In the last 24 hour Iâve got this 65000 times (50000 at night during the backup from only one client) I find it a little worrying even if itâs an INFO log level.
De : Nithya Balachandran [mailto:***]
Envoyé : 4 octobre 2018 09:34
à : Renaud Fortier <***>
Cc : gluster-***
Objet : Re: [Gluster-users] Found anomalies in ganesha-gfapi.log
On 4 October 2018 at 17:39, Renaud Fortier <***<mailto:***>> wrote:
Yes !
2 clients using the same export connected to the same IP. Do you see something wrong with that ?
Thank you
Not necessarily wrong. This message shows up if DHT does not find a complete layout set on the directory when it does a lookup. In this case, it may be because the directory creation from the other client is still not complete.
De : Jiffin Tony Thottan [mailto:***<mailto:***>]
Envoyé : 4 octobre 2018 01:09
à : Renaud Fortier <***<mailto:***>>; gluster-***<mailto:gluster-***>
Objet : Re: [Gluster-users] Found anomalies in ganesha-gfapi.log
Are u performing lookups or mkdir in parallel via two different clients ?
On Friday 28 September 2018 08:13 PM, Renaud Fortier wrote:
I have a lot of these lines in ganesha-gfapi.log. What is it and should I worried about it ?
[2018-09-28 14:26:46.296375] I [MSGID: 109063] [dht-layout.c:693:dht_layout_normalize] 0-testing-dht: Found anomalies in (null) (gfid = 4efad4fd-fc7f-4c06-90e0-f882ca74b9a5). Holes=1 overlaps=0
OS : Debian stretch
Gluster : v4.1.5 type : replicated 3 briks
Ganesha : 2.6.0
Thank you
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