[Gluster-users] Seeding geo-replication slaves
Conrad Lawes
2018-12-04 16:22:47 UTC
Is it possible to pre-seed a glusterfs geo-repl slave?

Background story:
I am presently using rsync to mirror 3 servers.
The source server (master) resides in the UK. The target servers reside
in Canada and USA.
The targets servers presently have 1.5TB of mirrored data.
I want to switch from rsync mirroring to glusterfs geo-replication.
However, I wish to use the existing data as the starting point instead of
starting geo-replication from scratch. It will take a very long time to
re-sync 1.5TB of data over our WAN connection.

Does glusterfs allow for this?
Davide Obbi
2018-12-05 09:40:50 UTC

from what i have seen you can have the target volume mounted RW and write
other files to it without breaking replication. I don't know in case the
files are the same what would happen since i haven't tested it but i guess
as per rsync it would update the files from source.

Post by Conrad Lawes
Is it possible to pre-seed a glusterfs geo-repl slave?
I am presently using rsync to mirror 3 servers.
The source server (master) resides in the UK. The target servers reside
in Canada and USA.
The targets servers presently have 1.5TB of mirrored data.
I want to switch from rsync mirroring to glusterfs geo-replication.
However, I wish to use the existing data as the starting point instead
of starting geo-replication from scratch. It will take a very long time to
re-sync 1.5TB of data over our WAN connection.
Does glusterfs allow for this?
Gluster-users mailing list
Davide Obbi
System Administrator

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