch of small files in a doubly-tiered sha1 hash fanout
directory structure. The directories themselves aren't overly full. Most of
the data we write to gluster is "write once, read probably never", so 99%
of all operations are of the write variety.
The network between servers is sound. 10gb network cards run over a 10gb
(doh) switch. iperf reports 9.86Gbit/sec. ping reports a latency of 0.1 -
0.2 ms. There is no firewall, no packet inspection and no nothing between
the servers, and the 10gb switch is the only path between the two machines,
so traffic isn't going over some 2mbit wifi by accident.
Our main storage has always been really slow (write speed of roughly
1.5MiB/s), but I had long attributed that to the extremely slow disks we
use to back it, so now that we're expanding I set up a new gluster cluster
with state of the art NVMe SSD drives to boost performance. However,
performance only hopped up to around 2.1MiB/s. Perplexed, I tried it first
with a 3-node cluster using 2GB ramdrives, which got me up to 2.4MiB/s. My
last resort was to use a single node running on ramdisk, just to 100%
exclude any network shenanigans, but the write performance stayed at an
absolutely abysmal 3MiB/s.
Writing straight to (the same) ramdisk gives me "normal" ramdisk speed (I
don't actually remember the numbers, but my test that took 2 minutes with
gluster completed before I had time to blink). Writing straight to the
backing SSD drives gives me a throughput of 96MiB/sec.
The test itself writes 8494 files that I simply took randomly from our
production environment, comprising a total of 63.4MiB (so average file size
is just under 8k. Most are actually close to 4k though, with the occasional
2-or-so MB file in there.
I have googled and read a *lot* of performance-tuning guides, but the
3MiB/sec on single-node ramdisk seems to be far beyond the crippling one
can cause by misconfiguration of a single system.
With this in mind; What sort of write performance can one reasonably hope
to get with gluster? Assume a 3-node cluster running on top of (small)
ramdisks on a fast and stable network. Is it just a bad fit for our
Gluster-users mailing list