[Gluster-users] storhaug, a utility for setting up gluster+nfs-ganesha highly available NFSv3, NFSv4, NFSv4.1
2018-06-15 15:39:03 UTC
storhaug-1.0 is available now. Packages for Fedora[1], RHEL/CentOS[2],
and SUSE/OpenSUSE[3] are available now. Packages for Debian and Ubuntu
are coming soon¹.

storhaug uses CTDB to to monitor the ganesha.nfsds in a cluster and
manage the associated floating IP addresses (VIPs). storhaug is a
replacement for the old ganesha-ha utility that was in GlusterFS-3.10
and earlier. storhaug may be used with GlusterFS-3.12 and later and any
version of NFS-Ganesha.

storhaug is much easier to set up than the old ganesha-ha utility. There
is a write-up describing how to set it up and use it at [4].

Open issues for storhaug at [5]. Pull requests at [6]. Ask questions
here on the lists or on IRC in #gluster or #gluster-dev.

[1] Fedora Updates-Testing and Updates repos.
[2] https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage
[3] https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/home:glusterfs
[4] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/wiki
[5] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/issues
[6] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/pulls

¹ For some definition of soon.
Jim Kinney
2018-06-15 19:37:03 UTC
Glad to see this!
Now for a specific use case question:
I have a 3-node gluster service in replica 3. Each node has multiple
network interfaces: a 40G ethernet and a 40G Infiniband with TCP. The
infiniband is a separate IP network from the 40G ethernet. There is no
(known) way to bridge the two networks.
How do I get the HA to work with dual (or more) networks.
art: _________

| |--- ib connection --
gluster storage node 1 -- ethernet connection ----
| |IB cluster gluster clients ---|
IB switch |--- ib connection -- gluster storage node 2 -- ethernet
connection ----| big ethernet switch |--- large number of gluster
clients |________|--- ib
connection -- gluster storage node 3 -- ethernet connection ----
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
storhaug-1.0 is available now. Packages for Fedora[1],
RHEL/CentOS[2],and SUSE/OpenSUSE[3] are available now. Packages for
Debian and Ubuntuare coming soon¹.
storhaug uses CTDB to to monitor the ganesha.nfsds in a cluster
andmanage the associated floating IP addresses (VIPs). storhaug is
areplacement for the old ganesha-ha utility that was in GlusterFS-
3.10and earlier. storhaug may be used with GlusterFS-3.12 and later
and anyversion of NFS-Ganesha.
storhaug is much easier to set up than the old ganesha-ha utility.
Thereis a write-up describing how to set it up and use it at [4].
Open issues for storhaug at [5]. Pull requests at [6]. Ask
questionshere on the lists or on IRC in #gluster or #gluster-dev.
[1] Fedora Updates-Testing and Updates repos.[2] https://wiki.centos.
org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage[3] https://build.opensuse.org/projec
t/subprojects/home:glusterfs[4] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/w
iki[5] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/issues[6] https://github.c
¹ For some definition of soon.
James P. Kinney III

Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you
gain at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his
own tail. It won't fatten the dog.
- Speech 11/23/1900 Mark Twain

2018-06-18 11:29:07 UTC
Post by Jim Kinney
Glad to see this!
I have a 3-node gluster service in replica 3. Each node has multiple
network interfaces: a 40G ethernet and a 40G Infiniband with TCP. The
infiniband is a separate IP network from the 40G ethernet. There is no
(known) way to bridge the two networks.
How do I get the HA to work with dual (or more) networks?
The CTDB docs
(https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Adding_public_IP_addresses) seem to
suggest you can have multiple IPs per node, i.e. on multiple NICs,
managed by CTDB.

I'd guess that the /etc/ctdb/public_addresses file might look something
like this: eth0 ib0 eth0 ib0 eth0 ib0

This might be a better question to ask in a Samba/CTDB forum. Or perhaps
Günther or Michael can point to some better documentation than what I
was able to find.
Post by Jim Kinney
_________ ________________
| |--- ib connection -- gluster storage node 1 -- ethernet connection
----| |
IB cluster gluster clients ---| IB switch |--- ib connection -- gluster
storage node 2 -- ethernet connection ----| big ethernet switch |---
large number of gluster clients
|________|--- ib connection -- gluster storage node 3 -- ethernet
connection ----|________________|
Post by Kaleb S. KEITHLEY
storhaug-1.0 is available now. Packages for Fedora[1], RHEL/CentOS[2],
and SUSE/OpenSUSE[3] are available now. Packages for Debian and Ubuntu
are coming soon¹.
storhaug uses CTDB to to monitor the ganesha.nfsds in a cluster and
manage the associated floating IP addresses (VIPs). storhaug is a
replacement for the old ganesha-ha utility that was in GlusterFS-3.10
and earlier. storhaug may be used with GlusterFS-3.12 and later and any
version of NFS-Ganesha.
storhaug is much easier to set up than the old ganesha-ha utility. There
is a write-up describing how to set it up and use it at [4].
Open issues for storhaug at [5]. Pull requests at [6]. Ask questions
here on the lists or on IRC in #gluster or #gluster-dev.
[1] Fedora Updates-Testing and Updates repos.
[2] https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage
[3] https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/home:glusterfs
[4] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/wiki
[5] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/issues
[6] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/pulls
¹ For some definition of soon.
James P. Kinney III
Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you
gain at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his
own tail. It won't fatten the dog.
- Speech 11/23/1900 Mark Twain
Jonathan Archer
2018-06-18 10:30:45 UTC
Have RPMs been built for this yet? can't see them in the repo's as yet.
Great news though, been looking forward to trying this out.

On Friday, 15 June 2018, 16:39:21 GMT+1, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <***@redhat.com> wrote:

storhaug-1.0 is available now. Packages for Fedora[1], RHEL/CentOS[2],
and SUSE/OpenSUSE[3] are available now. Packages for Debian and Ubuntu
are coming soon¹.

storhaug uses CTDB to to monitor the ganesha.nfsds in a cluster and
manage the associated floating IP addresses (VIPs). storhaug is a
replacement for the old ganesha-ha utility that was in GlusterFS-3.10
and earlier. storhaug may be used with GlusterFS-3.12 and later and any
version of NFS-Ganesha.

storhaug is much easier to set up than the old ganesha-ha utility. There
is a write-up describing how to set it up and use it at [4].

Open issues for storhaug at [5]. Pull requests at [6]. Ask questions
here on the lists or on IRC in #gluster or #gluster-dev.

[1] Fedora Updates-Testing and Updates repos.
[2] https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage
[3] https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/home:glusterfs
[4] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/wiki
[5] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/issues
[6] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/pulls

¹ For some definition of soon.
Niels de Vos
2018-06-18 12:14:24 UTC
Post by Jonathan Archer
Have RPMs been built for this yet? can't see them in the repo's as yet.
Great news though, been looking forward to trying this out.
Depending on the repository that you use... Packages are currently in
the CentOS Storage SIG for testing. These combinations should be able to
use storhaug-1.0: 4.1/el7, 4.0/el7, 3.12/el7, 3.12/el6

# yum --enablerepo=centos-gluster*-test install storhaug

Once someone confirms the packages are OK, I'll mark them for releasing
to the stable repository on the mirrors.

If you're on a different distribution, Kaleb will need to reply.

Post by Jonathan Archer
storhaug-1.0 is available now. Packages for Fedora[1], RHEL/CentOS[2],
and SUSE/OpenSUSE[3] are available now. Packages for Debian and Ubuntu
are coming soon¹.
storhaug uses CTDB to to monitor the ganesha.nfsds in a cluster and
manage the associated floating IP addresses (VIPs). storhaug is a
replacement for the old ganesha-ha utility that was in GlusterFS-3.10
and earlier. storhaug may be used with GlusterFS-3.12 and later and any
version of NFS-Ganesha.
storhaug is much easier to set up than the old ganesha-ha utility. There
is a write-up describing how to set it up and use it at [4].
Open issues for storhaug at [5]. Pull requests at [6]. Ask questions
here on the lists or on IRC in #gluster or #gluster-dev.
[1] Fedora Updates-Testing and Updates repos.
[2] https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Storage
[3] https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/home:glusterfs
[4] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/wiki
[5] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/issues
[6] https://github.com/gluster/storhaug/pulls
¹ For some definition of soon.
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