[Gluster-users] promote arbiter to full replica
Joseph Wenninger
2018-07-15 09:12:19 UTC

I'm using glusterfs 4.1

I have a volume with replicas 3 arbiter 1.

Is it possible to promote the arbiter to a full replica so that the volume
has 3 full copies of all data.

I didn't find any documentation about that, so I guess it is not possible
to do, although I hope I've missed something, so perhaps somebody could
hint me to the right documentation

Best regards
Joseph Wenninger
Laura Bailey
2018-07-15 23:30:49 UTC
We have instructions for doing the reverse:


But not for going from arbiter to a larger replica. If we get some
instructions in this thread I can add them to the docs. :)

Laura B
Post by Joseph Wenninger
I'm using glusterfs 4.1
I have a volume with replicas 3 arbiter 1.
Is it possible to promote the arbiter to a full replica so that the volume
has 3 full copies of all data.
I didn't find any documentation about that, so I guess it is not possible
to do, although I hope I've missed something, so perhaps somebody could
hint me to the right documentation
Best regards
Joseph Wenninger
Gluster-users mailing list
Laura Bailey
Principal Technical Writer
Customer Content Services BNE
Karthik Subrahmanya
2018-07-16 05:49:41 UTC

Yes you can do that.
- Make sure "gluster volume heal <volname> info" is zero.
- Remove the arbiter brick using the command "gluster volume remove-brick
<volname> replica 2 <host:path-of-arbiter-brick>"
- Add a new brick of same size as of the other 2 data brick using the
command "gluster volume add-brick <volname> replica 3 <host:new-brick-path>"
- heal info should become zero after some time (depends on the amount of
data needs to be replicated to the new brick)

Post by Laura Bailey
But not for going from arbiter to a larger replica. If we get some
instructions in this thread I can add them to the docs. :)
Laura B
Post by Joseph Wenninger
I'm using glusterfs 4.1
I have a volume with replicas 3 arbiter 1.
Is it possible to promote the arbiter to a full replica so that the volume
has 3 full copies of all data.
I didn't find any documentation about that, so I guess it is not possible
to do, although I hope I've missed something, so perhaps somebody could
hint me to the right documentation
Best regards
Joseph Wenninger
Gluster-users mailing list
Laura Bailey
Principal Technical Writer
Customer Content Services BNE
Gluster-users mailing list