2018-08-01 18:57:51 UTC
Is there by any chance a known bug about a memory leak for the libgfapi
in the latests 3.12 releases ?
I've migrated a lot of virtual machines from an old proxmox cluster to a
new one, with a newer gluster (3.12.10) and ever since the virtual
machines have been eating more and more RAM all the time, without ever
stopping. I have 8 Gb machines occupying 40 Gb or ram, which they
weren't doing on the old cluster.
It could be a proxmox problem, maybe a leak in their qemu, but since
no one seems to be reporting that problem I wonder if maybe the newer
gluster might have a leak, I believe libgfapi isn't used much.
I tried looking at the bug tracker but I don't see anything obvious, the
only leak I found seems to be for distributed volumes, but we only use
replica mode.
Is anyone aware of a way to know if libgfapi is responsible or not ?
Does it have any kind of reporting I could enable ? Worse case I could
always boot a VM through the fuse mount instead of libgfapi, but that's
not ideal, it'd take a while to confirm.
Is there by any chance a known bug about a memory leak for the libgfapi
in the latests 3.12 releases ?
I've migrated a lot of virtual machines from an old proxmox cluster to a
new one, with a newer gluster (3.12.10) and ever since the virtual
machines have been eating more and more RAM all the time, without ever
stopping. I have 8 Gb machines occupying 40 Gb or ram, which they
weren't doing on the old cluster.
It could be a proxmox problem, maybe a leak in their qemu, but since
no one seems to be reporting that problem I wonder if maybe the newer
gluster might have a leak, I believe libgfapi isn't used much.
I tried looking at the bug tracker but I don't see anything obvious, the
only leak I found seems to be for distributed volumes, but we only use
replica mode.
Is anyone aware of a way to know if libgfapi is responsible or not ?
Does it have any kind of reporting I could enable ? Worse case I could
always boot a VM through the fuse mount instead of libgfapi, but that's
not ideal, it'd take a while to confirm.
PGP Fingerprint : 0x624E42C734DAC346
PGP Fingerprint : 0x624E42C734DAC346